
I was Rifted, Homeworld Highschool D X D

Part of Crap I was Rifted series. Following a different User. No plot. Separation of Souls to other places. If you havent read the others, you wont know the way this one works.

FrozenTide · Others
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37 Chs

Highschool DXD 8 Noir lets them know a little of his power.

Noir an Rias sat on the couch in the club room. Sona sat in a chair to the side as a witness. To her left was Tsubaki. Behind Rias was Akeno. The rest of her Peerage standing by the wall. Kiba was chatting with Alice. The two got along like long lost family members. It was the weirdest thing.

*Woom!* A teleportation circle opened. Grayfia appeared. It was the anime version of her. The one that actually looked like a MIlf. The others did not look like mothers in any way. Grayfia had a bust that made Issei drool. Wearing her maid's clothing made it even worse for him. Her silver hair reached pass her shoulders. She had a presence that drew attention for most.

"Hmm, strong but not that strong." Noir mumbled. He couldn't help gauging her power. 'A full analyze couldn't hurt.'

Analyze: Grayfia Lucifurge Level 20 Queen

Titles: Strongest Queen, Silver-Haired Queen of Annihilation

Specialty: Maid, Retired Warrior, Mother

"Oh, that is disappointing." Noir couldn't help but say. Rias gave him a look so he shared with her what he found out. 'You can actually beat her in a fight. It would be close. But your control versus her retired status, would go in your favor.'

"No way!" Rias said surprised. Everyone looked at her weirdly. Not Alice since she knew they were talking telepathically. "Hehe, excuse me. Just thinking of some.. new information." Rias made the excuse embarrassed at her outburst.

'If she was not retired, I think she could most likely back hand you to death.' Noir grabbed Rias, hand and gave a gentle squeeze. 'Retired has crippled her power in half. So she is a Level 40ish in her prime. Threaten her son, she would gain about 5 levels temporarily. Two levels if you are fighting in her home.'

Grayfia looked at her with a bemused look. Her sights then switched to Noir. 'He is strong. Doesn't even flinch at my presence. Where does his confidence come from I wonder?' Looking around the room, she stopped on Sona for a moment then on Alice. 'Sona seems bothered by something but who is that other woman mixed with Rias's peerage?'

"Hmm, you should stop staring at me." Alice said calmly. "You can call me Alice if you must."

"Pleasure to meet you Alice. No last name?" Grayfia asked innocently. She didn't receive an answer. "No matter. It will become known in time."

Sona blinked in wonder. She didn't know the last names of any of Rias or Noir's peerage. She knew the first name only. 'They all have the clan name Underdark. But the last name is blank for a lot of them. So what is the big idea?'

*Bwoom!* A portal opened revealing Rizer and his peerage members. Each one of his members was enough to make Issei lose his shit. He actually gained a nose bleed.

*Splash!* As his nose dripped, he looked on in respect.

One thing Noir was grateful for, was that this was Riser from the light novel. Appearance-wise at least. He really did not want to deal with him talking in the third person.

"Riser Phenex, you should show some respect." His sister Ravel said. The blonde hair was only slightly lighter than Riser's.

"No. As what was submitted, titles and pedigree are omitted for this meeting." Sona said calmly. "It is also why I am here, Or do you wish to be penalized?"

"Humph! Money grubber." Ravel grumbled.

"Down to business. Some of us, have important things to do with our lives." Noir said calmly. His eyes passed over Riser''s peerage intently. His eyes glowed white. Judging them, inspecting them.

System: Arcana 22 Pass


"As agreed upon, Rias Peerage will fight against Riser's Peerage. If Riser wins, Rias dissolves her marriage and marries Riser immediately. If Rias wins, she is allowed to do what she wants with Riser's peerage." Grayfia stated.

"That is very unbalanced." Sona said neutrally. "Would you like to add any other restrictions Riser?"

"Humph! Heard that there are a few hot little things going to this school. Since the school is under Rias jurisdiction, she can make it for them to come to pay me a visit." Riser said lewdly. He gave Alice a wink. "I think her name is.. "

"Her name is Saber. And don't forget the other one Mysteria I think her name was." Yubelluna said stoically.

"Make sure the pleasure dungeons are ready for them." Riser said arrogantly. "I think I will enjoy Rias first."

System: Willpower Check Auto Fail

*Crackle!* Noir shot pass and slammed Riser through the building. He didn't stop as he dragged him all the way outside. Constantly slamming his neck into the ground. Pieces of Riser getting ripped off in the process.

As he did so, Noir started changing into a hollow state. A magic shot from behind grabbed him. It pulled his neck back before he broke it.

*Inhale!* Noir felt Grayfia coming towards him. The spell was from her. The inhale of air was for a powerful Cero.

"Stop!" Sona yelled. Her magic barrier formed blocking Grayfia. "You forget that Riser insulted Noir by his comments. This is allowed. Further breach of the agreement by you will not be pretty."

"You think you can stop me?" Grayfia said. She felt a sense of danger from Noir. She looked up to see several people floating with magic. The Redeemed angels and the others watching intently. 'What is that magic around them!?' She was shocked, to say the least.

*Teleport!* Yubelluna had blasted Noir as soon as she appeared.

*Boom!* The explosion revealed Riser had taken the attack. He was restoring himself but could not break the grip Noir had on his throat.

Health -23

"Let me go, you bastard! Do you not.." Riser voice was cut off as Noir tightened his grip. He was pulled forward and could see a red ball forming in Noir's throat. A strong internal threat to his very being rising. 'What is that?!'

"We understand! We pay the fine!" Yubelluna said after seeing them outnumbered. She watched as Noir tossed Riser to the side. His eyes fixated on him. "This Devil is powerful!" She floated down to check on Riser.

"We have no other conditions but what we stated!" Riser got up and dusted himself off. His Peerage teleported out. "I cannot wait to deal with you in the Rating Game!"

"You do not have to worry about that Riser. You will deal with me!" Rias announced. "Just you and me. No tricks. Just us one on one." Riser smirked and left as the magic circle finished.

"That was stupid." Sona said to Grayfia. "You showed a very strong bias ready to attack Noir. Didn't even try to stop Riser. As if you were trying to get him to keep talking."

"I agree. With your title and power, you could have made things go smoother." Akeno said after some thought. Rias said nothing but looked at Noir. Noir stared at Grayfia ready to strike her.

"I.. overreacted. Just didn't want Rias dealing with a problem due to her.. Peerage member." Grayfia said. She noticed two of the people up top looked familiar. The looks of hatred towards her were palpable. "The Rating Game terms... are agreed upon. I wanted to bring you back to talk with your parents Rias."

"It is fine. I will go with," Rias walked over and kissed Noir on the cheek. "I will be fine. If they try anything... you know what to do." She then left with Grayfia.

"Barriers up!" Raynare cried. Each of the angels followed suit. Sona and Tsubaki helped instantly.

"Arrrrrrooo!" Noir Fired the blast from his mouth straight into the air. The shock rings tore across the school. It flew high up before disappearing. The entire sky lit up for a few seconds in spiritually pressure.

"Uggghh!" Sona groaned in pain as she steeled herself. The shock ring strained her barrier past the breaking point. Right before it shattered, someone appeared in front of her. "Alice?"

"Should keep your eyes open. This is just an attack from anger. Not his full strength." Alice was not joking as she had seen Noir wipe out a whole city before. "Tend to the others."

"Right." Sona, Tsubaki, Asia, and Koneko on the ground, were the only others up. In the air, the angels were exhausted preventing the damage from hitting the school.

"Haa... haa..." Noir breathed deeply as he could feel himself finally calm down. The insult towards his people was to much from someone like Riser. "Bastard!" Feeling Medea call him from the house, he left. "Sonido!"

*Woosh!* The air tore the ground apart where he formerly stood.

"What do you think, glad we followed him?" Raynare said to the others. They gave a nod of agreeing. "Have to make sure to get all of you redeemed quickly then." Raynare was all smiles as she guided them to fix the schools.

"Lady Sitri.." Tsubaki muttered to Sona. "..you took a very unneeded risk. Noir could have killed Grayfia with that blast."

"Yes. But Rias told me to interfere as best I could." Sona helped sit Akeno up first. Koneko had Kiba. And Alice helped Issei. "I have know idea how much she calculated but she knew a fight would break out. She also knew that Grayfia wouldn't side with her. It looks like the rumors are true."

"Rumors.." Tsubaki thought it over a little. "Oh! That the Gremory house is more worried about the status quo and keeping the peace with the remaining 72 pillars. Also worried about the strength of the Phenex clan. If Rias married into house Phenex it would protect the clan of Gremory. But other clans would be threatened."

"So much politics that even their own clan member can be sacrificed. House Gremory is not as great as it seems." Sona froze for a second. A grip of fear traveled through her body. "I am the same! Expendable for House Sitri!"

*Pat!* Sona punched the ground upset. The ground gave way making a small crack. At the moment, she changed a little. The desire for power ignited in her soul.


-House of Mystery-


Noir was tackled on the porch by Medea and Murasaki. He had know idea what happened but they did not relent for several minutes. Kenpachi came out and picked all three up at once. Much to Noir's chargin.

"So.. you lost control." Genryusai said. "Should have happened sooner but it is good no one was hurt." Noir told him of what happened and about Rias leaving to do whatever. "I think it will be best for you to head towards Bleach soon. You need your Zanpakutō. Not the one tied to your Fullbring Watch. But an actual one."

"Haaa, maybe." Noir sighed a little. Medea and Murasaki didn't move from his two arms. "But the magic keeping the house and the Worlds aligned is changing. That magic is draining at a large rate. And I do not want it causing trouble for when I really need to deal with something here with my Prime Soul."

"I have taken care of that. Let's just say it has been paid for on another end as well." Genryusai smirked knowingly. "Time is set all the way till the boy Ichigo comes to Soul Society. That is when you would have to come back."

"Hmmm sounds fun. I will head that with my Prime soul just in case. I need to leave a bit of me here anyway." Noir got up and bid goodnight to the others. "I will see you on the other side old man." Medea and Murasaki follow him.

"Humph! He is gonna be as old as me when he comes back." Genryusai snorted.

"Umm. You have already lived through your life twice. So.. you will still be older." Rangiku said suppressing a chuckle.

"That is true. Forgot about that." Genryusai got up and grabbed her hand. "Babies don't happen by themselves." Rangiku had a large smile on her face. She didn't think life could get any better. Well if only she could find someone for Gin now.

Noir checked his stats as he undressed. Medea and Murasaki sat on the bed looking at his back. Observing where scars use to be but no longer remained. Noir's body was a little more muscle wise than they remember. But this felt more natural than the lithe elf body he use to have.

One thing stuck out. The Raven tattoo on his shoulder. The everlasting agreement with him and the Raven Queen. Something that he refused to talk about no matter what. Allowing her to check over his status change went over well enough.

"Ehhhh, so much stuff in inventory. You took fire arm master. Constant training with guns can only go so far." Medea said offhand. "Which is great. I have designed a pistol for you. So has Murasaki. Works off magic of course."

"Here you go." A case opened revealing two Para-Ordnance P18 1911 pistols. Etched on one side was the name Medea. The other had Murasaki on it. "If you infuse some pulls into it, they can become stronger. Enough that they will become indestructible."

*Sching!* Noir used 5 and 5 on the pistols instantly. Shocking both of them.

"They are guns you made, why wouldn't I make them stronger?" Placing the guns down and went to soak. "I know you two are still getting used to things. But I am still happy to have you back. Miss you two a lot." Noir eased into the tub and stopped. He missed the large stone bath from the Underdark. But the modern bath was... alright. "Need my stone bath back. Never thought I would miss that surface more than ceramic."

*Drop!* Some clothes drop as Medea entered.

*Drop!* Murasaki dropped her clothes next.

"Umm.. sup?" Noir asked blinking at the two. He remembers very specifically they were not lesbians so sex was not what was happening. "Going to join me?" They both nodded. "Well come on in."

"Ahh, this still doesn't beat the stone bathroom back in the Underdark." Medea said easing herself in. Murasaki poured a bucket of water over herself before entering. "But this is home now."

"Yeah. Home." Murasaki eased in on the other side. Her feet propped against Noir's chest. "This place is not bad so far. Then again, I mostly stay inside."

As they soaked a quest finishing popped up.

System: Altered the Course of Rias Underdark (Gremory), Altered the Course of Sona Sitri complete. Rewards: World Shard, Sacred Gear Encylopedia, ability to Create Pure Devils, Points + 3425

"That is a nice reward. At least you won't have to spend a lot of points anymore on outside chess pieces. But why do you not use all the ones you have anyway?" Murasaki asked.

"Trying something. Plus I want to see it on those I think will matter. It does boost the body's parameters a good bit." Noir dunked his head and popped back up. "Buaahh good times."

"The you that remains, I think I will work with him to change this into a stone bath. We have the magic." Medea said. Noir nodded agreeing. Murasaki decided to help too. "Haa it will be nice when you come back. Just like when you went to war."

The three soaked and reminisced about the past, almost falling asleep in there.

Health 285 Level 20/5 Ac 16 Proficiency Bonus: 6

Age: 804 Cantrips Known: 10 Domain Spells:10

Spell Slots: 1st Slot X 2nd V 3rd III 4th III 5th III 6th III 7th III 8th II 9th II

Spell Save: 19 Spell Attack 11 Initiative 5(5 )

Strength:18 Dexterity: 20 Constitution: 20

Intelligence:20 Wisdom: 20 Charisma: 20

Athletics: 4 Acrobatics: 5 Sleight of Hand: 5

Stealth: 5 Arcana: 5 History: 5 Investigation: 5*

Nature: 5* Religion:5* Deception:5* Intimidation:4*

Performance:5* Insight:5* Medicine:5* Persuasion:5*

Titles: Emperor of Underdark II, Lamenting Soul, Broken Dreamer VII, Twisted, Widow 9x, God Slayer, Devil Slayer, Mercy Killer, Devil-God, Conqueror VIII, Saint/Dark Saint, Resident Evil Survivor

Features: Spellcasting, Divine Domain IV, Destroy Undead IV, Channel Divinity III, Divine Intervention, Alert, Actor, Keen Mind, Firearm Specialist

Traits: Alter User, Vas Lordes, Master to the House of Mystery

Class Features: Disciple of Life, Channel Divinity Preserve Life, Blessed Healer, Divine Strike, Supreme Healing, Fighting Style-Defense, Second Wind, Action Surge, Martial Archetype-Champion

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