
I was rebirth as Natasha Romanoff twin Sister (Dropped)

DaoistT5xLmu · Phim ảnh
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29 Chs


"Looks like we're getting into some trouble." Grace whispered to Lola, who nodded with a worried look.

Bri gave them a side glance. "No, Bri we need their help." Sapphire turned to the sleeping girls on the couch.

When Dutch left they all felt better so they decided to get some sleep. They all looked relieved.

"Hey cid, we're going to need you to cover for us." Sapphire tapped a older girl awake. She was almost sixteen. One of the oldest girls here.

Cid looked up at sapphire. Her body jolted up. Her eyes widened in fear.

"Y..you're… what?" She stuttered. Her eyes shifting to all the blood that had somewhat dried on Sapphire.

"Oh this, I just blew up guy up. It's ok though he was a bad guy." Sapphire nodded reassuringly.

Cid looked over at Lola and Grace. They looked confused.

"Cover? For us?" Grace furrowed her brows.

"Of course you two have to come with us? After all I might end up blowing someone up again." Sapphire smiled mischievously.

Lola sighed regretfully. She wished she was somewhere else so she wouldn't have to deal with this one.


Dutch made her way to the plane. She frowned with every step. Stopping before boarding Dutch sighed. "You son of a bit.."


The plane exploded. Dutch flew back, getting hit with a extreme force. She got hit several times by flying debris. Her body trembled from an unknown source.

"Ugh." She rolled on the ground before stopping. Her body covered in cuts and bruises.

She lays there still, her ears ringing, her head pounding. Her eyes opened and closed, she was disoriented, even then she noticed her healing not working.

She could hear heavy steps coming her way. She turned in that direction. Men with heavy guns and in all black suits came over.

Dutch breath out, slowly. She knew she couldn't do anything to stop them.

Dutch laid on her back. Her breathing slowing down. Her hands were moving into different hand positions. The chi circulated slowly throughout her body.

The men came close. Their movements in sync as they grabbed her.


"Where are we?" Lola frowned looking out at an abandoned warehouse. Grace was leading the way as she was the best tracker out of all of them.

"What if she's leading us to our deaths?" Sapphire looked at Bri's hands as they moved.

She looked back at Grace. "No, I don't think so. I pretty sure she's afraid of us!" Sapphire nodded her head knowingly. Bri followed suit.

"Shut up!" Grace was annoyed. Sapphire had been talking since they left the basement. She was even more annoyed that Bri encouraged her.

"Dutch came this way. There should be a open field behind the building." Lola explained for sapphire.

"Ok." Sapphire smiled.


They all stopped. Their bodies got into a low stance. They looked around warily.

"No, I don't think this was her. Look at her, she looks just as scared as we did." Sapphire frowned when looking at Bri.

"Well yeah she could be faking it. You know, how about we just draw guns. First one to kill her, is right." Bri nodded. Lola and Grace glanced at eachother.

"I'm not setting you up. Now can we please focus!" Within that moment their backs were facing eachother.

They all pulled out their weapons. Soon men in all black surrounded them. They held different weapons.

"Holy fuck there's a lot of them! She did set us up Bri!" Sapphire turned and glared at Grace. Her voice tinged with surprise then sadness. Grace huffed. She was tempted to shoot sapphire.

"I didn't set you up dumbo, they were obviously waiting for Dutch." Grace turned to face the two sisters.

"Like I would believe you!" Bri flung her hands in Grace's face.

Lola rolled her eyes, she was no longer around the girls. She stood behind one of the men in suits.

Her blade shout out in an instant.


Blood splattered from the man's neck.


Lola moved. The rest of the girls moved as well.

Lola held her ground as a group of armed men surround her. She swiftly dodges their attacks and uses her surroundings to her advantage, disarming one of them with a well-timed kick before using their own weapon against them.

Grace manages to disarm a man by redirecting his strikes with her forearm, then swiftly knocks him off balance with a powerful kick before killing him.

Facing off against a skilled martial artist, Bri utilizes her expertise in close combat. She counters the opponent's strikes with precise blocks and redirects their momentum, ultimately disarming them and killing them.

Sapphire is confronted by a group of armed men. She skillfully disarms one attacker, using their weapon to fend off the others, all while swiftly maneuvering through the chaotic environment to gain the upper hand.

Soon all the men laid on the ground in a pool of their own blood. Sapphire sighed, "let's watch them burn." Without hesitation fire spewed from her hands onto their bodies.

Grace and Lola rushed out the back door. They didn't want to be caught in the crossfire.

Lola looked up. She saw men carrying Dutch into a car. "Damn?"

Grace looked up where Lola was looking. She frowned deeply. "Hey, They got Dutch!" She poked her head in the room.

She saw flames everywhere, while Bri and Sapphire watched the bodies burn from the side. Bri was covered in frost with a gleaming smile. Sapphire stood in the flames, with an even bigger enthusiastic smile.

They turned to face Grace. A chill ran down her spine as their faces contorted fury. She quickly pulled her head away.

She gave Lola a knowing look. "Crap." Lola sighed.


"Mhmm." Dutch slowly opened her eyes. Her head rang. She could feel the chi still circulating.

She looked around slowly. She was in a warehouse, tied to the a chair.

She saw several men around her. She could tell there were more hiding around the place. If she moved they wouldn't hesitate to shoot.

She sat there for another thirty minutes. Her headache was gone by now and she was annoyed.

"Well, if it isn't the Dutch." A slightly chubby man with small glasses.

"Frantz Fuchs, it's nice to meet you… I see the rumors about you only having two bodyguards is false." Dutch smiled looking around.

"No, it's true. Well it wasn't before you showed up. Killing men even stronger than me." Someone brought him a chair.

"I wanted to see this for myself." He smiled

"See what?" Dutch tilted her head.

"Your death of course, but first how about you tell me where Ort-Meyer is." Frantz looked smugly at Dutch.

"You must feel very safe right now." Dutch smiled while frantz frowned.

He waved his hand. A man walked towards her.

"You know, I feel safe especially when two crazy sisters are always tracking me down. Their obsessive behavior comes in handy sometimes. After all I am their savior." Frantz's frowned.

He had a bad feeling about this. He got up and moved. His men moved around him protectively.

Boom Boom Boom

The warehouse shook as explosions sounded from all sides. Dutch sat unmoving.

Frantz slightly panicked, he ordered his men to grab Dutch.


Three men stepped forward. Before they could touch her a strong breeze, freezing them in place.

"We're not obsessive." Sapphire stood beside Dutch.

She smiled faintly, while looking tenderly at Sapphire. "I know phire, it's ok." Dutch spoke softly.

Sapphire smiled softly, before frowning. Dutch stood up without any problem. "You could have gotten out just like that?" Dutch nodded.

Dutch turned to look at Frantz, he was on his knees with his guards dead around him. Grace held a gun to his head.

"My healing slowed, why?" Dutch stepped forward.

"Like I would tell you anything." Frantz spit out.

Dutch smiled, she looked at Bri who shot out a cold breeze. In an instant Frantz turned purple before she stopped.

Sapphire stepped forward. Flames shot out her hand, defrosting him. He thrashed around the room.

"How did you stop my healing? It's a simple questions." Dutch shrugged.

"It was

"How did you guys find me?" She watched Bri approach Frantz. She turned to Lola and asked.


Sapphire and Bri walked out of the warehouse. Both expressing their displeasure.

"Which way they go?" Sapphire looked around, not seeing anyone.

"They went that way." Lola pointed.

Bri smiled, making Grace and Lola take a step back. Without warning Sapphire and Bri rushed at them.

Grabbing Grace by the waist, Sapphire shot flames out her feet propelling her upward. She leaned forward and followed the direction Lola pointed. Bri followed along with Lola in hand, propelling herself with frost.

It didn't take the car long before pulling into another warehouse. Dutch was carried out o f the car.

"There she go." Sapphire and Bri looked down from the sky. Grace had her eyes closed. She didn't want to know how heigh this crazy girl had her.

"Let's wait first before doing anything rash." Lola suggested.

Sapphire nodded, she knew when to act reckless and when to wait and watch. There were to many variables at play here.

Waiting thirty minutes Bri flew down. Sapphire followed confused. Bri put Lola down and waved her hands.

"Oh, ok, then I'm going to go blow up some cars with people in it." Sapphire rushed out before anyone could stop her.

Grace sighed being on the ground again. She flicked her wrists two blade's appeared in her hands.

Bri ran the opposite direction, she shot ice needles out her hands as she passed by the armed men.

Lola moved fast, Grace watched her as she moved past her. Her moves fluent and steady.

Boom Boom Boom

Soon Explosion sounded. "Yeahhh!" Sapphire's laughter sounded through the field.

The girls stopped and looked at their Massacre. They nodded at eachother before moving in.


Dutch nodded, hearing their story it wasn't far off from what she expected.

Dutch sighed, "fine, you can come, but no killing unless I say so."

Sapphire smiled. She fire shot from her hands "burn, burn" she sang

"Bri, can you make sure she doesn't burn that crate?" Bri nodded.

Dutch walked out. Lola soon followed with the crate in hand. It was thick with a long body. She placed it in front of Dutch, before opening it.

"What do you need with rocks?"