
I was rebirth as Natasha Romanoff twin Sister (Dropped)

DaoistT5xLmu · Phim ảnh
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29 Chs


Vroom Vroom Vroom 

A motorcycle could be seen following a car down a dark rode, surrounded by trees. The motorcycle sped up to the side of the car.


Reaching out, the person on the motorcycle shot the front tire of the car. 

Screech Boom 

The car swerved off the road hitting a tall tree. 


The motorcycle turned around stopping behind the car. Standing up off the bike the man walked to the truck of the car. 

Creak Snap 

Forcing the truck open with his metal arm the man reached out towards a small case. Opening it up he saw five packs of blue liquid. 

"Ah" low groans were heard. The man closed the case and walked to the driver side of the car. He saw a man struggling to crawl away from the car.

"Help... Maria...please help..." Howard spoke lowly.

Walking up to the man with a cold expression, he grabbed him by the hair. Forcing him to look up at him.

In that moment he raised his metal arm, he froze slightly feeling this man looked familiar. Then the man on the ground spoke, "Sergeant Barnes." 

The winter soldier's face went back cold as he raised his metal fist. He brought his fist down towards the Howard's face. 

Stopping only a centimeter away. He pushed Howard back before letting go of his hair and jumping to the side.

Swoosh sizzle 

He looked at where he was standing, a few moments ago, only to see a small hand knife planted in the ground. The light orange metal tip glowing as it sizzled in the ground. 

He looked at where the knife had came from, nothing. The place was empty. He immediately went on guard. 


Jumping high he landed not far away from his motorcycle. He looked at his place again. Another knife was where he once stood. 

Swoosh Swoosh Swoosh

Again and again, hot knives were thrown in his direction. Slicing into the truck of the car, busting his tires of his motorcycle. Again and again he dodged. 


Finally the knife hit, scraping his arm. His pain receptors dulled allowing him to ignore the wound for now. 

Swoosh Swoosh Swoosh 

More and more deep cuts continued to appear on his body. He looked around steadily regardless, trying to find the source. 

Pfft Pfft Pfft 

Stabbing into his leg he finally took a knee. His metal arm was next, before his other leg. 


Turning his head, he saw a little girl sitting on the truck of the car. The case in hand. She had a childish smile on her face. 

He looked towards Howard, who was sitting up against a tree with his wife next to him. Both of the was unconscious with their wounds bandaged. 

"Yeah, I was going to wait until you killed them but I really want to know what would happen if they survived the crash." Dutch looked at Howard and his wife. 

"Most likely, hydra would just send someone else to assassinate him right." She turned back to Bucky, held a knife in his hand. Seeing the blood on it, Dutch knew it was one he dug out of his self.

"Should we take them with us?" Dutch pondered not bothering to be concerned about what Barnes had planned.


He flicked his wrist, the knife flew towards Howard with precision. Dutch gave him a dull look, before throwing out her own knife.


Her knife hit his causing them both to spark of collision. 

His eyes met Dutch's. Neither of them looking away from eachother. Taking out the other knife from his leg he stands up. His cold expression staring daggers at Dutch.

"What? I just told you, I want to see what happens, if we keep them Alive. Meaning no killing." Dutch shrugged, not understanding how she wasn't clear the first time.

"Oh right your brainwashed. You know Natasha delt with this with Hawkeye. I think it might work on you." As soon as Dutch finished talking the case fell to the ground. 

Pushing off the truck, Dutch rushed towards Barnes. Who could only raise his metal hand to block the incoming strike. 


They both flew back crashing into the ground. "Ugh." Dutch lifted herself up. Her ears rang as she stumbled slightly.

"That vibranium, isn't a joke." She commented, looking at Bucky who just stood up as well. 

There wasn't a single dent in that metal. Dutch grabbed her hand that broke from the impact. It was quickly healing, but she noted this down. 

"Mmh." A small sound came from the side. Howard, opened his eyes slightly. 

Dutch sighed quietly. "He's trying to kill you! If you keep drawing his attention then I'll let him." Dutch glared at Howard, who was confused on what was going on.

Seeing the girl distracted, Barnes rushed towards her. He uses his full strength to throw a straight punch towards her face. 

She ducks, causing him to overextend himself. Dutch takes that time to throw a hard left hook at his ribs. His body flung out. 

Dutch followed, throwing a right to his face. 


He hits the ground hard. Rolling a few times, Dutch stopped following. She turned towards Howard. He had the look of fear in his eyes.

"Please don't blame him, he's been brainwashed by hydra." Dutch looked sympathetic.

She could image how it feels, knowing a former comrade, who you thought was dead, tried to kill you. 

What made things worse was he was being brainwashed by the enemy that you thought you destroyed. 

"Hy...Hyd...Hydra's dead, we destroyed...." Howard stuttered before getting cut off by Dutch.

"No, you forgot a few pieces. They are now working to infiltrate S.H.I.E.L.D. Well they already have. Also the government, like really high up too." Dutch nodded, she couldn't remember how far Hydra had gotten to S.H.I.E.L.D.

She turned around and looked at Barnes. Her expression now cold. He stood not far from her his eyes glued on her. All he knew was if he wanted to complete his mission this little girl had to be moved out of the equation.

Without waiting long, he rushed in. Dutch not wanting to fall behind also rushed in. Howard tired to stand but failed too. He wanted to get out of here, but knew if was impossible.

He looks up at the fight between both of them. They both were blurs to him. The only time he saw them was when they separated before quickly charging back in. He could have swore he saw a smile on the little girl's face.

They both traded punch for punch, kick for kick. They both struggled to gain the upper hand.

Dutch knew the only reason they were in a stalemate, was because of the injuries she had caused earlier.

Seeing no way to beat her, Bucky wanted to go around her. Trying to slowly move her back towards Howard.

Dutch seeing this, wouldn't let him succeed. "I said no killing." Her moves becoming more intense as she spoke.


After three hours of intense fighting sirens could be heard in the distance. Barnes having a hard time holding on, causing Dutch to get the opening she needed. 


Delivering a uppercut hard to Bucky's face, Dutch rubbed her hand. Breathing hard, she wanted to sit down, but hearing the sirens draw closer she quickly moved.

Looking at Howard and his wife one last time, Dutch picked up the unconscious super soldier and the case. She rushed off into the wood. 

"Wait," she heard Howard call after her. She didn't look back as she ran through the woods. 


Looking up Howard, saw a dark figure not far away came towards them. It was a dark skin man, dressed in regular clothes.

"Help us!" Howard spoke loudly drawing the man's attention for a split second. He saw Howard's eyes becoming droopy. He left him alone.

The man turned back around. Looking at where the fight had happened. "Vibranium detected." The man spoke in a low voice.

Shortly after that, Howard lost consciousness.


Dutch heaved a sigh of relief. She was now in a small house. She had ran for over an hour not daring to stop. 

Going to the basement with Bucky still on her shoulder, she chained him up as per the instructions, before patching up his wounds. 

She moved back upstairs. Looking in the kitchen she found some prepared meals in the fridge. Warming two up. She went down and placed one on side of Bucky. 

She went up stairs again. Sitting on the couch in the small living room, she turned on the tv. An old sitcom was playing. 

Dutch staying in this world had grown to not be picky about what was on the tv. She ate her food while watching tv, finally recovering. 

She went to take a shower and lay down. Although exhausted, Dutch didn't fall asleep. 

"I just want to go to sleep. Can we do this tomorrow." Dutch didn't move from her spot. Her words held little concern.

"What? Who are you? Where am I?" A weak voice was heard. Dutch eyes wided as she sat up. 

Bucky Barnes, looked at Dutch with concern. He looked around his surroundings scared. He held his metal arm, "And what happ to my arm?" 

"Bucky?" Dutch looked at him shocked. Who knew Natasha would know the cure to brainwashing.