
I Was Abandoned For Being Weak, But I Have One OP Ability

I was transported to another world against my will. I was given a weak body that held everyone back to the point where I was left behind. Soon thought they would learn how strong I really was.

Calamity95 · Kỳ huyễn
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17 Chs

Chapter 9: Knighthood

Volume 1

Chapter 9: Knighthood

"Wait!" That voice! I suddenly remember where I heard it from. I turn to see Elise pushing her way through the crowd before jumping into the arena. "Do you really think you can just marry someone like that?"

Elise is here and, for some reason standing between myself and Fina. I don't know why but when Fina's and Elise's eyes lock, it feels like a storm is brewing, and even the audience brace themselves for what is to come. For some reason, both Elise and Fina have a look in their eyes like they might start fighting any minute now.

"If I remember correctly, you are one of the summoned heroes the king was talking about," Fina comments, lowering her hand on her sword. "I will overlook you challenging me for now but leave before we are one hero less."

"Why should I let you take Luke?" Elise replies, clenching her fists. "He is one of the heroes too."

"Is that true?" Fina glances at me.

Suddenly, the crowd goes silent as every person in the arena stares at me. I have never enjoyed being the centre of attention like this. I don't like it. Taking a deep breath and feeling more nervous than when I was in a life a death fight, I nod.

"Yeah," I answer. "I technically am one of the summoned heroes."

"What do you mean technically? You are one of us, Luke," Elise smiles as she assures me. "Even if the others were annoyed with you in the forest, you still are one of us, so come back to the castle with me."

"If he really is one of you, heroes, then what is he doing here?" Fina then asks Elise while shooting her an accusing look. "Surely something happened. I do not think the king would have let him fight here if he was still part of your group."

"Well, he went missing on our way to the city," Elise replies before looking at me. "Why did you not come back to us?"

"While I…." I can't do this here. Not with everyone watching me like this. "Can we go somewhere more private to discuss this?"

"I can see it being a problem to have this conversation here, so please follow me, and we will continue our talk in the private room backstage." Fina agrees, and Elsie shows no signs of complaining.


Why does it feel like I am the bad guy here? I thought we would all sit down and talk, but for some reason, Elise and Fina had me sit down and started integrating me. I tell them everything. I still would have talked even if they didn't act so harshly with me. At least at the end of my integration, Elise and Fina seem to have found some common ground. I just wish it were not because of a common enemy. Even now, they discuss ways to punish the people involved with throwing me from that cliff. I feel sorry for them even after everything I have gone through because of them.

"It is a shame we can't kill them," Fina sighs, and Elise shockingly seems to agree with her. "But the king will still ensure they are probably punished for this."

"Yes, he seems like the kind to not let evil deeds go unpunished," Elise nods. "But if he goes too easy on them, then Luke might not be safe in the castle."

"All the more reason why he should stay in the knights with me," Fina declares, and what little piece they have come to is instantly shattered.

"Not going to happen," Elise shakes her head. "Luke belongs with us."

"You said it yourself," Fina narrowed her eyes. "Luke would be in danger if he returned to the castle with you. You know he will be safer by my side."

"I can protect him,"

"Like you did before?"

"Do you want me to prove how much stronger I have become since then?"

"Can you two please not fight?" I finally speak up, fearing someone might end up hurt if they continue fighting like this.

"Fine," Fina steps down before grabbing hold of my arm. "Let me show you to the knight's headquarters and have you sworn in."

"No, let me take you to the castle," Elise says, taking hold of my other arm. "Now, please release him so I can take this hero back with me?"

"You are the one that should let go," Fina warns in a threatening voice before her expression softens, and for some reason, she rests her head on my shoulder. "I will be taking my future husband back with me."

"Future husband…" Elise mutters before glaring at Fina. "You can't just marry someone so quickly. Luke would be better off with someone less violent than you."

"Someone like you?"

"Me… me…" Elise's grip on my arm loosens enough for Fina to pull me away as Elise's face turns red.

"Now then, let us get going and leave this hero to return to the castle by herself,"

"Wait!" Elise quickly grabbed my arm before Fina could even take a single step. "What do you want to do, Luke? Do you want to leave everyone in our class for a stranger?"

I can't help but feel tempted to stay after looking at the expression Elise makes. Even the most cold-hearted of people would feel something from that look. But I can't go back, not after what has happened. Thinking back on it, I should not have even tried to go to the castle when I first arrived here.

Elise has clarified that not everyone was involved with the plan to push me from that cliff, but I was still a burden to them. Not to mention all the stuff I had to endure before getting pushed from that cliff. I would have said yes if everyone was more like Elise and sort to help me instead of threatening to leave me behind and not give me food. But after everything that has happened, I can't return to class.

"I'm sorry, Elise," I lower my head as I notice she looks like she might cry. "I can't go back. Not after what happened, but when facing the demon lord, I will help you."

Even if my class hated me for slowing them down, I could not let them face this threat alone. If we fail, this world will suffer, so I will still aid my classmates in their fight, no matter the bad blood between us.

"I see," Elise mutters to herself before wiping away a tear and then looking up at me with a smile. "If you ever change your mind, you are always welcome back and…." Before I knew it, I could feel Elise's warm breath on my ear. "Do not let this woman seduce you."

Elise has already left the room before I can respond to that, leaving Fina and me alone in silence. We both stare at the door briefly before Fina clears her throat.

"Come on, our HQ is not that far away," Fina says, taking me from the room.


The place that Fina brought me to is not what I expected. When she said knight's headquarters, I expected the place to look like a fortress or castle. Instead, the building Fina guilds me inside appears to be a mansion. Knights guard the place that shoots me a look while we pass them by, but unlike me, Fina does not seem to mind being the centre of attention. I had hoped the looks would stop once we got inside, but instead, they only got worse as people appeared from every door to watch us go by.

The inside is just as surprising as the outside. If Fina had not told me this place was the knight's headquarters, I would have thought this place was a home of a noble. Even as Fina leads me deeper into the building, we pass countless armoured men and women. I still think that we may have entered the wrong building by mistake. Fina walked into a room with a stone altar similar to the one the priest used. As Fina drags me closer to the altar, I know where this is going.

"I know you are strong enough to enter the knights, so this will be just a formality," Fina says as we reach the altar. "But I still need to examine your stats before you are sworn in."

"Okay," I say, stepping forward and repeating the process I had to go through with the priests.

Name: Luke

Level: 15

Health Points: 2415

Magical Points: 2215

Strength: 420

Speed: 493

Stamina: 493

Dexterity: 440

Intelligence: 322

Titles: Hero

Class: Hero

Skill Points: 280

Unique Skills: Underdog and Absorb.

Skills: Club User Level 1, Dagger Level 1, Throwing Level 1, Jumping Level 1, Swimming Level 1, Sprint Boost Level 1, Dodge Level 1, Water Magic Level 1, Water Resistance Level 1, Pain Resistance Level 1, Intimidation Resistance Level 1, Fire Starter Level 1, Butcher Level 1, Cooking Level 1, Intimidate Level 1, Underwater Breathing Level 1, Tracking Level 1, Danger Sense Level 1, and Regeneration Level 1.

Spells: Control Water.

"Wow, you are stronger than me," Fina gasps when she looks at my results.

"Really? But I could barely keep up with you," I reply, wondering how she could think she was weaker than me.

"It is true," Fina says, stepping up to the altar. "See."

Name: Fina

Level: 19

Health Points: 200

Magical Points: 200

Strength: 30

Speed: 30

Stamina: 50

Dexterity: 40

Intelligence: 20

Titles: Hero

Class: Knight Captain

Skill Points: 0

Unique Skills: Overcome.

Skills: Fire Magic Level 7, Wind Magic Level 6, Practical Magic Level 9, Sword Master Level 8, Parry Level 10, Dodge Level 10, Sprint Boost Level 6, and Combat Stance Level 10.

Spells: Fire Ball, Air Cutter, and Ability Boost.

"See," Fina smiles. "I get a small boost from Combat Stance, but even then, I needed to use my Overcome ability that raises my stats depending on my opponent and Ability boost to even stand a chance against you."

"…" I cannot say anything in reply as even being three levels higher than me, my stats are still leagues above hers.

"Overcome is a unique skill the firstborn of my family inherits. I allow users to add half their opponent's stats to their own. If it were not for this ability and the spell Ability boost doubling my stats, I would never have won," Even as Fina tells me, I still find it hard to believe that I am so strong. "I am considered our kingdom's strongest warrior, yet you are much more powerful than me. With you, as one of our knights, I am sure the kingdom will never be threatened again."

"Yeah," I am still surprised by the comparison of our stats, but I still manage to nod my head.

"By the way, why are you not spending your skill points?"

Oh. It's a bit embarrassing.

"Well… I don't know how…."

"I guess it isn't your fault since you were forced to fend for yourself in this world," Fina comments. "You just need to think about it. Picture yourself putting skill points into your skills. To get to level two, you will need four points, six for level three and so on. Give it a try."

Okay, let's give it a try. I max out my Dagger skill since it is my primary weapon, and the danger sense skill because it saved me a few times now. Afterwards, I rank the Dodge skill up to level seven, and finally, I spend the last of my points on levelling up the Sprint Boost skill to level three.

"I… I did it…."

At least, I think I did it.

"Then let's check again,"

Name: Luke

Level: 15

Health Points: 2415

Magical Points: 2215

Strength: 420

Speed: 493

Stamina: 493

Dexterity: 440

Intelligence: 322

Titles: Hero

Class: Hero

Skill Points: 0

Unique Skills: Underdog and Absorb.

Skills: Club User Level 1, Dagger Level 10, Throwing Level 1, Jumping Level 1, Swimming Level 1, Sprint Boost Level 3, Dodge Level 7, Water Magic Level 1, Water Resistance Level 1, Pain Resistance Level 1, Intimidation Resistance Level 1, Fire Starter Level 1, Butcher Level 1, Cooking Level 1, Intimidate Level 1, Underwater Breathing Level 1, Tracking Level 1, Danger Sense Level 10, and Regeneration Level 1.

Spells: Control Water.

"It looks like you got the hang of it. Now that we got this out of the way, come with me, and I will get you sworn into the knights," Fina says, taking my arm and leading me again.


If only being sworn in could have been a simple affair, I would have been happy. But far from being simple, being sworn into the knights was a dull, drawn-out affair. First, Fina took me to the armoury and had the knight in charge fit me with light metal armour and a short sword. Originally Fina asked for a long sword, but I did not think I could use it when I saw it, so I asked for something smaller.

Getting measured for armour was awkward, but I found it more bearable than the hour-long lecture from a senior knight about the rules and obligations of the knights in this kingdom. There were only three rules. Still, the senior knight explained each rule in-depth, even telling me how each rule came to be, giving me too much information about every rule. At least the rules were easy to remember. 1) Do not harm innocents. 2) Do not loot or pillage. 3) Do not rape, murder or torture any enemy, whether soldiers or civilians.

The knight's obligations are just as simple, but the senior knight makes them sound more complicated than they really are. Protect the kingdom's people, defend the royal family and route out internal or external threats. The lecture I got explaining these points should have lasted no more than twenty minutes, but the senior knight still made the lesson last more than an hour. When he let me leave with Fina, I could not wait to leave.

Finally, we get to the final part of the sworn-in process. Rows of knights watch me as I walk down an aisle towards Fina, who waits for me at an altar holding a large sword in her hands. Unfortunately, I find myself with countless eyes watching me. I struggle not to run away as I reach Fina and knee as she instructs.

I feel her lightly tap the sword on my shoulder and take the vow she asks me to make, doing my best to ignore everyone watching me. When she asks me to stand, I feel relieved it is over. The gathered knights cheer as Fina has me turn to face them, introducing me as their new brother. Despite my nervousness, I still smile, feeling welcomed among them.

"Title Acquired: Knight,"


By the time I finally sleep, I cannot help but collapse onto my bed, feeling exhausted. Today, a lot has happened, from fighting in the tournament to reuniting with Elise and finally joining the knights. Despite this simple bed and tiny room, I cannot fight exhaustion and quickly fall asleep. This is the first time I got to sleep in a real bed since coming to this world. If only some monster was not screaming in the distance, I would have slept perfectly.