
I Was Abandoned For Being Weak, But I Have One OP Ability

I was transported to another world against my will. I was given a weak body that held everyone back to the point where I was left behind. Soon thought they would learn how strong I really was.

Calamity95 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Chapter 10: First Mission

Volume 1

Chapter 10: First Mission

I never expected to become a knight, but I find myself quite enjoying it after only one week. The training challenges my skills, but it seems to be much easier for me than the other knights. I'm grateful to have meals, a bed to sleep in, and a purpose for every day. As I sit here eating breakfast, I think that being a knight really isn't so bad - it might even become a life-long choice for me.

"You really are not trying anything…."

Fina mutters beside me, seemingly perplexed at why I've not snuck into her room each night, despite it being her own advice that I am not. Girls can often be puzzling, and I can only hope Fina gets some rest soon, considering her growing fatigue.

"Even when I stayed up waiting…."

"Captain Fina," Fina quickly jumps up when she hears someone call out to her.

"Yes, sir!" Fina quickly stands quickly, followed by everyone else in the room as we all realise the voice belongs to the elderly Knight Commander.

Known only as Commander or Sir, the small man has a physique that astonishes bodybuilders. He bears heavy-looking plate armour that shines and holds authority over every squad of knights. Always accompanied by two senior knights, he stands firmly in charge.

"Come with me," The Knight Commander says. "A situation has arisen, and I need all knight captains to assemble in the meeting room."

I feel a heavy dread in my stomach as I watch Fina go. Usually, only one squad of knights are sent on missions, so hearing the commander mobilising an abundance of squads is concerning. I hope it's just a parade, but I'm preparing for the worst. Fina casts a worried glance back at me before she departs, and I can see her trepidation is as intense as mine.


Fina's face drained of all colour when she returned from her briefing, suggesting that the news had to be bad. Sure enough, an orc horde of immense proportions had invaded the kingdom from the south, and even the orcs I had defeated to enter the city were believed to be part of a scouting party for the main horde. It seemed far worse than either of us had ever imagined.

Even with my training and learning the riding skill, I am struggling with this long ride. We push our horses to the south as quickly as possible, switching them out at predetermined points for the fastest pace. We ride nonstop for nearly twelve hours, stopping only briefly for a lunch break, and every nerve in my body is tense, hoping desperately that we will get there in time. Fina regularly converses with the other captains and the commander, despite not having any cell phone-like device, while behind us, an endless stream of knights stream out of sight.

Not only were knights present, but soldiers from the capital and neighbouring cities had also rallied with us. Despite the amalgamation of troops, Fina remained apprehensive. We considered enlisting mercenaries to bolster our forces, and our plan was to make our way to the southernmost city and attempt to defend it against the oncoming hoard. Though uncertain whether we or the orcs would get there first.

"We are nearly there!" Fina yells while looking over her shoulder. "Just another hour, and we will reach the city."

In one hour, a battle that could determine the destiny of the kingdom will occur. Despite no one openly admitting it, it is apparent that the kingdom will be lost should the army fail to combat the orcs at the city walls. Even if the militia is levied, they cannot withstand the orcs. The heroes are already being evacuated, and many of my peers seem relieved when they find that out. I found it remarkable how many people sought to go and fight. After a long debate, I was allowed to leave southwards since I was a knight. I still recall how Elise wanted me to remain, but I could not. When I heard of the innumerable people unable to evacuate from the southern town, I would not be able to forgive myself for abandoning them.

If we want to ensure that the neighbouring kingdoms send reinforcements to aid us in defending the city, we must be successful for three days. Although it may feel cruel, they must prioritise the safety of their citizens over ours. For all our sakes, we need to hold off the orc horde, or else their armies will never set foot in the city.

"We are nearly there!" Fina repeats herself. Just over an hour has passed, and finally, we are nearly there. "It is just over that hill!"

Even before we reach the top of the hill, we can see the city wall. There are not as tall as the capitals but still larger than anything I have seen on Earth. I can see flags flying in the wind, but more alarmingly, thick columns of black smoke are rising into the sky. We are too late.

"No…" Fina mutters before taking a deep breath and taking in the situation herself.

Although the city walls have yet to crumble, the orcs relentlessly attempt to climb them with ladders. My heart sinks as I witness the massive force before me; I can only imagine what my fellow knights feel. To overpower the monstrous amount of orcs, soldiers defend the walls with arrows and spells while fires break out from catapults launched indiscriminately from the opposing side. Fortunately, there is still time to prevent the fall of this city.

"Everyone, listen up!" The Knight Commander arrives, barking orders. "We are going to break through the orc lines and reach the city! Fina, take your squad and take out the orc chief in that tent!" He points to a large tent not that far from the city walls. "While they are cutting off one of the orcs' heads, the second squad will take out those catapults to the right! The third to the left! Everyone else is to open up a corridor to the gate and hold the orcs back until the wagons get inside!"

"Yes, sir!" The cry from everyone responds.

If you were to take a look at the size of the orc horde, you would understand why the Knight Commander proposed the plan of carving a path straight to the city instead of trying to crush the army. It is our element of surprise that will give us an advantage, and he takes the chance to take out orc leaders and siege engines before they have a chance to realise what is happening. Even though some captains are arguing for more attacks, the Knight Commander refuses as it is too dangerous. We would have no choice but to retreat were the orcs to regain control in the face of our surprise attack, and our numbers would be too small to hold off the hordes.

"Everyone, get ready!" The Knight Commander raises his arm, and everyone draws their weapon. I take a deep breath. Training with the knights has earned me the Mounted Combat skill, but I still am more comfortable fighting on my own two feet. I also got the One-Handed Sword skill when sparing with Fina. "Charge!"

When the sound of countless horns filled our ears, my horse was instantly ready to go. We all set off together with Fina at the lead, Laurence, Benjamin, Aria, and I. Laurence, the noble blond boy, isn't my favourite person. He looks down on anyone who isn't from a wealthy family. Then there's Benjamin, the nimble archer who was once a thief but got a chance at redemption from the knights. Initially, I was a bit nervous around him, but it soon became apparent he only stole to find food for his starving family. Lastly, there's Aria; she's easily one of the strongest knights from a long line of military officers. Together, we make up a formidable squad, and I'm delighted to have them watching my back.

Benjamin proves why he is the best archer among the knights, eradicating multiple orcs in a flash with perfect headshots. Meanwhile, Laurence wields a magical spear passed down through his family for generations, launching fireballs into the orc lines with earth-shaking explosions. Fina and Aria, too, lend their magical abilities, bringing down one Orc at a time. As the orcs scurry away in fear from our sudden onslaught, I stand amazed at the power of my companions and grateful to have them fighting by my side. Together, we are reducing the Orc ranks with every passing second.

We rush into an orc camp with Fina and Aria cutting down those standing guards at the entrance and Benjamin and Laurence taking care of those further away. By then, most of the orcs have already been slain, and many more are fleeing toward the remaining horde. I swing my sword, slashing an orc as I pass, while Fina takes out three in a row.

We quickly approach the chief's tent as the echoing sound of battle rages on all sides. I take in the scene; the other knight squads have succeeded just like us, and some catapults are already engulfed in fires. I hope that the supplies are being sent to the city at this very moment. Despite everything, I must focus on the task at hand, for the tent is suddenly thrown open, and the orc chief appears. Jumping off our horses, we face the chief and prepare for the imminent fight.

The ground trembles as this behemoth appears. An enormous orc wielding a mace with skulls affixed to its wooden head stands before me. The bone necklace around its neck emits a deathly aroma, and its mouth contains pools of blood. I can even make out the remains of its last victim as the orc chief… as he swallows a human head. I do my best to ignore my disgust and ready my sword.

"Air Cutter!"

"Ice Javelin!"

Aria, Fina and Laurence use their magic and weapon against the Orc Chief. However, only Benjamin's arrow could successfully injure the Orc as the three other attempts - a fireball from Laurence's spear, Aria's ice javelin and Fina's Air Cutter - evaporated or became ineffective before reaching the Orc Chief. While the arrow caused some minor damage, the Orc quickly healed the wound, much to its amusement. Unfortunately, I could not have used my magic as no single drop of water was in sight.

"Impossible," Laurence mutters as another fireball from his spear fades before hitting the mark.

"That bracelet," Fina calls out, pointing to a black metal bracelet on the orc chief's left. "I think it is an anti-magic device."

"Great," Laurence shakes his head. "Looks like we have to do this the hard way."

"Wait! Don't rush in by yourself!" Fina orders, but he refuses to listen and rushes forward. "Get back here, you idiot!"

"Ahh!" Screaming all the way, Laurence pieces the orc chief's leg, but he is brushed aside by the backhand of the orc chief.

"Aria, check on Laurence! Luke attacks it with me!" Fina orders approaching more cautiously than Laurence. "Benjamin, aim for its eyes and keep it distracted while we take it out!"

Fina leads the way, with Benjamin shattering the Orcs chief's left eye. In quick succession, Fina delivers a decisive blow to the Orc's left leg, and I follow suit by delivering a deep gash to its right. However, the damage is short-lived as the Orc surprisingly can heal the wounds immediately. We dive out of the way in the nick of time to avoid being crushed by its club as it crashes into the ground.

"It shouldn't be able to regenerate this much," I see Fina bite her bottom lip as she thinks. But can we not just do what I did with that giant?

"Fina, try and destroy that bracelet!" I call out, already trying to cut it off but sadly failing. "It won't be able to regenerate if we burn it!"

I frantically search around me for something flammable to burn the orc chief the same way I did the troll, yet nothing is available. Reluctantly, I turn to remove that bracelet from the orc chief's wrist as our last resort to escape. However, before I can even start, my heightened senses detect a gigantic club barreling towards me. Realising the danger, I have no choice but to suspend my plan.

"Good idea!" Fina rushes forward, ad I dodge, ducking under the club and almost cutting off the orc chief arm. Unfortunately, like all the damage before, the arm heals instantly. "Aria! Get Laurence on his feet! I want both of you to burn him the moment we cut off that bracelet!"

"Yes, ma'am!" I hear Aria call back, but I am too busy attacking the orc chief with Fina to turn her way.

Fina and I remain determined in our assault against the orc chief, despite his attempts to remain out of our grasp. Benjamin managed an impressive feat with remarkable precision, firing two arrows at once and thus blinding the chief. I was in the heat of battle and unable to stop and admire this remarkable show of skill. I make the first move, striking the orc chief's arm. However, I was not successful in slicing deeply enough. Before the wound could be healed, Fina quickly stepped in and finished the job. Fortunately, we do not require a second attempt at severing the arm.

"Now!" Fina cries out, and before the orc chief arm has hit the ground, his whole body is engulfed in flame.

Laurence is still on the ground, so that must have been Aria's magic alone. Fina follows up, shooting her own fireball at the orc chief. The monster falls into the tent causing the whole thing to go up in flames.


Battle Ended In Victory

Greater Orc Chiefs Killed: 1

So that was a Greater Orc Chief. No wonder Fina was surprised by its ability to heal itself. I feel relieved when the battle ends, but that feeling is short-lived.

"Everyone! Take cover NOW!"

Before I could process why he shouted, countless arrows began pelting the ground around us. Everyone could make it to safety, with Aria having pulled Laurence behind the crates she was cowering behind. The rain of arrows lasted an entire minute, and then the sound of marching feet was heard. The ground started shaking as an innumerable number of orcs headed straight towards us. My horse had already taken off, abandoning us in this desperate situation. Acting without thinking, I dived behind some close-by crates.

"Everyone to the city now!" Fina orders as we regroup. "Benjamin! Carry Laurence! Aria! Cover our rear with me! Luke! Take the lead and cut down any orc in our path!"

We don't waste a single second running as fast as we can. A group of orcs attempt to block our way, but as they come at us in small numbers, we make quick work of them. Fina and Aria eliminate any orcs that come too close while I look over my shoulder and see numerous archers raining arrows down from the wall above. With this in mind, I can't help but be concerned if we can make it the next three days.

The orc horde is unrelenting; it stretches on endlessly, swallowing anything in its way. Even after the damage we inflicted today, it appears hopelessly futile. As the gate to the city seals itself shut, the unfaltering swarm maintains its devastating presence. Their determination to fight is unwavering, and I can still feel the ground shake beneath me. I'm filled with dread, for I do not think I will live to see another day.