
Chapter 207

Chapter 207: The Strength of Fantastic Beasts

"It seems that our Lucius Malfoy Mr. is a little embarrassed!"

Li Xuan, who came down from the Ravenclaw common room, saw Lucius Malfoy who was angrily walking outside, and seeing the usually neatly combed long blond hair messy, Li Xuan knew that he was not fawning in the hands of Dumbledore and Harry.

I just don't know if he was calculated by Harry this time and gave that house-elf Dobby freedom?! It doesn't matter, the important thing is to hurry to the auditorium to eat, and this morning I went to see a play without eating. Although it is not particularly good-looking, it can at least make Li Xuan gain a little.

On the way, Li Xuan also ran into Harry, who was covered in dirt and embarrassment, and he happened to return from the headmaster's room to the Gryffindor common room to wash, and the two happened to meet each other.

After a little chat, Li Xuan asked Harry to go to wash first, anyway, what happened was not clear to him. They were even watching the live broadcast from the sidelines, so there was no need to stop them.

Most of Harry's embarrassed look was actually contaminated when he entered the secret room through the pipe well of the girls' bathroom.

For that pipeline, Li Xuan has the most say.

Harry, they used their bodies to wipe the pipes that have only been in and out of the basilisk for thousands of years, and it is strange that they are not dirty!

Fortunately, those pipes are all dry and only dusty, otherwise Harry and they would not only look like this, but also have a different taste!

When you come to the auditorium, before you step into the auditorium, you can hear the bustling noise inside. It seems that after Dumbledore's broadcast, basically all the students came to the Great Hall.

After all, this time suddenly let everyone suddenly return to the academy common room and not give it, something big must have happened! The basilisk has not attacked students like this before, could it be that there is an enemy attacking Hogwarts?!

Young people will never lack imagination, but imagination is imagination, everyone still wants to know the truth, there are so many students at Hogwarts, there will definitely be people who know the specific situation.

After this did not come to the Great Hall, the Gryffindor students popularized the reason.

Perhaps the Gryffindor students all have a desire to express themselves, and this time it is Seamus, Dean, and Neville on the side.

Especially Neville, as a participant in this incident from beginning to end, he was the protagonist when Harry and Ron did not arrive!

Li Xuan didn't care that he was a little restrained over there, but he still seriously explained to everyone what happened on such a morning.

Coming to the Ravenclaw long table and sitting down, perhaps to soothe the restless hearts of the little wizards, this meal called breakfast is actually lunch, which is very rich.

Not to mention breakfast, even the usual lunch and dinner are not so hearty.

Pork chops, Hungarian beef stew, chicken ham pie, French onion soup, baby sausages, buttered peas, raisin pudding…

That is, it is worse than the usual big days such as Halloween banquets, Christmas banquets and school banquets, and it seems that Dumbledore is very knowledgeable about food and soothing people's hearts.

Unlike other little wizards who were busy gossiping, Li Xuan's attention was more focused on these delicacies.

At this time, Hermione and Penelope also came to Li Xuan's side and sat down left and right.

Compared to Penelope, who was a few years older and calmer, Hermione, one of the Gryffindor lion cubs, said a lot, plus Hermione was originally a relatively talkative girl.

In the past two years of getting along, Li Xuan and Penelope have known each other very well, so they have tacitly agreed not to speak, because they know that Hermione will take the initiative to speak.

"What happened this morning was told to me on the way to the Great Hall, it turns out that it is Voldemort who has been manipulating the basilisk to attack people."

"No, to be precise, Voldemort's remnant soul, just like his remnant soul possessed Quirrell last year, this time he was possessed in a diary from his school days…"

Penelope was not like Li Xuan, who knew everything and was eating, but listened very carefully to Hermione's words.

After all, she is also very curious about what happened this time, looking at the two women like this, Li Xuan poured a glass of orange juice for each of them, let them talk about themselves, Li Xuan is thinking about the next thing, the underground classroom test and Quirrell in the first year, the Salazar Slytherin Chamber of Secrets and Tom Riddle in the second year, according to this development, the third year should have other things.

But on the contrary, in Li Xuan's opinion, the third grade is the calmest and most relaxed year.

This year's crisis came from Sirius in Azkaban, who came to Hogwarts to seek revenge on Peter Pettigrew, causing panic.

This is arguably the calmest year at Hogwarts, but this is the year, and by the fourth year, the year of the Goblet of Fire, Voldemort will be resurrected.

However, Li Xuan is confident that he will be steadily promoted to the Morning Star Wizard level next year, and he may even reach the Haoyue Wizard when Voldemort is resurrected?!

What's more, don't forget that Li Xuan's biggest reliance is not on himself, but also on Ah Tie in space.

For example, the first year of Ah Tie can be said to be recuperating and slowly making up for the deficit before the body, and this year is the time for it to improve.

It is now one step ahead of Li Xuan to reach the level of the Morning Star Wizard, and Norbetta, who was born last year, is now skyrocketing in size and is half the size of Ah Tie.

Norbetta's strength has also reached the level of a great wizard, and he should be able to be promoted to an elite wizard during the summer vacation.

It is said that they are like the evolving birds and snakes, and their strength is the same as Li Xuan, they are all elite wizards and are about to break through the level.

There are also two giant monsters, newly added to the small world, the former is the same as the bird snake, the latter has the pupil of death can threaten elite wizards, but its own strength is only at the level of a big wizard, and even the small basilisk is barely able to reach it.

Don't doubt that the basilisk is such a water, losing the pupil of death has greatly reduced its strength, otherwise Harry would not have been able to kill the basilisk with a Gryffindor sword in his hand!

However, wait for a period of time to survive in Li Xuan's small world, and then it will be able to produce reborn changes and growth, so the army of magical animals in Li Xuan's hands now, when the next year comes, at least it will be an elite wizard to start, Voldemort's Death Eaters, so what to fight him? Detain!.