
Chapter 151

Chapter 151: Foggy

"Tear… Tear you apart… Kill you… Hungry… Eat… Eat you… "

Li Xuan's keen ears in the auditorium suddenly heard a very faint sound, such a tyrannical and murderous sound, what else could it be besides a basilisk?!

However, it should not be time for the basilisk to come out and attack people, could it be that something has changed because of its own reasons? Li Xuan looked at it, Hermione and Penelope were following him, not outside, at least to ensure the safety of the people around him.


At this moment, several screams suddenly reached the auditorium, making everyone stop talking, and the next second all the little wizards rushed towards the door of the auditorium.

Hermione and Penelope, who Li Xuanyi pulled left and right, hinted to them not to hurry, and at the same time took their wands out of the small world under the cover of loose wizarding robes.

Seeing Li Xuan's eyes and his movements, Hermione and Penelope also grabbed the wand hidden in their sleeves, this small mechanism was obtained by Li Xuan for them.

In the first lesson of the practical combat class, Li Xuan taught them nothing else, as a wizard, what to do is to keep the wand from leaving the body, and at the same time learn to protect his wand, not to let it be snatched, bounced away, knocked away, and so on.

Li Xuan and Hermione walked behind, following the crowd forward, Li Xuan even if he didn't run to the front, he knew what he would see, the basilisk, out of the cage!

When the loud discussion of those walking at the front began to disappear, like a wave, everyone stopped guessing and squeezed forward.

This strange scene in front of him made all the little wizards a little numb.

In the dim light of the fire, Filch's scrawny cat, Lady Loris's tail hung from the stand of the torch, and her whole body was stiff and straight like a plank.

At the same time, those yellow eyes opened wide, looking straight at everyone, as if they were dead, and no one dared to look at it for more than three seconds.

And the smell of blood, and the handwriting between the two windows on the wall, seeped incomparably in the light of the burning torches.

"The door of the Chamber of Secrets has been opened, enemies of the heir, be vigilant!"

Draco emerged from the crowd and read aloud as he watched the writing on the wall, breaking the silence.

Originally, Draco wanted to say the word Mudblood, but seeing Li Xuan, who seemed to have predicted what he was going to say on the other side, he instantly shut up and stopped saying more.

But the sinister smile on his face did not stop, but towards Harry Potter, who was alone in front of the crowd.

Obviously, before the others arrived, there was only Harry here, so the panic on Harry's face for a while seemed to everyone else to be a sign of weakness.

On the side, Harry's little fan body wanted to use the camera to film this scene, but was gently pressed down by Cedridge, who was standing next to him.

Harry was aware of his situation at this time, even if he was also following the voice of the basilisk, but who would believe him now?

At this moment, Harry also realized that he was reckless, he should not just rush over, at least find an escort, even if this is suspicious.

"What's wrong? What happened!? "

Hearing the noise, Filch quickly pushed away the crowd, squeezed out, and came out of the crowd to see Harry standing at the front.

"Potter, what did you do…"

Before he finished saying this, Filch's pupils shrank and he saw Lady Loris hanging on the torch rack over there.

"My cat! Lady Loris! Potter, did you kill my cat?! Isn't it! Isn't it! I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you! "

The more excited Filch became, he directly grabbed Harry's sleeve, completely ignoring Harry's defense at the moment, and Filch, who had been carried away by anger, now couldn't listen to Harry's explanation at all.

He only knows that the cat who has been accompanying him is dead, and his only partner is dead!


At this time, an old and thick voice covered Filch's voice, which was still shouting, and also awakened Filch's slight reason.

From another passage, Dumbledore led Professor McGonagall out of them, and he came to a panicked Harry, first patting him on the shoulder to stop nervous.

Then he stepped forward to take Lady Loris off the torch rack and said, "Argus, it's not dead, it's just petrified, the prefects of the houses take the students back to the dormitory, Harry come with me…"

"My office is closest to here, just upstairs, Headmaster, you can go there!"

Lockhart on the side hurriedly opened his mouth and said, as for what he said that it was a pity that he was not here, otherwise he could rescue it, without half a personal letter, it should be a gust of wind blowing.

Li Xuan first said a few words to Hermione on the side, and then followed the army back to the dormitory, where most of the little wizards were still discussing what had just happened in the common room.

After all, the scene just now, no matter where you look at it, Harry's suspicion can't escape, there is a feeling that the crime was caught on the spot, of course, this is a judgment based on the current situation, judging from Harry's expression, it may not be, and according to Dean Dumbledore, Lady Lores is just petrified.

That is to say, it is possible that it was saved, and if it was really Harry, Harry would definitely be directly identified at that time. Li Xuan did not participate in their discussion, but sat in the corner thinking about something.

For example, who is the person who opened the secret room and released the basilisk this time?!

According to the original timeline, it should be Ginny Weasley, after all, Li Xuan saw Lucius 4.3 put Tom Riddle's diary in her crucible that day.

But recently, Li Xuan asked Hermione to help observe and ask Ginny about the notebook, and according to her, there was indeed such a weird notebook in the first place.

Later, when Ginny noticed that something was wrong, she threw it directly into the Black Lake, and she was never seen again.

Hermione had also spoken to Ginny's roommates and other classmates, indeed thinking what Ginny had said, and even accompanied Ginny when she threw the diary.

After all, in the wizarding world, such a creation with its own unique ideas is also accompanied by horror and weirdness.

For a while, Li Xuan fell into deep thought, who opened the secret room and summoned the basilisk, how did the diary that had obviously been thrown into the black lake fall into this person's hands again?.