
Chapter 111

Chapter 111 Bright Side and Undercurrent

"What a comfortable night's sleep!"

The next morning, Li Xuan pressed the alarm clock to stop, because he slept late last night, so he did not go for a run this morning, and gave himself a rare vacation and slept in.

As for Hermione and Penelope, they both knew that Li Xuan would not be exercising this morning, so they also gave themselves a vacation today. Don't get up early to exercise, in addition to getting yourself a little more sleep, and now Dumbledore is always paying attention to everything, this morning I better be meticulous, steady hand!

Wash, get dressed, and bring today's textbooks, this morning is Professor McGonagall's Transfiguration, so today is a full day of classes in the dining room, Hermione and Penelo have long been sitting in their usual places.

In fact, Penelo did not have class this morning, but after staying with Li Xuan for a long time, some habits have also been developed, such as exercise, such as breakfast.

You must know that health preservation is the same as farming, which is engraved in the blood and soul of Donghuang people.

Even if you don't understand health care at all, but in your mother's daily nagging you are full of ears, no, brainwashing will also understand what breakfast is not good for the stomach, drink less ice drinks in summer, sitting for a long time is easy to constipate hemorrhoids…

Where do the English people know these things, every time Li Xuan says this, it sounds very reasonable, it doesn't seem like bluffing people Since then, Hermione and Penelo eat breakfast on time every day, even on weekends, they come down on time for breakfast, lazy to go out and eat toast or sandwiches prepared in advance in the bedroom.

For Li Xuan, it is very important to have three meals normal, not to mention that people are iron rice or steel, and they are hungry and panic if they don't eat a meal.

But eating and enjoying food was originally a hobby of Li Xuan, and eating every day was undoubtedly with a mood of expectation, and the fireworks in the world were the most soothing to mortals.

Li Xuan sat down, looked at the ingredients this morning, and thought that he should DIY a sandwich to eat.

Toast bread that is browned and crispy, first with an omelette without lettuce, but with asparagus, is ok, then bacon, this one adds a little saltiness to the sandwich.

Then put a small tomato on top, that is, cherry tomatoes, the cherry tomatoes on the table are whole, cut in half, and finally covered with a toast, so that a simple sandwich is ready.

One bite, that's the taste!

Watching Li Xuan eat so deliciously, it is obviously just a sandwich, is it so delicious?

This made Hermione and Penelope on the side couldn't help but look at each other, so the two people also got one according to Li Xuan's match just now, and then the dinner knife was divided into two halves, one and a half, after all, they are not Li Xuan, the appetite is so big, half can already be seven or eight points full.

I don't know if it's a psychological effect or really delicious, anyway, Hermione and Penelo think that Li Xuan's combination is very good.

After breakfast, Li Xuan and Hermione were still the same as usual, they should go to class, and if there was no class, they would arrange it freely, and Hogwarts was no different from usual on the surface.

As for what happened last night?

Even though there were various explosions and sounds in the middle, because the place where Li Xuan fought with Voldemort was in the middle of the Forbidden Forest, not much reached Hogwarts.

But when Li Xuan came to the Transfiguration classroom and saw Professor McGonagall with a haggard face and somewhat dark eyes, he knew that Hogwarts was not so calm in the secret.

In this regard, Li Xuan can only say sorry to Professor McGonagall in his heart, but he does not regret it, after all, the unicorn that is now bouncing around in his small world is the best proof. And it also happened to remind Dumbledore that Voldemort who died once did not mean that he had no skills at all.

Professor McGonagall, who stayed up all night last night, naturally did not have much energy and thought, but in order not to let the re-hidden Voldemort find anything, the professors still went to class normally today.

It's just that I stayed up late, and I was older, so Professor McGonagall obviously had some lack of energy, so I didn't teach anything new today for everyone to review and practice.

And the little wizards of Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw can be called well-behaved students, plus they also saw the tiredness of Professor McGonagall's face, and they didn't make a fuss...…

Coupled with the fact that Li Xuan took the initiative to help maintain order in the classroom and tutor the little wizards, Professor McGonagall didn't have to worry even more.

A simple favor is not only a small atonement, but also can enhance Professor McGonagall's favor, plus usually such things are not less, light and familiar with the road, why not?!

After eating at noon, after the lunch break, it was Li Xuan's least interested course, flying lessons.

Li Xuan usually goes to the Forbidden Forest every day, whether in the small world or secretly going to the Forbidden Forest at night, flying is not strange to him at all, and it can even be said that it is like walking.

Therefore, this kind of flying lesson, which is similar to riding a bicycle in the sky, has no attraction to Li Xuan at all, and it is not even interesting to have a history of magic class.

Although Professor Binns is also very boring to talk about the history of magic, Li Xuan can do other things by himself, but unfortunately not in flying lessons.

Watching the little wizards who were free to move freely after getting Madame Hooch's permission to excitedly chase back and forth in the air, and even a simple version of Quidditch, Li Xuan sighed a little bored.

As for the simple deleted version of the loss earth, that is, there is no Quidditch of the Golden Snitch, only the ghost flying ball and the Bludger, as for the winner or loser, then according to the score.

No way, if the Golden Snitch is released, the two 4.6 flying lessons in the afternoon do not know whether it can end this game, after all, the Golden Snitch is notoriously difficult to catch, if someone can catch the Golden Snitch in any game, Harry's Seeker gold content is not so high.

This abridged version of Quidditch seemed fairer and more interesting to Li Xuan, but unfortunately, Li Xuan was still not interested. The flying lesson was over, and they went to the Great Hall to eat with a group of happy little wizards, for them, what Voldemort, what Death Eaters, too far away, it was better to enter the beautiful ball in the afternoon, and what to eat for dinner and how much to eat for a while mattered.

Mixed in the group of small wizards, Li Xuan was also at ease.