
I Want To See The World

It's a story based in a fantasy world of magic and monster, this world have numerous type of races like humans, elf, dark elf, beast men, mermaid, humanoid snakes, demon, vampire, succumb, etc. In this world anyone can live infinite age through magic but if you are killed by anyone you'r pretty much dead. There is three vast continent out there in the sea, first one called Humen continent, It's ruled by Nelson empire, most of the necessary supplies trade from here, that's why it's called Main land, The second is Beast men continent called Meterial land because here you can find any type of ground meterial, precious mineral as long as you have enough money, and it's ruled by lady beast she is a ancient powerful beast, no one knows how she looks because no one ever seen her. And the last one Demon continent it's ruled by a Demon Queen she is a ancient Vampire, if you want monster core,skins,bone,and other types of monster meterial you can find in demon continent. Our mc in born in a royal family, perhaps he is a reincarnation of some powerful being, he didn't know because of a seal placed on his soul, the seal is showing weakness day by day so his memory returning bit by bit maybe one day he will fully recover his memories. So black to the topic our mc is a first child of Campbell Royal family who rule over the winter region called Winterbell, from child our mc is highly talented, in one word 'genius' and no one seen his face, the only thing people knows about first prince is he is talented in magic. because he is a genius mc's parents didn't let him leave the family from childhood, make him studie magic, economy,war,all languages, trading, verious types of things, and he learn all of those that in age of 10 and got bored. He wants to adventure see the world but didn't have permission to do so, one day his mother made a promise, if he fulfill two of her condition then he can leave the kingdom and see the world, he instantly accepted it, first condition is he have to produce a heir and second is he have become a Overlord class mage, in this world Overlord is a one level below the highest point, the Overlord's are ruler of a continent so he have to become a Overlord class mage. so he quickly secluded him self for 6 year in and became a Overlord class mage, The story begins when he's going to turn 18 i hope you guys support me enough to continue this story till the end enjoy the story i hope you can forgive me for poor grammar and thanks for reading this and the cover didn't belong to me i hope the creator don't mind

BLACKEY · Kỳ huyễn
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12 Chs

chapter 9 : The sleepless night*

Her black lace panties are slightly wet from her pussy juice, and Maria's chest is going up and down rapidly, "beautiful, little princess how about we start the main course "

Hearing that Maria blushed like a red apple and nodded her head without saying anything.

Without any delay I got down to her bottom and spread her legs in M shape and begin to open her panties, seeing that she tried to cover her bottom, but before she could do anything I licked and entered my tongue inside her narrow wet slit and gave her a rough lick, she moaned and cummed

" ahhhhhh princeeeeee I am cumming" with that her pussy juice sprayed all over my face.

"Heheee how lewd little wife you sprayed your juice in my face " hearing that she blushed and said in a mosquito-like tone

" Don't tease me husband "

"How courageous my princess wife got some tone to complain about it, look like I have to punish my courageous wife"

I immediately position my dick on top of her tight slit, and without any delay, I insert my big little brother, because her pussy is wet my little bro didn't need any lubricant, it tore through her virginity, when my dick is halfway there Maria felt her body split up from pain her eyes became wet she cried because of intense pain.

"Prince I beg you stop to or else I am going to die!!" Seeing her eyes wet I stopped my desire from pounding her hard "it's okay my Little Princess calm down the pain will soon going to fade away" I tried to calm her down with a gentle kiss, and after some time her pain begin to fade away and a itching feeling replace her pain in her slit, Maria couldn't bare this uncomfortable feeling she shouted because of it.

"Prince i feel iam ok you can move!" hearing that I tried to act like I didn't know anything

"What are you saying my naughty wife I don't understand at all" hearing that she gritted her teeth and said "I want you, prince husband "

Seeing her expression I tried to tease her more "I don't understand at all what are you saying my beautiful princess say it loud and clear" her face was very red after gritting her teeth she shouted again

"Prince make me your forever, I want to ravage by your dick" without any delay I pushed my dick inside the narrow wet slit

"As your wish, my naughty wife" with a thrust my dick entered her fully tight cave.

"Ughh so tight" my dick felt the suction force is a lot pleasurable, so I started to push back and forth while Maria is moaning under my assault, currently she is on cloud nine her mind is filled with my dick a lot of my dick.

After some intense exercise, Maria's body was at her peak seeing that I speed up, occasionally I pinched her pink nipples it makes her moan loudly, after 5 minutes of assault under my 12-inch dick she couldn't take it anymore, her dam broke our water rushed out of the cave

"Ahaaaaaaa something big is coming, I am cumminggggggggggggggg" her body curled up and she cummed while twitching,

after some time when she regain her breath I unplug my dick from her cave and turned her over, now her back is facing me because she had a first time greatest orgasm in her life a while ago, her body didn't have any strength so she didn't resist at all, at first she became confused but when she felt my dick entering her pussy again she said with a pale face "prince stop let me take some rest or I will die ahhhhhhh"

"Nope my naughty wife is having punishment from me so sweety you have to hold on until the end of your punishment" with that I thrust into her slit from behind, we are currently doing in doggy style her arm is gripped by my hand in behind and her face is drooling salvia from the pleasure she got and I am pounding her very hard with my rapid piston movement.

After one hour of intense back and forth movement and a lot of sex positions Maria cummed a lot her mind is now blank while her moan is gotten very weak, "ugh Maria I am cumming" with the last thrust I flooded her baby chamber when Maria felt that something entering her lower belly she felt the greatest feeling in her life and with that she cummed.

After giving her rest of five minutes I pushed my dick inside Maria's horny cave again, seeing that her face became horrified and pale after gathering a little bit of strength she said

" prince if you don't stop I'm going to die before getting married, my beloved prince atleast let me take some more rest...ahhhhhhhh god ahhhh fuckkk"

Seeing her like that my lust got at peak so without delay I pushed my dick inside her tight cave, well her tight cave is no more it became a horny slip cave where my dick entered her womb without any restriction, instantly Maria started to moaning like crazy all night and my room filled with sex smell and women's lour moan.

The night began to turn into a beautiful day and Maria lost consciousness some times ago after exerting a lot of her juice, now she had a satisfied face and was sleeping like a baby in my chest and hugging me tightly, the bed is slightly wet from our sex juices, with magic I swapped the bed cover and the blanket, a new blanket appeared in my hand and with it, I covered our bodies, I kissed in Maria's forehead and hugged her while closing my eyelids.

(A/N---- atleast Luis knows some handy magic tricks without awakening his attributes)

It was Noon 1 pm Maria is the first one to wake up, but when she saw my face she paused for a moment last night's incident begin to play in her mind like a recorded video she blushed after remembering the sleepless night,

After some time she chuckled and whispered in a mosquito-like voice "heheeee we have done it my charming husband you will have to take responsibility for it now"

After some time stearing at my face, she kissed my lips and got up from the bed slowly afraid of waking me up from sleep,

When she finally got up and saw her naked body sex smell begin to burst out from her body she tried to quickly ran towards the bathroom but when she is going to run her lower body felt swell she gritted her teeth and said " geez now how am I going to walk front of my parents, no I have to quickly go to the royal doctor now I am sure she will have something to lower my pain" while talking to herself she kneeled on the floor and tried to walk like a dog " fuck Maria this is so embarrassing"

And she walked like a doggy and got inside of the bathroom, she quickly cleaned herself and dressed up, and after that, she headed toward the doctor's room with a awkward movement.

Please send votes, i really got demotivate so i stopped writing for a while i hope you guys can forgive me.

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