
I Transmigrated As A Prison Guard And Suppressed The Princess

Xiao Ran transmigrated to a fantasy world. As a dungeon guard in the Celestial Dungeon, with a special floor called the Purgatory meant for powerful demons and martial arts experts, he faced a huge challenge from the start. The Eldest Princess acquired a forbidden martial arts technique and was banished to the Purgatory. However, no one was powerful enough to restrain her. All the dungeon guards were defeated. Xiao Ran stepped up and declared, “Your Highness, it's better for you to behave yourself on my territory” and effortlessly subdued the Eldest Princess. He progressed from imprisoning the Eldest Princess to delivering the Great Xia Kingdom from the evil clutches of various demons and evil martial arts experts. ... Xiao Ran was the mastermind behind the scenes.

Little Bai Takes Flight · Huyền huyễn
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1515 Chs

Chapter 188 condensing the time Dao fruit, the Army of hell rats

Dịch giả: 549690339


His palm suddenly clenched, breaking He Ning's neck.

He threw her body on the ground.

He santai took out the corpse powder and sprinkled it on her body.

The corpse was rotting, bubbling with blood, and a strong stench was coming out.

From the beginning to the end.

His face was cold and he didn't say a word.

At this moment.

Xiao ran came out of the secret passage and saw that more than half of He Ning's body had rotted away. He looked at he santai and saw his cold face and vicious eyes.

His face was full of sarcasm.

"You're still the ruthless one. You won't even let your own daughter off."

"You are Xiao ran!" He santai looked at him viciously.

"You know me?"

"I don't know him!" He santai shook his head.

"But my gut feeling tells me that you are."

"Your intuition is very accurate, you guessed right." Xiao ran admitted.