
I See Love In You (Average word length of the chapters)

After one of Lisa's experiments fails, Lincoln goes blind and sent away of the country with his grandfather, and 3 years later returns with a change, instilling a forbidden feeling in his sisters. My patreon acount for extra chapters: patreon.com/Hana_Chan1 You can find all my links: https://linktr.ee/Hana_Chan1 Discord: https://discord.com/invite/KzRWHga6rz

Hana_0_chan · Tranh châm biếm
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234 Chs


It was already morning.

Sunlight enters through the window.

Lori squeezed her eyelids to reduce the light entering her eyes. The girl covered herself with sheets up to her head.

"Uhm. Fucking light." Lori got up to close the curtains on the window. But the moment she opened her eyes, she noticed that she was not in her room. "Where the hell am I?"

Lori saw that on the table there was a glass of water and two aspirins. The morning headache didn't make her hesitate, so she took the medicine and went back to bed.

Once she felt better, she started to remember what happened the night before.

"Oh. Oh, my God. What have I done!!!"

The door suddenly opened. Lincoln had entered the room with a tray in one hand and a bunch of folded clothes in the other.

Examining the clothes more closely made her realize that they were hers. Because of the previous situations, Lori didn't realize that she was only wearing her panties and bra. So she covered herself. Her face was red with embarrassment.

Lincoln placed the tray on the bed and the clothes on the table.

"Lincoln... I..." Lori had to say something to break the awkward silence.

Before she could finish, Lincoln raised his hand, motioning for her to stop.

"Lori. Don't say anything. I know. You were drunk, and you didn't know what you were doing. It doesn't matter."

"What do you mean it doesn't matter? Lincoln, I raped you."

Once again, Lincoln stopped Lori. "No, don't say anything else. Nothing happened last night, okay? Let's pretend it didn't happen."

"How can you take it so calmly?"

"Well, let's say I'm already hardened against various shocks."

Lori was confused. But she decided not to take that seriously.

"I won't tell anyone in exchange for you doing me a favor."

"Yes, yes. As you tell me."

"I want you to stop drinking. I also want you to go to therapy to overcome your grief and your dependency problem."

"What are you talking about? I don't have dependency issues."

"It didn't seem like it last night when you rode me like a mechanical bull and called me your dead boyfriend's name."

Lori looked embarrassed.

"I had breakfast and then took a shower. I took the initiative to wash your clothes. They smell of liquor and... other things."

"How come the grandparents didn't wake up? I wasn't very discreet last night."

"They sleep without their hearing aids. When they take them off, they don't even hear an explosion."

He said that as he left the room, leaving Lori to have her breakfast.

After breakfast and a shower, Lori returned home.

Lincoln gave her Dr. Lopez's number, which he got thanks to Clyde.

The girl was attending therapy and meetings for a week. Until one morning, she woke up wanting to vomit.

Her parents told her that the alcohol was leaving her system.

She stayed like this for three days, until she finally decided to go to the doctor.

Lori was waiting in the doctor's office for the results of her medical tests.

Finally, the doctor came in with some papers in his hand.

"Okay, Miss Loud. We've run all the tests. We haven't found anything wrong. Your symptoms are not a withdrawal syndrome, nor is the alcohol out of your system."

"So why do I vomit so much?"

The doctor smiled warmly at her and replied, "Congratulations, Miss Loud. You are pregnant."

These words made Lori pale: "What am I what!?"

1 week ago

"Answer me this. Do any of you plan on using protection or medications?"

"Pfft. Why? He's sterile, right?"

"Yeah... about that... not anymore."

Once again, the sisters could not hide their astonishment.

"Another effect of the blood is that it was able to cure his problem. Now, if there's a chance, it could make you pregnant. Well. One in ten chances."

For a while, they didn't say anything. Suddenly, Leni stood up and immediately started jumping, clapping her hands.

"Yes. I will be able to have a baby. I will go find Linky now."

"I'm afraid it's not that simple, Leni," said Lisa, adjusting her glasses. "You know."

Lisa's explanation was interrupted by a cloth covering her head. Looking at it better, she saw that it was Leni's dress. She got rid of it, and then she saw Leni completely naked.

"Finally, I'll be able to have my baby." Leni ran towards the doors but was stopped by Luna, Lynn, and Lucy, who jumped on her.

After a while, Leni was putting on her dress while being scolded by Lisa.

"Don't do that again! What will our parents say if they see you searching for our brother naked?"

"Also. How do you explain to them that you are pregnant when they ask about the father?"

"I'm sorry, Lisa."

"That's what I wanted to tell you. Aside from now, if you want to be intimate with Lincoln, you have to use protection."

"Understood," the four girls said in unison.


A week has passed since this announcement.

At first, the family didn't take the news of Lori's pregnancy well. Even Lincoln and Mr. Loud fainted. Not to mention Rita. But when they calmed down, they talked seriously with Lori.

Fortunately, they haven't investigated much on this topic. As far as they knew, the one-night pregnancy was due to her depression and drunkenness. Which was technically correct.

Once it all sunk in, the news that a new family member was on the way was cause for joy.

Rita and Myrtle spent their time knitting shoes and buying clothes for their future grandson or granddaughter.

For his part, Mr. Loud put up barriers everywhere. The news that he was going to be a grandfather had awakened his parental instincts to the next level. Who hasn't been active since Lily was a baby.

While Lincoln still can't believe he's going to be a father, the worst part is that he will be with one of his sisters, with whom he did not even have a relationship. But he can't say. He could never call that child his own. This was what hurt him the most.

At noon, Rita, Myrtle, and Lori enjoyed tea as they chatted.

"I can't believe I'm going to be a great grandmother," Myrtle exclaimed with great emotion.

"And I will have a child to spoil again." Rita put her hands on her cheeks, flashing a big smile. "Have you thought about what it will be called?"

Lori gently touched her stomach. Even though she knew how she got pregnant with her child, it didn't matter to her. She promised that she would love and protect her child.

"I want her name to start with L to keep the family tradition. And I want it to be a name I can use regardless of whether it's a boy or a girl. I've already chosen that."

"Well, don't keep us in suspense, darling. Tell us."

Lori smiled and answered.

"Loan. The baby's name will be Loan Loud."