
I See Love In You (Average word length of the chapters)

After one of Lisa's experiments fails, Lincoln goes blind and sent away of the country with his grandfather, and 3 years later returns with a change, instilling a forbidden feeling in his sisters. My patreon acount for extra chapters: patreon.com/Hana_Chan1 You can find all my links: https://linktr.ee/Hana_Chan1 Discord: https://discord.com/invite/KzRWHga6rz

Hana_0_chan · Anime & Comics
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211 Chs


Chapter 20: A week before Valentine's Day

-If I desecrate this sacred secret with my unworthy hands, it will be a sin of love.

-He who does not love himself cannot love anyone.

-Parting is such a beautiful sadness that I will say, "Good night until dawn."

-Love is a comfort, like sunshine after rain.

-William Shakespeare-

It's been a week since the beginning of February. The month of love. As at Christmas, the streets were dressed in red, pink, and white. The little cherubim monopolized the counters, shelves, and display cabinets in the form of stuffed animals, cards, and everything else that could be given to that special someone.

Royal Woods High School was no exception.

Finally, Principal Huggins retired a few days earlier than scheduled due to strong complaints he had made to the Board of Education about being fed up with his car being vandalized. What he found a few days ago was that his roof had been smashed and his windows were broken. These were the last words he said to his students. (Forever, Pubertus. Valance of the Devil.) He did not say it in the last meeting. He shouted from his car, sticking his middle finger out the window, heading toward Miami.

The new principal was Director Ramirez. She was promoted from her position as middle school principal to high school principal.

The day began with an announcement from the principal.

"Good morning. My dear students, I hope you have a wonderful day."

"There's only one week left until the Valentine's Day dance. I hope you have the luck to ask that special someone out."

The announcement ended as the monstrous trio walked through the hallways, heading to their lockers.

"Oh. Can you feel it, gentlemen? The intoxicating scent of love spreads through the air. Driving couples towards each other to bind their souls forever."

"And what stung that?"

"He's always been like that, Andy. He's kind of a coward sometimes."

"I can't wait for Valentine's Day to spend the whole day with my princesses."

"Do you have plans for that day, Clyde?"

"Clear. I'll take Emma, Chloe, and Penelope to this place." Clyde hands his friends a brochure.

"Love Island?"

"That's right, Andy. It's a hotel in the middle of an island in the lake. They've been open for months. My parents went there a few days ago, and they say it's a great place."

"But... it seems a bit expensive, Clyde. Would you be able to pay for it?"

"Sure, Lincoln. I told them I'd be doing a report for the school newspaper of a prestigious educational institution in Royal Woods, and they sent me four VIP cards."

"Just by telling them that?"

"Believe it or not, Andy. Our city now has as much weight in the world as New York or Hollywood."

"Did they know that a 'prestigious educational institution' is only a public high school?"

"Technically yes. Use many flowery synonyms."

"Damn. I think me and Lincoln will be the only ones without a partner that day."

"Don't be sad, Andy. You should definitely have someone in mind to invite."

"No, I don't like that pretense."

While walking to their lockers, a girl accidentally bumped into Andy. She was wearing a blue shirt and a black skirt.

Her hair was also blue, with a light blue streak in the middle, decorated with a flower.

"I'm sorry," the girl says, picking up the books she dropped and running away, leaving Andy with a slight blush on his cheeks.

The boys reach into their lockers as they continue talking.

Upon opening it, Clyde finds three envelopes inside.

"What is this, Clyde?"

"They are letters from my princesses. It is a tradition in Spain for girls to give you cards on Valentine's Day."

"How much has changed since we were kids? I remember the only ones giving us cards that day were each other. Just so we didn't look bad." Lincoln opens his locker, and envelopes fall out, covering him up to his ankles.

"It looks like I'm not the only one who has fans."

Lincoln was surprised by the number of letters he received. "Awesome. I never thought I'd see that."

"Are you saying that because you've been blind recently, or because you've been a loser before?"

"Very funny. Andy."

When classes are over. Lincoln, Clyde, and Andy leave for their homes.

Lincoln was about to get into his car when he felt someone hugging him from behind. Almost instinctively, Lincoln was about to attack that unknown person, but he stopped when he heard her voice.

"Hello, handsome"


The rock girl pushed Lincoln into his car, closed the door, and stayed on top of him.

"Tabby, what are you?"

Before he could ask, the girl silenced the boy with a kiss.

After a minute, they separated. They both had red cheeks, and a string of saliva joined them.

"Tabby. Why did you do that?"

"You do not like me?"

"Well... yes. But why?"

"It's my way of inviting you on a date."

"There are other ways to do it. Did you know?"

"Yes. But it's not fun."

"Tonight there's a concert on Krakatoa. I hope to see you there, handsome."

"Okay. I haven't had a job lately. So I'm free."

"Excellent. I'll see you there then."

Tabby turns to open the door, exposing Lincoln to see inside her skirt.

Since the boy regained his sight, he has been able to see all the wonders he missed in these three years. And now he faces one. Causing something to rise involuntarily.

"Oh wow. I see little Linky can't wait for tonight."

"Please don't give him a name."

"Let me take care of this."

"Wait, what are you going to do?..."

Tabby slowly lowered Lincoln's zipper using her mouth.

-after ten minutes-

Tabby got out of the car, licking her lips.

"Hmm. Yes, you like eating pineapple, Linky. See you tonight, love." Tabby blows Lincoln a kiss and walks back home.