
I rise from my Ash

"I Rise from My Ash" *is a story that teaches us faith in* ourselves and our ability to raise above our challenges. Unlike classic tales of revenge where the female lead suffered injustice, then years later she comes back with a strong rich male lead who would take her revenge for her, her obsessive lover and all, this book aims to teach all but especially women that you are capable of doing it. Aria has no prince charming that would sweep her off her feet and burn thr world for her, rather she is the alpha woman, who built herself from her ashes, stands strong's and takes her revenge from her oppressors. Love isn't all for her as she suffered in love, maybe she would fall in love maybe she is enough for herself, maybe her baby papa is her love interest, but no he isn't, because this book challenges the societal norms of baby papa and baby mama romance as well as rising high above obstacles and challenges. Follow this classic tale of revenge unlike non other.

Ashquill · Thành thị
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80 Chs

Chapter fifty six

Kendall's pov

" Baby, you never told me anything about going to London, how all of a sudden" Joseph asked me clearly shocked by my statement last night.

" Actually sky called me two weeks ago to tell me about the art gallery. I didn't think I could attend because of Matteo's health and Selena's hospitalization, but now they are all right, plus I can't watch what's going on here, I will run mad" I said angry at Steven girl deciding to get married when Aria was ready to confess and angry at Aria for willing to just watch him get married without saying a word.

" Is it Stevens wedding" Joseph asked. " Obviously. Don't you think destiny has the worst timing?. When Steven wanted to confess to Aria, Selena went missing and suddenly her father popped out of nowhere claiming a right to his daughter, and our naive Aria agreed to stay with them for his mother's sake and thinking he is the father that Selena need".

" After all that drama the foolish girl has realized her true feelings for Steven, and when she want to have a word with him and confess it, the news of his wedding pop up with no signs and Aria is even willing to participate in the wedding preparations, like what the hell is happening" I said half shouting because of anger.

" Look bebs don't stress yourself okay. What is meant to be will be no matter what we do to stop it or make it happen. If Aria and Steven are meant to be, there would surely be a way to ensure their union otherwise let destiny take it's course okay" Joseph comforted.

" I know Joseph I know, it's just that they had no chance to confess to eachother what they clearly feel about eachother and both are making hasty decisions which would ruin so many life's. Mandy's life would be ruined when she learns the man she is marrying loves another. Aria might not likely give love a chance again and our cute little Selena would have to face the prize of all this"

" Since the day she had been born, she had always known Steven and is very close to him, the three of them together make such a lovely trio and if it so happens that this Marriage gets solemnized then no one is gonna be happy in and out of it" I said trying to reason with Joseph.

" I know and I understand your concern, but they are all adults and know what's best for all of them, let destiny play it's games, in the end no matter what happens it will be for the best for everyone, trust me okay" Joseph said massaging my shoulders.

" Okay, but you do know you are such a sweetheart right?. You always effortlessly carry away my troubles and put my mind at ease, I love you" I said to him feeling incredibly lucky to have him.

" But you are the best, always taking care of those around you and making sure they are happy, healthy and alright, thats why I love you more and more everyday, finding a woman like you is very rare this days" he said pecking the top of my hair.

" But do you think mom and dad would accept Marco" I asked worriedly knowing full well what my in-laws are like. "Ofcourse they have to, why wouldn't they, he is my son after all" Joseph said in an attempt to downplay my worry.

" But he isn't really our biological child, and you know just how important bloodline is fi your family right" I reminded him. " What are you saying, Matteo is our son okay, forget the fact he is adopted, infact I don't want him to ever find out we are not the ones who actually gave birth to him. To us, to him and to the whole world, Matteo is our son and we are his parents, end of discussion" Joseph said a little annoyed.

" I know sweetheart, but your family would never accept that. They never really liked me because of my mother's reputation and my dad leaving us, now they will blame me for not giving you your own heir, am really worried, your mother and sisters would taunt me for not been a complete woman you know" I said remembering all I went through living with my in-laws.

" You are my wife Kendall, you married me okay not my mother, not my sister's and not my father. You are my wife, you don't have to listen to them. If they can't respect you as my wife then you also need to forget they are my family. You are my home, you make me complete, and am very happy with you that's all that matters okay". Joseph said cupping my face.

" I know hon, I know, if not for your love and support I would have been broken long ago. But I simply can't forget that they are your family, I can't bear the fact that am the reason you aren't close to your family, they also love you, and had been in your life way before you even met me, so I can't simply let you cut ties with them for me" I said cupping his face as well and making him look right into my eyes.

" What should I do then, cut ties with you for them, or watch my wife getting insulted on a daily basis over something she isn't responsible for?. You are my life, my comfort place, if they can't respect that then they don't care about me and only care about their egos. Listen to me, for the last time, forget about them, we are a complete family, me, you and Matteo and we need no one else okay" he said his words filling me with strength like it always does but not enough to diminish the worry in my heart.

" Okay, I won't talk about it again, am sorry" I said. " Dont be, am proud of you and I love you, that should be enough right" he teased.