
I rise from my Ash

"I Rise from My Ash" *is a story that teaches us faith in* ourselves and our ability to raise above our challenges. Unlike classic tales of revenge where the female lead suffered injustice, then years later she comes back with a strong rich male lead who would take her revenge for her, her obsessive lover and all, this book aims to teach all but especially women that you are capable of doing it. Aria has no prince charming that would sweep her off her feet and burn thr world for her, rather she is the alpha woman, who built herself from her ashes, stands strong's and takes her revenge from her oppressors. Love isn't all for her as she suffered in love, maybe she would fall in love maybe she is enough for herself, maybe her baby papa is her love interest, but no he isn't, because this book challenges the societal norms of baby papa and baby mama romance as well as rising high above obstacles and challenges. Follow this classic tale of revenge unlike non other.

Ashquill · Urban
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80 Chs

Chapter fifty seven

Mandy's pov

It's been 12 days now since we talked about marriage, brother has come and even thou not so pleased at first he had eventually agreed to the marriage. We had picked out the wedding organizers, the wedding card as well as the venue, the only thing left now is to finalize the outfits for the engagement ceremony and wedding ceremony.

I can't believe it, am getting engaged in nine days and married in 16 days, my life is finally taking a U-turn for the best. Today am going to meet Steven and discuss the last other prepartions as well as the outfits.

Obviously he isn't as excited about the wedding as I am but it doesn't matter, he still agreed to marry me, that's the only thing that matters, right?.

" Are you sure about this, there is still time before the engagement or wedding, you can back out now, because I don't have a good feeling about this" brother said for the umpteenth time.

" Yes brother, am very very sure as well as excited, and only one thing can make me back out of this wedding, but I won't tell you that, just pray your bad feeling is replaced with positivity and your sister is truly happy, that's all" I replied him.

" It's my fault you are this stubborn, now I can't refuse you, whatever you want" he said sulking, I don't know why he doesn't like me with Steven but all I know is am in love and am getting married.

" Okay brother, now I gotta go, bye" I said as I picked my car keys. " Where are you going" he asked. " To meet Steven, God you are becoming forgetful, I have told you more than a 100 times that I have to meet Steven today" I replied him.

" Am coming along" he said. " It's a big no from me, you aren't allowed to come, just stay back home and let me do this. It's not like am going to a pack of wolves that would pounce on me and eat me alive" I said jokingly.

" Fine, whatever you want, just stay safe" he finally said and I heaved a sigh of relief before going to the garage. I ignited my car and sped off, my heart was pouncing with excitement, God.

I hummed to the rythm of the music as I drove my way to the house. The first person I met was Selena with a few of her friends in the living room playing princesses.

" Hello there cutie" I called waving at her. " Hey beautiful aunty, how are you" she replied waving back and smiling. " Am good, and how is your health" I asked her.

" Am perfectly alright now, you see" she said twirling around. " Yes I can see, and you look really cute, here is a candy for you, and some for your friends as well" I said as I put my hands into my handbag and fishing out a packet of candy's.

" Thank you nice aunty, but I don't eat candies, it causes cavity, and I want to stay cavity free and cute forever" she said in her adorable little voice. " Okay then, but keep it and give it to your friends, I insist" I said shoving the packet into her hands.

I always have packets of candies in my pockets so that I can give a kid when I see them. " Okay, thank you aunty" she replied. I pinched her nose lightly and she smiled.

" Where is everyone?" I asked her, I hadn't seen a single person or heard their voice since I entered.

" Aunty kendy, uncle Josie, and Matty had gone to London two days ago, mommah is at work, grandpa is napping and Stevie is in his room" she said counting with her finger before smiling at the end.

" Okay then sweetie, continue playing and I would go and meet Stevie okay" I said. " Okay" she said. As I took three steps I realized I didn't know where his room was, what if I entered the wrong room.

" Uhmm sel, where is Stevie's room" I asked her. " Upstairs, second room on your left" she replied. " Thank you" I said and ran upstairs in steady steps. I stood outside his door for 2 min gathering the courage to knock at the door.

" Who is it" Steven deep voice came from within after I knocked on the door. " It's me, Mandy" I said from outside the door. " Oh Mandy, come in" he answered.

I turned the door knob and entered as if I was sneaking to steak something. The room wasn't that big, it was average. There were all necessary furnitures of a room and a workspace by the side, simple, after all he is a guy and doesn't need as much as we ladies need, moreover he is a guest, I thought to myself.

" Make yourself comfortable" he said bad pulled a chair to sit down. " How are you" I asked awkwardly. When we were friends it was easier to communicate, but now that we are getting married and I know he loves someone else it's been really awkward.

" Am good, what about you" he asked back. " Am ok. I am here to discuss about the clothings and our house interior design and decoration" I said.

" I told you, you could decide on anything right, am okay with whatever it is you choose" he said.

" I insist we choose together, I don't like arranging the wedding of both of us myself alone" I said as a matter of fact.

" Okay then, no prob. But first thing first I need to get you something to eat while we talk" he said standing up.

" No, am okay no need to bother yourself" I said halting him.

" I insist, am a good cook, trust me, I won't feed you poison or something that tastes horrible" he said jumping to self defense.

" Even if you feed me poison I would willingly eat, and even if your cooking is horrible to me it would be the most delicious, so am not worried about your cooking, I just don't want to bother you" I replied him.

" Then let me get you something, please, I insist" he said. I nodded my head and he went out.

5 min and it was getting boring so I decided to take a look round his room. A pic caught my eyes, it was the pic of Aria, Selena and Thomas. They looked really happy in the picture, like a perfect family. Perfect family?. As I moved closer to take the pic and get a better view of it, I caught the glimpse of a book from the right corner of my eye.

I felt drawn as I moved and took the book, it was a beautiful cover of roses and two people dancing. I opened the first page and it had one word. " My love".