
Wait, She Was A Demon Princess?!

I put on my jacket and waited for Yui and leaned against the wall. I thought about the conversation yesterday and closed my eyes. There's so much new to this world that I'm ignorantly blind to. Yui came out the bathroom with her bunny long sleeve shirt and white pants. I looked back and saw Mikoko and Suzumi still asleep in the same bed. They really were close friends.

"Alright let's go." I smiled.

"Okay." Yui nodded and smiled back.

We quietly left the room and the door locked automatically. We walked down the hall and a female walked past us. She had on a black long sleeve shirt and white pants. She wore a black choker around her neck and a long gold earring on her right ear.

"I'd check up on those humans if I were you." The female said.

"Huh?" I looked back and no one was there.

"Something wrong, Yu-chan?" Yui asked.

"I heard a voice telling me to check on the people I used to live with...do you mind if we go to their house?" I asked.

"Not at all, but we gotta make it quick. We don't want to attract danger towards the humans." Yui said.

I nodded and we continued towards the elevator. My bad feeling continued to worsen as we got on the elevator and went to the first floor. The elevator door opened and we walked out then made our way outside. I got the keys out my jacket pocket and unlocked the car doors with a click of a button. We got in the car and I started the car then put it in reverse. I backed out of the parking lot then put it in drive and drove off towards the neighborhood I was introduced to. We parked the car in front of the house. Everything seemed normal. We got out the car and saw Hinari walk up.

"Hinari?" I looked at her.

"There are strong levels of Demon Princess energy coming from this house." Hinari said. "Strangely my servant is asleep..."

"Mine too." I said.

"Yeah and mine." Yui said.

"What-- Yui your servant is ALWAYS asleep.." I said.

"Yeah but she's always half asleep..this time she's fully asleep and not responding to my commands." Yui said.

"Strange. Something is up, must be the work of a servant of her own because our servants are out of commission for now." Hinari said.

I walked towards the door and placed my hand on it. It was still warm and I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

"Hey, Tsubame? Shizaki? Miyachi? Are you oka--" I twisted the knob and it was unlocked. "Their door is never unlocked...something bad actually happened to them..?!"

I stormed in the house and heard soft crying. It was the type of crying you do when you're trying to stay quiet and not be found. It came from the living room. I walked in the living room and checked the area. I found Shizaki hiding under the table.

"Shizaki?" I asked.

"Y-Yufumi..?" Shizaki crawled from underneath the table and got up quickly and hugged me. "Brother...Brother is...he's.."

I looked at her and was hesitant to embrace her. Yui and Hinari walked in and saw me in the living room with Shizaki. My hair covered my eyes as Shizaki told me the news about Tsubame.

"Yu-chan?" Yui asked.

"Yui...cast a spell in this room." I said.

"What spell?" Yui asked.

"A spell that repels all damage. Cast a healing field around this area." I said.

Yui nodded and summoned her grimoire. The pages flipped fast and a bright light filled the dim room and green walls of aura closed off the entrances of the living room. The spell finished and I sat Shizaki down on the couch.

"Where is Miyachi?" I asked.

"Upstairs...that's the last time I saw Brother and Big sis.." Shizaki sniffled.

I nodded and walked out the living room. I walked up the stairs and felt the Demon Princess energy get stronger. I walked to the end of the hall and opened the door. My eyes widened as I saw Tsubame on the ground dead and a woman sitting on the table and she looked at me then smirked.

"Yufumi, you're here..." The woman smiled.

"You killed him...then you tried to kill Shizaki.." I said as my anger was building up. "Where is Miyachi?"

"You naive bitch...I am Miyachi!" Miyachi laughed. "I knew the moment you arrived that you were gonna pose a problem to my plans. I planned to just assassinate you while you were asleep, but you disappeared that night. If you hadn't you could've saved this pathetic mortal!"

"You were a Demon Princess the entire time.." I said in disbelief.

"You think I could ever love a human being?! Ha! Humans are disgusting creatures! To live in a house with a bunch of idiot humans!" Miyachi stomped on Tsubame's head. "Disgusting! Idiots! Humans disgust me!"

"No...this isn't real.." I held my head.

"There are two more of you here. Yui and Hinari. I know their auras anywhere...luckily for them I'm not interested in a battle right now. All I wanted was blood for the Dark Lord of the Nether. I will achieve True Dark Arts!" Miyachi laughed.

"Yui...do you feel that..?" Hinari asked.

"Yeah...The power is gradually rising insanely fast." Yui said.

I walked to Tsubame's body. He's the one who saved me from those hordes...he knew about Demon Princesses...he knew the dangers of one...and he paid the ultimate price. I held his head and looked at him.

"Why..? Why did it have to be you..? A man pure of heart. You loved her and now...you're...you're dead." I said and tiny flames emitted from my body. I felt my emotions get the better of me. "He didn't do anything wrong...why..? Why?! WHY?!"

My eyes turned white and my yellow aura surged wildly. Miyachi watched in surprise. My flames surged along with my aura and I yelled in anger and sorrow. Miyachi smirked and laughed.

"You feel so bad for a human being like him?! He's just like all the rest of them! You are literally angry for--"

I grabbed her face and threw her out the window. I followed her and landed on my feet then Miyachi stood up and summoned her scythe.

"What the hell?!" Hinari ran to the window and looked outside. "Yufumi?!"

"What happened?!" Yui asked, worried.

"She's...in Berserk Mode.." Hinari said, scared.

I dashed towards Miyachi and punched her face and yelled as she was flung backwards. I let out a bellow and my power grew wild and uncontrollable. Miyachi dashed towards me after recovering. I began moving in irregular patterns and her servant appeared behind me and stabbed me in the back. She was shocked when I received no damage from the attack. I threw my fist back and hit her servant right in the face and her head hit the house hard and she was knocked out. Miyachi looked at me and took a step back. I only saw red, I had an unnatural instinct to kill. I yelled and dashed towards Miyachi. Miyachi dodged and I ran straight towards a man walking down the street.

"Yufumi stop it!" Hinari yelled and ran out the house.

My flames began to burn the man in ways that seemed inhumane. I threw the man on the ground and punched his face constantly until his head was in the ground. I stood up and Hinari yelled my name. I couldn't hear anything except the whispers in my head. I walked towards Hinari and reached out then Yui ran out the house and stepped in front of Hinari. I grabbed Yui's neck and raised her up and began to squeeze.

"Yu-chan...this isn't you...Yu-chan..!" Yui struggled.

Miyachi watched and was enjoying the scene then the female we saw in the hotel walked up and snapped her fingers then an invisible force blew me away, making me drop Yui, and caused me to hit the house and the knife that was in my back sank in deeper into my body. The female held her hand out towards me and snapped her fingers which caused my aura to disappear and I was knocked out.

"Yu-chan..!" Yui ran towards me and checked on me.

"You..." Miyachi glared at the female.

"Miyachi...Demon of the Orange Aura from the House of Ozraxis. I suggest you leave now...unless you wish to receive the same punishment." The female said.

"You'll regret the day you cross me, Murano Akabe." Miyachi opened a portal and walked through it then the portal closed.

Murano walked towards me and took the knife from my back and Yui healed me. Shizaki timidly walked outside and looked at everyone then saw me on the ground. She ran towards me and I woke up slowly and grunted in pain a little.

"She's all healed up." Yui smiled.

"What..happened..?" I asked then saw blood on my hands then sat up quickly. I looked around and saw Yui had hand marks on her neck and a slight burn mark. "I..."

"It's not your fault Yu-chan." Yui smiled gently.

"For a demon without a Demon Code...you surely are a dangerous one when you're mad." Murano said. "Oh..and I'm Murano. The Demon Princess who can control Space and Time and also can absorb your power. I'm from the House of Dalmir. I do have my Demon Code, but I have nothing better to do so I just hang around Utalia."

"Murano-Senpai...Thank you for saving us." Hinari smiled.

"For a Demon who has their Demon Code, you couldn't stop a demon without one?" Murano looked at Hinari.

"M-Mmph..." Hinari looked down.

"It's understandable...The Yellow Aura is a dangerous one. While in Berserker Mode she could've easily fused your aura with hers and created an alternate universe. The reason she didn't because in Berserker Mode not even she can predict herself meaning she wasn't in a clear conscience to make any moves like that. Anyone of us can go Berserk...well not me. I'm always in a Tranquil State...just keep your emotions in check.." Murano walked off.

Shizaki looked at me and hugged me again. She was terrified of what events took place. She was only 14 years old. I rubbed her head and watched Murano look at the dead man then walk away. I was still in disbelief that Miyachi was a Demon Princess. Erin and Mikoko appeared on the scene.

"Mistress, my apologies for being asleep. It was like I was under some spell!" Erin said.

"I'm so sorry Master!" Mikoko bowed.

Hinari wondered where the spell came from and I did also. Yui wasn't so concerned since Suzumi was always asleep. A woman watched us from a distance then walked off. She jumped in front of Murano and Murano stopped.

"Murano...You helped those pathetic demons?" The woman asked.

"What's the issue, Himiya? Yufumi has potential and the other two are equally as important as we are." Murano said as she stuck her hands in her pockets.

"The issue is they are too weak to even be considered Candidates to become the next Demon Queen or Dark Lord. Katsuguchi Reiya is obviously the next candidate to be a Dark Lord." Himiya said.

"That idea I don't enjoy. She will destroy everything." Murano walked past her. "I won't allow Katsuguchi to become anything more than a Demon Princess."

"You're making a mistake Murano!" Himiya called out.

"The only mistake I made was wasting my time talking to you...cousin." Murano said.

"You don't know the true extent of Katsuguchi! She will kill you!" Himiya said then grumbled as Murano held up her middle finger at her.

Himiya walked off the other direction and sighed. She didn't know how to get on Murano's good side. Murano wouldn't listen to anyone, but herself. Murano is the second most powerful Demon Princess of the Seven Demon Princesses. Himiya is the third. Miyachi was the fourth. Hinari is the fifth. I am the sixth, and Yui is the weakest of the Seven Demon Princesses. Katsuguchi is the most powerful Demon Princess, even Dark Lord Omusa wouldn't dare to cross paths with her. She basically runs the Underworld. There is a Demon Queen so powerful that even Katsuguchi couldn't even defeat though. No one knows her name, but everyone knows that she has the power to erase our existence of she wanted to.