
I Reincarnate Into A Demon Princess

A young woman who was a famous model around the world soon meets her final hours due to her incurable sickness. After she passes away, she reincarnates into a Demon Princess with unnatural abilities and skills. She grows accustomed to her new life and body then goes to explore the new world of Utalia. She soon meets friends along her journey and grows more comfortable around them.

AisuruOfficial · Fantasy
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61 Chs

Everspring Madness

I sat in a chair and looked at the ceiling while leaning back and sighed. I couldn't get the image of Yui's neck out of my mind. I'm the one who hurt her. Yui walked out the bathroom and she looked at me then walked towards me. She covered my eyes and smiled. I was taken by surprise.

"Guess who." Yui said.

"I know it's you Yui." I said.

"You are correct!" Yui giggled and uncovered my eyes. "Are you still sad about the incident yesterday?"

"Mmm.." I looked to my right.

"Yu-chan." Yui tilted her head to look at my face. "You didn't really mean to do it...it was just an accident. It doesn't hurt at all."

"But.." I looked at her.

"It's fine seriously..." Yui said and looked in my eyes.

"Oh brother...the sexual tension is so powerful in here." Mikoko said, watching us.

"W-What?!" Yui stumbled back and fell. "Owie.."

"M-Mikoko?!" I stood up. "You were watching the whole time..?"

"Yeah, and I definitely expected you two to kiss or something. Wouldn't be weird since you two aren't any shape or form actually related by blood or from the same family." Mikoko said.

"W-We are still cousins! We weren't even thinking about kissing!" I puffed my cheeks and thumped my feet on the floor, embarrassed.

"You know...when you're embarrassed..you remind me of her." Mikoko said. "Did you know the Demon Queen gave birth to a child. A Daughter? There are rumors saying she is the Eighth Demon Princess. Her powers range from Dark Aura Manipulation to having the Chaos Element..I don't know her name, but she's in the Nether Realm right now training with Dark Lord Li Mailin."

"Li Mailin?" I asked.

"The woman who mastered Dark Arts. She was trained by a woman named Rebecca who suddenly vanished from this universe. Her 8 other sisters did also. They are called the Original Dark Lords. No one knows where they are now, but one of them stayed. Her name is Misa." Mikoko explained.

"So there are 10 Original Dark Lords...so the others must be students of these Dark Lords." I said.

"Mhm." Mikoko nodded.

Murano walked in the room and looked at us. She closed the door behind her and tilted her head a bit. We looked at her. She walked closer to me and I stepped back a bit then she grabbed my shirt and pulled me closer and looked in my eyes. I blushed and looked at her.

"You have no evil in your eyes..that's good." Murano said then kept holding me.

"You can let me go now..Murano.." I said.

"I've taken an interest in you, Yufumi. You're different from these other demons. You actually care about these humans." Murano said.

"W-Well a human did save my life. And I'm practically stuck with a brat." I said.

"H-Hey! I'm not a brat!" Shizaki said nibbling on her cookie.

"If you don't enjoy her company...then kill her." Murano said, coldly.

"You know I can't do that." I made Murano release me. "Although she's a little brat sometimes, she is someone important. I won't kill her or trade her for anything in the world."

"Would you trade her if it meant you could get back home?" Murano asked. "Would you kill her if that's what it took to go back home?"

The room grew silent. Shizaki looked at me. Killing Shizaki..to go back home? Yui and Mikoko turned their head at me. Murano stuck her hands in her pockets. I looked at Shizaki and walked towards her. Yui got a bit nervous. I crouched down and reached my hand towards her. I pulled Shizaki close and embraced her then looked at Murano.

"I won't kill her no matter what. I won't make any selfish sacrifices just for my personal gains." I said.

Murano looked at me then smiled a little. It was the first time Yui or Mikoko seen Murano smile genuinely. Murano looked at me with her lifeless green eyes and I noticed her horn had a little ribbon tied on it.

"That ribbon, did you do that?" I asked.

"Hm? Oh..the ribbon on my horn..? No, an old friend of mine did that before we part ways. Her name is Himiya. The Demon Princess of the Earth Element and Red Aura. She's from the House of Azun. She has a Demon Code. Behind that tough interior, she's just a soft girl. Shy and bashful, easy to please." Murano said.

"Himiya..by the way how old are you all? Yui said demons are kicked out if they don't have a Demon Code by the age of 18." I said.

"I'm 19 years old." Murano said.

"I'm 19 as well." Yui said.

"From your records, you're 20 years old." Murano said.

"I've been out of the Underworld for two years?" I asked.

"You're were in a two year coma actually." Mikoko said.

"What about Hinari?" I looked at Murano.

"She's 16." Murano answered.

I nodded. Hinari was the youngest of the Demon Princesses. It's a no-brainer on why she acts so childlike. She still is young at heart despite her having a Demon Code.

"Hinari is a sadist isn't she?" I asked.

"Mhm." Murano nodded.

"Figures. A girl her age..I wouldn't imagine having a Demon Code." I closed my eyes.

"Speaking of Hinari, let's go visit her!" Yui smiled.

I nodded and got up then Shizaki followed. Mikoko woke Suzumi up and Suzumi swatted her hand back and groaned. Mikoko laughed a bit and kept shaking her body then Suzumi then gave up and sat up. She rubbed her eyes and yawned. We all got prepared to go to Everspring to see Hinari. Murano stopped us.

"I've been to Everspring before, I can just Warp us there." Murano said.

"What?" I rose an eyebrow.

"Hang on tight." Murano pulled us close together.


Before I could finish a word, Murano warped us to Everspring. I coughed then panted looked up then noticed it was nothing like what I've seen before. It was a place full of..Demons!

"Yufumi..I don't think I belong here.." Shizaki hid behind me.

"Yeah same here...Hinari lives here..?" I asked.

"She owns the place actually." Murano said.

Murano walked ahead and Yui, Mikoko, and Suzumi followed. I held Shizaki's hand followed the group quickly. I looked around and saw some of the demons looking at us. Most were looking at Shizaki.

"A human girl in Everspring..?" One of the demons said.

We made it to Hinari's location and saw her talking to Erin and Erin was just listening as always while reading a book. She was at the pool area. She looked over at us and waved her hand and smiled.

"Hey! Over here!" Hinari smiled. We walked to her and she got up to greet us. "Hey, Yui-Senpai, Yufumi, Shizaki! O-Oh..Murano-Senpai is here as well..?"

"Is there an issue with my presence here..?" Murano asked.

"N-No..! I wasn't expecting you to be here that's all." Hinari said.

Murano shrugged and walked off. She found the lounge area of the pool area and relaxed there. The rest of us sat with Hinari and Erin, talking to one another.

"So you own Everspring?" I asked.

"Kinda, my dad is the actual owner of the place. I'm just in charge of it while he's doing demon things in the Underworld." Hinari said.

"This is a nice a place! So many...people..! And--" Yui began to shake as she was getting nervous.

"There's nothing to be scared of Yui-Senpai." Hinari laughed a bit. "We're all the same here."

Shizaki didn't trust any other Demon besides me, Yui, Hinari, and Maruno. After the experience she had, I don't blame her. Most of the demons look a little rough around the edges. She practically was betrayed by the woman she loved like a sister and her brother was killed by her. Shizaki buried her face into my left breast and hugged me. I looked at her and rubbed her head. I became her guardian because she had no one else to turn to.

"So I hear there is a human in this neighborhood!" A demon yelled and walked around. "Where is this said human?! No humans allowed in here, boss's rules!"

Shizaki felt her soul leave her body. She hugged me tighter. Erin closed his book and took off his glasses. Hinari looked at him. He seemed to know what to do despite Hinari not saying a word.

"Oh I see you human! Oh? And it's that Demon Hunter's younger sister!" The demon glared.

Murano was eating a bag of Doritos as she watched the events unfold. She could have stopped it by blowing the demon away, but she wanted to see what would happen. I looked at Murano and wondered why she wasn't doing anything. The demon walked towards me and Shizaki.

"You are protecting this demon?" The male demon asked.

'Okay Yufumi, let's think this through. Saying yes will anger him more now that I know Shizaki is the sister of a World Class Demon Hunter. Saying no will make Shizaki feel betrayed and will shatter any bond I have with her.' I thought.

"Well?!" The male demon got impatient.

"She's under my spell. A slave. She does the clean up job for me when I enslave and kill countless humans." I said.

"Oh? Show me your Demon Code then." He said.

'Well I guess I'll go fuck myself then. Why would he need proof for that..?!' I thought to myself.

"U-Uhm, Mister Demon Guy? S-She--" Yui tried to speak but when the demon looked at her she immediately went silent.

"Look, I've had a rough week alright..? If you're here wanting to pick a fight then I have no issue ripping every limb off your body and feeding your lungs to the piranhas and ripping your heart STRAIGHT FROM YOUR CHEST!" I yelled and my eyes glowed a blood red and red veins slowly emerged from my eyes.

"Y-Yufumi!" Hinari said in shock.

"Oh? You think you can take on me? Rei Farlon?! I am one of the greatest of the great! I have a Demon Code so great that it practically makes me invisible!" Rei laughed.

A woman wearing a black dress, white knee high socks and had white hair with red eyes walked up and a demon hand emerged from her back and grabbed Rei. The hand gripped Rei so hard that it nearly shattered his bones.

"Himiya..?" Murano sat up.

"I felt my cousins in danger. Of course I came." Himiya said.

"We weren't in danger..we had it under control.." Murano said.

"Sure seemed like you had it very under control. You were just gonna let them die?" Himiya asked.

"You're the same woman who protested against me helping them. Make up your mind." Murano said and stood up. "Besides Rei wouldn't have hit them even if he wanted to..Erin would've easily stopped him by shutting down his body functions with a single touch."

"You'd rather watch someone else risk their lives? You're so selfish Murano! What happened to you?!" Himiya asked.

"How about you get out of my life. I'm tired of you. You don't know a thing about me, you are the reason I'm like this." Murano said.

"What happened between the two?" I asked.

"Betrayal happened." Yui said.

"Betrayal?" I asked.

"Himiya and Murano were close partners a few years ago...Murano was once the most powerful of the seven princesses. She was so powerful that even the demons feared her. This was before Katsuguchi took place as the strongest and the reason why Katsuguchi is the strongest is because Himiya planned an attack against Murano. The attack succeeded and Murano lost half of her powers to Katsuguchi." Yui said.

"I'm never gonna let what you did those years ago slide. No matter what, you'll always be an enemy to me." Murano walked past Himiya and bumped her shoulder into hers.

I set down Shizaki next to Hinari and Yui. Mikoko watched me run towards Murano. Himiya dropped Rei and he coughed and panted. Himiya looked visibly hurt. I looked at Himiya and stopped. I didn't know who to comfort first. Himiya was closest to me so I decided to comfort her first.

"Himiya...why did you do it?" I asked.

"...I was told if I helped Katsuguchi...she would give my sister back to me." Himiya said.

"Did you get her back.?" I asked.

"Yeah...in pieces. The moment I saw her like that...I instantly regretted helping Katsuguchi. Because of me Murano hates me and Katsuguchi is too strong to be stopped. Murano was my childhood friend and I never wanted to lose her." Himiya said.

"Mmm...I can help you and Murano become friends again." I said.

"How?" Himiya looked up.

"Meet us at Saints Hotel, I'll have a plan ready by then." I nodded.

"Ah hell nah. I'm not helping that issue." Hinari said.

"You don't have a choice.." Mikoko smiled nervously.

"Come on it isn't gonna be that bad...right?" Yui asked.

We were at Yui's hotel room the next day and I was freaking out because I knew nothing about Murano.

"This is gonna be a disaster.." Hinari said.

"Yep.." Mikoko agreed.

Murano walked in the room and closed the door behind her. I looked at her and ran to her, grabbing her shoulders. Murano looked at me and tilted her head.

"Murano, tell me about yourself. What you like, dislike, and things like that." I said.

"Why?" She asked.

"Please?" I asked.

"Why?" Murano asked again.

"Because I wanna be good friends with you..?" I said.

"Why?" Murano asked.

"Because you are the peak of my interest?" I said.

"Alright." Murano said.

I felt happy and got closer to being able to help Himiya and Murano get closer to one another again.