
I Regret The Past So I Will Change It Again

Asterio, who fought infinitely to atone for his past failures to forgive himself and try to find ways to go back but the worlds didn’t want him to be with peace. Asterio felt betrayed the moment he learned the truth about what happened that day. He wholeheartedly believed that there’s still hope as long as he’s alive but look at him his on the verge of death still hoping. "Is this where I’m going to die, I’m afraid of death and losing you…" Baku said while her teary eyed and Asterio tapped her forehead with his forehead and said: "Don’t worry, I’m here aren’t I, nothing’s gonna happen to you, trust me" "I trust you… Mister… even in the afterlife I will still choose to fight and die for you, no one can stop me from doing that" "This little brat is stubborn as ever" All of the scattered supreme beings have all gathered and surrounded the whole area and wanted to used a finishing blow that would surely erased their existence. "I will erased your existence, you ugly piece of shit!!" Asterio said. "If I’m a little bit more fast then I can make it but, I’ll make sure this will not be the end" "I’ll will make sure to take you all with me and this whole damn worlds" Asterio self-destruct. … *Ding ————————————— Hello!, I’m the author this is my first time writing novel because there’s a person I saw everyday reading novels, as someone who doesn’t read novels but I started to read when I planned to write my first novel and also english is not my first language but I’ll try to improve along the way. I’ll try to be motivated writing for my readers and keep to write till the end of this story I give you all a satisfactory ending. I am happy to read your comments so I will feel motivated to write even more. 1/2 chapters weekly, I’m busy for now but there will be a time when I’ll increase the chapters weekly. ———— Disclaimer: I do not own the book cover

TheBusiest_Author · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs

The Absolute Death

The kings also thought the same as Veiro so they go back temporarily allied against to each other.

The war maniac kings are now in the process of destroying Asterio. Their killing intent and blood lust have been suppressed for a while now.

"Yeah, Sure you can kill me if you can—"

There's a flash of light coming towards Asterio at incredible speeds. In a matter of time they all now in front of him. The moment they comes forward their blood killing intent has been released, that created a whole different pressure compared before.

Asterio was looking at the war maniacs who goes forward with his eyeballs moving in all sides.

The techniques of the war maniacs pass through the afterimage of Asterio, he is now on behind of the kings that watching still from behind the scene.

The barrier controller look everywhere and found Asterio behind him. The main controller of the barrier thought he was hallucinating when Asterio disappeared from the ruins of time and appeared behind him.

He look everywhere and found Asterio behind him. The main controller of the barrier thought he was hallucinating when Asterio disappeared from the ruins of time and appeared behind him.

Before he could even speak he was behead by his one hand. They are surprised by the fact that he was just now on the ruins and now in their place. Which they even put a barrier but in the end it's all for nothing and Asterio said:

"This is pointless…" with his calm demeanor.


His head slid down to his body the king and rulers were confused about what happened and alerted.


He spin his body around and there's a blood came out on his body. The blood are as sharp as blades and this killed a lot of them in a flash.

The war maniac king grinds their teeth and rashly went where Asterio located on the distance.


"How did this bastard he doesn't give a damn to us"

"I show you then…"

At the same time Asterio keep on killing the kings and rulers on his way, the blood keep spilling out every single second.

The longer the fight goes by, the weaker he got, the chances of leaving the battlefield are slim. He realized that he couldn't get away from the situation.

Asterio thought to himself that he had to fought to death till none of his blood left on his body.

"I will kill as much as I can here, I will take you all with me to the resting place of the dead"

He engraved fear and superiority in the kings and rulers that have seen his bloody surroundings that he's been walked by and slaughtered all of its beings and the bloodied eyes that can make one's tremble and lose one's mind.

At the other hand the wise kings in the sides of the enemy have been observing the fight from afar and have come to conclusion that that asterio had been weakened by their constant attacks.

Only a handful numbers of kings have noticed this.

"Don't let him breathe, continue the attacks" said by Cedar one of the wise kings.

"How can you say that easily, you don't know the pressure of being near on someone who is on different league" said by the war maniac king.

This made Cedar felt inferior and weak for what he said.

"I'm over here doing all the thinking to make you win yet you still have the strength to talk ba—" said by Cedar.

The war maniac had been annoyed by him because on the way he talked back.

"Shut your mouth or I'll drag you all here so, you know what is the fear itself"

"This war maniac bastard wants to die that bad—" said by Cedar

A guy tapped Cedar shoulder as he talked and that made him unable to finished his words.

"Aren't you a bit harsh, why don't we just focused our attention to that one man" said by the looking beautiful and cunningly beautiful man.

The mysterious man looks like have a plot on his every words he says.

"But, that little sh—"

The man glanced at him and that made him shut his mouth and swallowed his pride.

"I'm sorry don't let him get on your nerves" said by one of the wise kings.

"So, here's the thing…We've been observing that madman for a while and he's weakened as time passes"

"Ouhh I see, so you want us to be a cannon fodder?"

"N-No, we're just saying that you buy us time"

"Tsk, Fine I'll do this once but this will never happen again, the next time I see you guys you'll be dead"

"Yes, please do as you wish there's no one stopping you"

The War maniac goes to where the others war maniacs located and continued the battle against Asterio.

"Restrains yourself don't do anything foolish in our current situation we can't afford to do something stupid" said by the mysterious man.

"Yes, don't worry about that" said by Cedar.

At the same time Cedar grind his teeth as he thought about the scolded happened. He won't forgive that maniac for what he did and suffered a humiliation on the battlefield where anyone can see it freely.

On the Asterio sides he was struggling on the poisonous energy that was released by the form of spherical ball that contained various poisonous energies on enemies side and that slowed down the regeneration process of his body and this slowed down his body movement.

He can still keep up with them but the longer the fight goes will be disastrous for him.


"This ugly beings manage to invade my heart with their poisonous energy"

"It's my fault anyway, I let my guard down for a while"

"I underestimated them, how deep my intellect had fallen"

At the same time outside of the spherical ball.


"Look at that, you blood thirsty bastard"

"Go die!! After this we will come to your family, we will track down your family members, all of them will die!!"

"You weak and pathetic, all of them must be just like you"

The enemies were all laughing joyously to death that they manage to slowed down this madman tremendously compared to his peak, they all said whatever they wanted.

Asterio heard what they saying and he whispered and said:

"My family…Has long been gone"

"If my family…No, if one of my family member were here, you would have not been able to see your life comes to an end"

In a distance there's a voice chanting something in a way you can't understand them and you wanting to hear their voices endlessly.


"Powerful being, please show yourself and punish this man with us"

"Grace us your presence, Powerful being"

"Grace us!"

"Grace us!"

In a moment a sundog light rose colored appeared above Asterio. This shocked all the king and rulers present on the scene.

"What is that?"

"In my time being the king, this is my first time seeing that"

"Of course, it's not been that long since you became a king, I saw that a couple times"

"Huhh!! I'm earlier than you to get that throne, do you want to die?"

"What I don't even know you"

"This…this little piece of shit, my great world is close to yours this whole time it's not even budging yet, you don't know"

"Sorry, I don't remember your great world because it's not worthy of my attention, Don't worry when I get back I take a closer look"

"T-This fucker!!! I erase you and your great world from existence"



The powerful being stood in a light and seeing all the things that are happening in the battlefield and spoke:

</Who…should…I…erase fr…the existence/>

"The one's below you my lord"

And the powerful being looked down, he was surprised by the sight of a spherical ball where's the energy started to gather.

"This dense energy…Why do I feel disgusted?! Hey!! Tell me what's going on he—"

Suddenly there's a line between the forehead of the powerful being that split his body in to two.

In a few seconds the created a huge amount of energy that distorted the space around.

Before that things happened Asterio heard the noise outside of the spherical ball and wanted to breakdown the poisonous ball alongside with the powerful being.

"You shine too bright it's irritating me" Asterio doesn't like the way he shone in the darkness.

"Dared to look down on me, I'm the one who should oversees the entirety of the creation"

"The thing that I will do will outshine this brat…" Asterio stands straight and slowly risen his hands above his head in a form like that of a king that will punish his underlings.

He doesn't have sword or anything on his hands and Asterio said:

"the slash of the king of death"[Absolute Death manipulation].

He gripped his hands and slashed downwards a long line was created and the enemy doesn't distinguish what that was. In the next second this distorted the space-time.

all of his remaining force was used in the slashed that could kill a powerful being.