
I Possess Extrasensory Abilities.

As the sole possessor of extraordinary abilities and superpowers in the world, how would you alter the course of the world?

DaoistHHbP4M · Thành thị
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23 Chs

Chapter 23 Evil Sect

"Turn around the corner and you'll find what the villagers call the small stone temple."

Sure enough, they turned the corner and saw a small temple carved out of the cliff. The ancients forcibly carved a statue of Guanyin on the cliff. Moreover, this statue of Guanyin was not the popular female form today, but a male form.

No one had taken care of it for too long, and the entire Guanyin statue was dilapidated. There was also a stone incense burner placed in front of the statue, which was probably of antique value, but of course the three of them did not dare to take it away during the live broadcast.

"It looks like...hey, over there!"

Xiao Wu's mobile phone camera was still facing the Guanyin statue. When she was looking around, she accidentally caught a glimpse of the ridge spreading out from here. A strange figure sat cross-legged and with its back facing away from the dragon on the ridge!

"Eh hey hey?"

It was a bit unbelievable. Brother Mao and Little Ant looked forward with their eyes wide open. It was not a fake figure, but there was indeed a figure sitting cross-legged over there.

But this is too terrible!

This spreading ridge is almost impossible for people to walk on. The top of the ridge is as sharp as a razor blade, and the sides are covered with moss, as if it is cutting downwards like a knife. Only at the leading edge of the ridge, which is dozens of meters away, can it barely accommodate a person. Room for people to squat.

How did that person get there?

They carried professional equipment, but when they saw this ridge, they didn't think they could cross it. The man didn't carry any equipment, so how did he reach the head of the ridge?

The three of them looked at each other, feeling like they had seen a ghost.

Xiao Wu's mobile phone's live broadcast camera finally turned around and focused on the ridge leader.

Ever since, water friends in the live broadcast room can also see the incredible thing.

"Hey, why is there someone there?"

"This ridge... Damn, how did that person get over it?"

Before the viewers could react, the live broadcast was stuck and was always in a buffering state.

No matter how anxious the water friends keep clicking to refresh, there is no result. This can make the water friends watching the live broadcast anxious, and the audience watching the outdoor adventure. To put it bluntly, who doesn't want to watch a thrill? Otherwise, why Brother Mao and the other three went to the sky and the sea, and went to various rumored secret places to find out, just to satisfy the curiosity of the audience. Only by satisfying the curiosity of the audience can they make money.

The more surprising and terrifying the secret realm is, the more people will watch the live broadcast. But it has been more than two years since the outdoor live broadcast, and they have walked through 80 or less of the secret realms. Imaginary ghosts? Water monster? Mountain monster? Cave monster? Not even a hair was seen.

Of course there are no such monsters in this world.

This does not prevent the three of them from constantly exaggerating the atmosphere. Every time before setting off, they must describe the place they are exploring as extremely scary. As for whether it ends up being "getting closer to science", it doesn't matter. After all, after all the gimmicks are enough, next time This time there will still be many viewers who don't believe it and come to watch it.

But this time...

None of the three of them expected that this time there was nothing particularly outstanding about the secret realms of previous expeditions, and that it would still end in a scientific way. How could they have imagined that the expedition that was about to end would suddenly turn out to be... Abnormal changes occurred.

Who is that person?

How did it get there?

Why are you sitting there motionless?

All kinds of strange thoughts and thoughts were churning in the brains of the three people. Not to mention overwhelming, it was like throwing a cockroach into the juice that was being stirred. It was impossible to ignore such thoughts.

"Little ant, don't move!"

Brother Mao covered the little ant who was about to scream, "Don't scream."

Xiao Wu stared at the figure in the distance for a long time before realizing that the live broadcast signal on her mobile phone was interrupted.

Brother Mao motioned to the two of them to keep their voices down. He adjusted the focus of the action camera and zoomed in on the screen. He could see in the screen the figure sitting cross-legged at the head of the ridge. He was wearing a sea-green training suit and his hair was not as expected. Long hair and buns, just regular short hair.

"Brother Mao, do we need to use drones?"

The little ant asked in a low voice. They had originally planned to fly the drone to take pictures of the entire ancient plank road on the cliff. Who would have thought that they would encounter such a bizarre thing.

Brother Mao hesitated for a moment and shook his head, "Don't mess around yet, let's ask."

As he spoke, he cleared his throat and shouted loudly towards the leading edge of the ridge: "Hello, hello, can you hear me?"

There was no response from the back.

It was as if he didn't hear the shout from behind.

Did you shout too softly?

Indeed, on the cliffs of this mountain top, the wind blows constantly and makes a loud noise.

Brother Mao took a deep breath, and his chest bulged. His voice became louder, as loud as the wind. He could guarantee that he had never sang so loudly before, nor had he courted his girlfriend so loudly when he was studying and pursuing his girlfriend. However, his roar echoed in the valley, like a free eagle spreading its wings.


People are missing.

Yes, literally gone.

The figure who was originally sitting cross-legged on the dragon's head on the ridge disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye amid Brother Mao's shouts.

Where has it gone?

The three of them looked around and saw no one, and their legs began to tremble.

"Brother Mao, are we encountering evil?"

The little ant asked tremblingly.

"Don't, don't talk nonsense. Where did the evil come from in broad daylight?"

Xiao Wu tried to convince Little Ant, but her own lips were trembling up and down, so she had no confidence to convince others.

"Don't be nervous, don't be nervous at all."

Brother Mao called up the picture taken by the action camera just now, and made sure that the back figure was indeed in the picture, and it was not that he and others were dazzled by it.

But the question is, since it is not a collective hallucination, where did the figure go?

Even if this ridge road can come back, it can't disappear in an instant, right?

This is absolutely incomprehensible in theory. The three of them could not figure out the truth. After they looked at each other, they immediately returned to the original route without saying a word or caring about anything.

This time, they returned the same way, as if there was some invisible shadow chasing behind the three of them. They moved faster than when they came, and there were several thrills along the way. It was really not intentional.

Half an hour later, the three of them came out of the ancient plank road. They dared to put the drone on and ran madly down the mountain.

It took an hour and a half to go up the mountain, and only half an hour to go down.

Seeing the bungalow Taoist temple from a distance, the little ant trembled and said: "Brother Mao, do you want to go and warn the Taoist priest?"

"Warn the Taoist Priest?"

Brother Mao thought for a while and shook his head violently: "Have you ever thought about it?"


"Why did the Taoist Master insist on not taking us up the mountain? He said that the ancient plank road is particularly dangerous."

Brother Mao's nose and brows were trying to wrinkle: "We thought at the time that he thought the ancient plank road was steep and therefore dangerous. Now it seems that the Taoist priest probably meant something else."

"Brother Mao, are you saying that the Taoist priest knows about the disappearing figure?"

Xiao Wu blurted out.