
I Possess Extrasensory Abilities.

As the sole possessor of extraordinary abilities and superpowers in the world, how would you alter the course of the world?

DaoistHHbP4M · Urban
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23 Chs

Chapter 22 Ancient Plank Road

The audience was obviously not interested in this Taoist temple and clamored to go explore it immediately.

"We haven't had lunch yet. We have to eat fast before going exploring."

Xiao Wu explained.

"What's the meal for? We're all waiting."

Despite the encouragement of the audience, Xiao Wu was not in a hurry. The number of viewers watching the live broadcast was still very small. She chatted with everyone casually. When Zhao Jiujing shouted that dinner was ready, she took her mobile phone to the "canteen" and just... There was a wooden table, a few benches, and a table full of vegetarian dishes.

They thought that these vegetarian dishes would not be too delicious, but the three of them unexpectedly discovered that the vegetarian dishes were quite delicious, and the cold cucumbers were crisp and refreshing, making them easy to eat.

"Taoist Master, how long have you been in this mountain? Are you alone? Aren't you bored?"

Brother Mao deliberately looked for topics.

"It's been about three years. Don't call me Taoist priest. I'm not a Taoist priest. I'm just a temporary resident who stays here to maintain the incense in the temple."

Zhao Jiujing explained.

"Isn't the Taoist a Taoist priest?"

Brother Mao was surprised.

Then, Zhao Jiujing talked about his past years. Apparently, this kind of homeless man lived for more than 20 years and then came to live in a Taoist temple for a long time. To many viewers, it seemed particularly magical. Unknowingly, The actual number of people in the live broadcast room has exceeded a thousand.

"If you really want to go to the ancient plank road, you must pay special attention to safety. I won't say anything unnecessary. You are adults and must be responsible for your own safety behavior."

Zhao Jiujing gave some final persuasion and stood up to put away the dishes.

"The Taoist Master is a good man."

Although Zhao Jiujing said that he is not a Taoist priest, he has been indifferent to fame and wealth for more than 20 years and has cultivated Taoist culture for three years. He is more like a Taoist priest than a real Taoist priest. Mao Ge and others, as well as the audience in the live broadcast room, still unanimously think that he is It's Taoist priest.

"Let's rest for a while and then we'll set off."

Despite all the persuasion, Brother Mao and the other three would not back down. Even if they are working in this industry, they would back down and run away without even taking a look, which would become a joke to the audience.

"Taoist Master, let's go first!"

After saying hello, Brother Mao quietly pressed two hundred yuan in cash on the table as lunch money, and then left the Taoist temple with his two companions.

From the Taoist temple, there is a winding path up the mountain. Within a few dozen meters, the stone steps disappeared and turned into dirt roads. Because few people walked on them, these dirt roads were overgrown with weeds. They took out their sickles and walked along. While chopping, I could finally follow the traces of the path before, so I didn't lose my way.

The villagers said it would take an hour and a half to walk to reach the ancient plank road, but in fact, the three of them walked for a full two hours before they arrived at the top of the mountain, sweating profusely. Their eyes suddenly opened up, and they saw the former ancient plank road, and Continuous mountains and valleys.

"There is only 4G signal, and it is very weak, and the network speed is very slow..."

While the live broadcast was on, Xiao Wu tried his best to lower the picture quality, but it still got stuck from time to time.

"It's very good. There is still a signal here. The infrastructure of the motherland is really awesome."

Another man gave a thumbs up in praise.

"Look, everyone, that's the ancient plank road left over thousands of years ago..."

Xiao Wu was in charge of the live broadcast, while Brother Mao raised the action camera to shoot, so as to leave editing material for tomorrow's video.

"The screen is very stuck..."

"Isn't this too dangerous? Even if you beat me to death..."

"How did the ancients build plank roads in such steep terrain?"

Even though the picture quality was blurry and laggy, the audience watching the live broadcast was still amazed.

The number of people watching the live broadcast exceeded 2,500.

Xiao Wu was a little regretful that the signal here was not very good, otherwise the number of people would have exceeded three to four thousand.

"Brother Mao, how about we continue walking up the mountain and then rappel down, or should we just go straight?"

Another man asked Brother Mao.

"Just leave, otherwise what are we doing here?"

Brother Mao looked at the ancient plank road from a distance and signaled to make preparations.

There is no place to hang a safety rope on this ancient plank road. They can only walk forward with rickety bodies. Maybe it rained heavily yesterday. The ground on the ancient plank road is very slippery. Fortunately, they are wearing hiking spikes and are not afraid of slippery conditions. .

Even if they have quite a lot of adventure experience, they still need to be careful and never lose care in Jingzhou.

Sure enough, as the three people entered the ancient plank road, the number of people in the live broadcast room skyrocketed. Even if the screen was stuck, the number of people increased very quickly. Maybe it was because the screen was stuck from time to time, making the entire adventure scene more thrilling.

"This plank road is too narrow and scary."

"Holy crap, there are no safety measures at all. How dare you do this?"

"I will risk my life for money."

An argument broke out in the live broadcast room. The room manager had no time to control the comments, and Xiao Wu had no time to argue. Brother Mao walked in the front, she followed in the middle, and the other man, Little Ant, was at the end. The three of them did not use safety ropes to hook each other. , if someone falls, other people will be implicated in falling too.

At this time, you can only pay attention to your own safety.

"Slow down, slow down."

Brother Mao is not afraid of heights, but he glanced to the side and was still a little dizzy. He shook his head to calm down and slowly moved forward with his body arched. He had rich shooting experience and deliberately made the already dangerous place The terrain is even more precarious when photographed using a wide angle, as if a slight slip of the foot would cause one to fall off the cliff.

The viewers in the live broadcast room have gradually become accustomed to the picture being stuck for a few seconds and buffering for a while, and many of them are breaking out in cold sweats.


Inadvertently, Xiao Wu's foot seemed to slip, and the mobile phone screen of the live broadcast suddenly spun around. Fortunately, Xiao Wu reached out and caught it in time.


Some viewers in the live broadcast room were originally very calm, but they were also shocked by this sudden scene.

 "Be careful!"

Brother Mao turned around and warned.

Of course, the three of them knew that Xiao Wu had deliberately created a stunt just now.

Without some gimmicks, how can we create stimulating traffic?

Xiao Wu has long been comfortable with such gimmicks.

The 600-meter-long cliff didn't seem long, but actually it was much longer when walking on it. It took them half an hour to move around the first bend, and it took another half an hour to get around it. Take the second turn and reach the end of the ancient plank road.

"It's finally almost here."

The three of them were all soaked to the skin. Not to mention anything else, they took out a bottle of mineral water and drank a lot to replenish their body moisture.

"Then there's a cave ahead, right?"

Once here, there is a relatively wide stone path, leading to a dark cave. There is also a stone path turning on the right side of the cave, which probably leads to the small stone temple that the villagers said.

The three people immediately started exploring, but although the cave was large, there was nothing interesting to see. It was nothing more than traces of life left by the ancients, which proved that what the villagers said was true.

Moreover, after entering the cave, the signal was completely cut off. After a few people hurriedly explored, took relevant images, left the cave, and resumed the interrupted live broadcast.