
I own an Island in an apocalyptic world

Kael while he was still a child , a fire broke out at his home and his parents sacrificed their lives to save him , even though he survived the fire accident , he was disfigured and looked ugly. He was betrayed and killed by a guy , he thought he was his only friend. “ If there is a next life i want to born in this planet after humans gone extinct “ [ Host was discovered, integrating the system with the host's soul….. integration is completed…. Beginning the reborn process….. reborn is completed ]

LuoFeng915 · Kỳ huyễn
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73 Chs

Facedown with the zombie couple

"Welcome home, boss," said the young ladies in unison. Then they turned to look at the sister duo.

"Charlotte and Elizabeth are sisters, and they will temporarily stay at our base," Kael said, looking at the four young ladies.

"Welcome," said the young ladies, looking at the sister duo.

"Thanks," the sister duo thanked the young ladies with bright smiles on their faces.

[Host... Armor is ready.]

"Oh, nice," Kael murmured inwardly. He turned to look at everyone and said, "You all know each other. I have important matters to deal with. I will be back soon."

Kael stepped out of the main hall and moved towards the main entrance of the building. Soon, he reached the main entrance and walked out of the building.

After he was a little far from his temporary base, he asked with an anxious look on his face, "Come on, system, show me the armor. I want to see how it looks very badly."

Gray armor appeared in front of him, hovering in the air. He reached out his hand to touch it, and the armor started to crawl onto him like ants, fitting his body like a tight swimsuit.

"What kind of armor is this? Is it some kind of cosplay costume?" Kael asked with a disappointed look on his face. The armor made him feel like he was wearing clothes instead of metal armor.

[Host, it was specially designed with very advanced fabric technology. Your armor is created with a mix of metal fabrics and nanomachines. It is super durable and can handle more than 10 hits from a level 2 zombie leader, but after 10 hits, the durability will keep decreasing, so be careful while fighting level 2 zombie leaders.]

"What about level 1 zombie leaders? What happens if they hit the armor?" Kael asked with a questioning gaze.

[Their attacks are negligible to the armor, so you will be invincible when facing level 1 zombie leaders.]

"Oh, that's cool," Kael said, gently caressing his armor with a satisfied look on his face.

[Host, since you have achieved strength close to a level 2 zombie leader, you have triggered the title quest. Complete the quest to earn the level 2 zombie leader title. Failing the quest will lead you to forever stay at level 1 zombie leader, and your growth and strength will remain at level 1. Quest requirements: kill one level 3 zombie leader or 5 level 2 zombie leaders that are close to evolving into a level 3 zombie leader.]

"Oh, the time to test the armor has already arrived," Kael said, tightening his fist.

"Scan for the level 2 zombie leaders," Kael asked.

[Scanning initiated... Scanning completed... Found two targets.]

"Oh, two targets at the same location?" Kael was surprised and moved in the direction indicated by the scanner at full speed.

After an hour, he reached the destination and entered a dilapidated building. He felt intense auras from different directions. Kael looked around and asked, "Oh, you two waiting for my arrival? See, I'm here. Why don't you two come out and welcome me?"


Two level 2 zombie leaders, one male and one female, attacked him from two directions. Kael reacted with his fists to counter the incoming attacks, his armor spreading all over his body at lightning speed.


The vibrations generated from the two attacks were absorbed by the armor and rebounded the two zombie leaders, cracking the floor beneath his feet like spider webs.

"Oh, this armor is just badass," Kael exclaimed while looking at the armor on his body.


The two zombie leaders screamed angrily and lunged at him. Unlike before, this time he had the armor and started getting used to it with every attack. The two zombie leaders had a hard time dealing with the rebound skill of the armor.

Kael continued fighting with a wide grin on his face.

Boom... Boom...

Debris flew all around as the fight became very intense. Unlike before, Kael wasn't injured much, but he was getting tired. He summoned his sword and struck at the female zombie leader in the middle of the battle. The female zombie leader, caught off guard, tried to defend but was nearly pierced. Suddenly, the male zombie leader came between them and took the full blow.


A painful shriek came out of its mouth as it kneeled on the ground with green fluid oozing from its sword injury. The female zombie leader held him in her arms, tears dripping down her face.

Seeing the scene unfold in front of his eyes, Kael widened his eyes in surprise. "System, what's happening here? Why are these two zombie leaders acting like humans?" he asked.

[Level 2 and above zombie leaders start to develop sentience. These two level 2 zombie leaders have developed high-level sentience, which is very rare.]

"Oh," Kael said, looking at the female zombie leader who was trying to stop the bleeding with her hands.

"Please... Do... Don't... Kill... Her... Kill... Me... Instead... Of... Her..." said the male zombie leader while looking at Kael.

"No... no... kill... me..." said the female zombie leader, using her body as a shield and protecting him like a mother hen, stretching her hands.

Even though they were zombies, the exceptional and unbelievable love between them moved Kael deeply, reminding him that humanity might not exist in humans, but it still existed in zombies.

"Spare... her... Kill... me," pleaded the male zombie leader.

Kael slowly walked towards the male zombie leader and stretched his hand towards it. The female zombie tried to attack him but stopped when Kael struck the sword on the floor in front of her.

The female zombie growled at him and looked at him hatefully.

Kael shook his head and said, "System, heal the zombie leader."

[Host, are you sure you want to use full recovery on that zombie leader?]


The female zombie lunged at him, but he stomped on her face and shackled her to the floor.

Even though she struggled very hard, she was not as strong as him.

[Deducted 50 points. Full recovery initiated... Full recovery completed.]

The male zombie opened his eyes and looked around with a confused expression. Then he reached out his hand to feel the injury, but there was no injury on his body.

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