
I Only Want The Second Male Lead

Song Ying died from heart attack and her soul transmigrated into the last novel she had read called ' The CEO's Sweet Little Wife'. She became the villainess, Bai Xiu Ying who was Male Protagonist's childhood friend. She was head over heels in love with him and became a thron between MP and FP love journey. As a villainess, she tried to hurt Female Protagonist time after time and finally died in the hand of Male Protagonist. After reading the book Song Ying had a huge crush on the Second Male Lead and cried alot when he died in the end. After waking up as Bai Xiu Ying, the transmigrated Song Ying vowed she would never let herself and the Second Male Lead die as the original plot. " Whoever wants that stone-cold Male Lead can take him away! I only want the second male lead!" ................ Hello, this is a story of the Villainess and the second male lead love journey. There will be Funny, Strong and Confident Female Villainess Vs Cute, Protective & love-struck Second Male Lead. This is my ORIGINAL BOOK and not a translation. This is my first time writing a book and english is my second language. So if there are any grammatical errors or spelling mistakes, please forgive me. Warning *there will be some smut scenes *

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13 Chs


Li Wei was in a trance until Song Ying completely disappeared from his view.

Staring at the empty place where she had left, his mood was somewhat complicated.

Until now, he still couldn't accept that she didn't inform him about her arrival, even after many days have passed. He knew she was lying when she said she forgot.

'Did she never plan to contact him until she goes back? It can't be right?'

Certain memories flashed into his mind when they last met each other in person several years ago. At that time, he had a business trip to Country F where Bai Xiu Ying was currently living.

Despite his busy schedule, he still remembered to inform her about his arrival in the country. Later, they had dinner and catched up with each other for about an hour.

However, Xiao Ying at that time was definitely different from the Xiao Ying he had just met now.

She was still aloof and arrogant, but the way she looked at him had changed. But he didn't know whether he should be glad or disappointed by that change.

In fact, he was glad that she no longer looked at him like a limited edition product, but instead, she now looked at him like a complete stranger, without any personal attachment.

To be honest, he felt offended and a bit upset by her indifferent attitude just now.

Before he continued with his thought, he heard Jing Jing calling his name as she held his arm gently. He saw at her cute face, which was beaming with joy and satisfaction.

He knew she was very happy by his acknowledgement about their relationship earlier with Xiao Ying. She always had that expression whenever he introduced her to the people he knew. But this time, she seemed much happier.

His mood also improved after seeing her adorable smile, his gaze immediately soften and a small smile appeared on his face while he looked at her dotingly.

"Wei, your friend talk exactly like you. She kinda looked like your female version." She giggled and said cheerfully.

Li Wei also smiled after hearing her words and silently agreed with her. Xiao Ying was indeed cold and aloof, just like him. Perhaps that's why they became friends in the first place.

"But I like her. She seems like a nice person. Also she seems...a bit different from your other friends. She was the first person who isn't interested in my family background or ask about what I do."

Zhang Jing really had a nice impression about Song Ying. Normally when Li Wei introduced her to his other friends, they would look at her like she was some sort of modern Cinderella, extremely lucky to have a prince charming.

They would then ask her a lot of questions about her family, her family business and her occupation, etc.

After getting answers from her, their attitude would always change, they looked at her like she was a peasant trying to become a phoenix.

It would be a lie if she was not hurt by their attitude. That's why she never dare to introduce herself as his girlfriend proudly first.

Although she felt delighted that Li Wei never hesitate to tell their relationship every time, she never really had a pleasant meeting with any of his friends....until now.

After meeting with them, her insecurity would increase, and she felt more and more unworthy of being together with Li Wei. Therefore, she was extremely happy after meeting with Song Ying.

At the same time, Li Wei frowned after hearing her words. After thinking carefully, he felt something was amiss. That didn't really seem like her though.

When he introduced Jing Jing, she didn't ask anything just like Jing Jing said. The Xiao Ying he knew would definitely be interested in those kinds of materialistic things and social status.

The girl he knew loved fame, status and wealth more than anyone. She made friends and judge people based on those kinds of things.

Can a person change because they get older? Maybe she got mature and her mindset changed as she gets older?

But he didn't believe that. No matter how much a person become mature, it was impossible to change their mindset completely. The look in their eyes can still show their inner thoughts and desires.

He recalled her beautiful brown eyes, which were very clean and bright. She had no interest or curiosity about him or Jing Jing. How can that be?

Maybe...maybe she really had important stuff to do? Something that must be very beneficial to her that she couldn't spare any attention to them. She also seemed to be in a hurry before she left. Yeah, that must the only reason for her attitude right now.

To confirm his thoughts, he planned to meet with her again in coming days.


At the moment, Song Ying was in Li Jun kitchen, humming a song and preparing ingredients for the last dish.

Was she bothered by encountering with the main Protagonists earlier?

Hmm... hell to the no baby. She never wastes her precious feelings on unnecessary people in her life.

She knew she will have to face with them sooner or later. Seriously, this world was created for them, and she was in the goddamn villainess body.

To be honest, she was pretty relieved that they had met earlier than she expected.

Male lead was indeed very cold and arrogant, just like she had read in the book, but the best thing was that she was able to be as arrogant as him!

In her opinion, female lead was much better than that dog male lead. Even though she was never a fan of weak female lead, she looked really cute with her big innocent eyes and a sweet smile in real person.

Now that there was no villain to disturb their love life, she was a little curious about how the plot will change.

Talking about the villainess, Song Ying somehow felt some pity for Bai Xiu Ying.

In her opinions, if Male Lead had told or at least show some hints that he had a girlfriend a little earlier, if she hadn't seen them making out all of a sudden on the way to confess the male lead, and if male lead didn't hurt her pride by cutting off their friendship ruthlessly, Song Ying believed Bai Xiu Ying wouldn't go this psychotic and crazy enough to become a villainess.

She even low-key expected that villainess will repent and start fresh by falling in love with the second male lead. But alas, the author killed them both!

Before her ship was about to sail, it sunk into the ground, even worse than the Titanic.

Song Ying sighed and shook her head dejectedly.

Suddenly, she heard the sound of footstep. She instantly lifted her head to look at and boom, there... she saw her baby in a suit, looking hot and chic!

Song Ying greeted him with a large smile on her face cheerfully.

"You are back!"

It was just a simple greeting from Song Ying but on Li Jun side, the whole world seems to stop in that moment.

When he entered the kitchen, he saw her chopping something, wearing a cute pink apron with a rabbit in the middle.

But as soon as she raised her head and greeted him, he froze on his track as his brain stop functioning. Everything around him seemed to slowed down.

The way her beautiful eyes sparkled as she looked up, her lips forming a wide smile, her stunning face in a messy bun with a few strands of hair falling on her face, some beads of sweat forming on her face and neck. Especially the way she welcomed him with her exciting voice like she had been waiting for his return.

Everything hit straight into his heart that he knew he would never be able to forget this moment in his entire life.

He felt a strange feeling of warmth enveloped his heart and slowly spread throughout his whole body.

No matter how he imagined on his way about how she will look like while cooking, this scene in front of him totally caught him off guard.

The view in front of him was too foreign and unreal for him.

"Jun, what's wrong? Are you ok?" Her worried voice made him snapped back to reality.

He felt a lump in his throat. He was so choked up with various emotions that he couldn't say anything for a few seconds.

After calming down his emotions with great difficulty, he looked at her with a strange gaze and replied with slightly shaking voice.

"I am fine. I will go and change my clothes first."

After that, he hurriedly walked out from the kitchen. Song Ying looked at his retreating figure with a puzzled look and shook her head amusingly.


As soon as Li Jun entered in his room, he closed the door and hurriedly sat down on his bed.

He was feeling many unknown emotions now that he felt like his heart was about to burst. He could even feel the pounding of his heart heavily against his rib cage.

He buried his face in his palms as he was breathing heavily.

He didn't understand what was wrong with him, because just now he had this strong impulse to hug her tight, to feel her warmth, to make sure that all of this was real and not a dream.

But he had to turn away from her immediately, otherwise, he might completely lose control of himself and took her in his arm, and things will become very complicated after that.

He knew his feelings for her were slowly changing, no matter how hard he tried to stop. It was completely different from when they were young.

Even if he didn't want to admit, his body reacted so strongly that he couldn't help it, just like now.

She was revealing too many other sides of her that he had never seen before. Her weak side, her cute side, her playful side, her warm side, her lazy side and her beautiful side.

Not getting enough of that, he even hoped to see her other remaining sides. Something must be really wrong with him.

The more he spent time with her, the more he enjoyed her company. He loved her presence beside him and wanted more of her. In short, he was becoming really greedy...of her.

But he knew once he confirmed his feelings for her and let his feelings take control, whatever relationship between them right now would become shattered.

He knew she liked someone else. And he also knew that he would always be her second choice. No, he might not even be her second choice right now.

He tried to calm down his emotions as he took a deep breath. He kept reminding himself that he shouldn't be greedy or else he would lose everything.

At last, he smiled with a bitter expression in his eyes, feeling completely hopeless with himself.