
I Only Tame Dragons

“Come not between the Dragon and his Wrath.” — William Shakespeare The year was 2140, and Earth was nothing but a distant memory. Humanity now drifted through the galaxies aboard colossal ARKs, massive skyships that served as the last bastions of civilization. Yet, these ARKs were more than just floating cities; they were humanity’s last containers, preserving what remained of their species. A century before Earth's final collapse, humanity discovered a gateway to a realm known as Eternia — a fantastical world straight out of myth and legend. Reaching this realm required more than just advanced technology; it demanded a complete departure from the physical body and entry into a mysterious process known as the Dream Weave. In the present day, Cloud lived aboard ARK NO. 427, where he had been training from a young age to step into the Dream Weave. He was a standout among his peers, excelling in every tasks that came his way. Everything seemed to be on track for him — until the pivotal day of the Class Selection process.

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Wrath of the Dracolich    

The battle with the Nix Dracolich erupted like a storm crashing against the ship.


As it descended with a thunderous roar, the Warsled buckled under the immense pressure of its necrotic aura, cracks forming along the deck as the beast's shadow enveloped the crew.


Von fired the first shot. His dual pistols rang out with sharp cracks, the bullets sizzling as they flew toward the Dracolich.


The undead monstrosity twisted effortlessly in the air, dodging the shots with a speed that belied its massive, decayed form. Its skeletal wings beat powerfully, sending gusts of foul wind across the deck, forcing the crew to brace themselves.


Horizon stood at the ship's prow, sword raised. His sword, though keen, felt like a toothpick against this colossal, undead beast. But there was no room for hesitation now.


With a yell, he charged, leaping off the ship's railing and driving his blade toward the Dracolich's exposed ribcage.


The impact was like striking solid steel. Sparks flew as his sword met bone, and Horizon barely avoided a swipe from the Dracolich's clawed talon as it retaliated. He fell back, narrowly dodging a second strike, and landed hard on the deck.


The crew surged forward to support him, weapons gleaming in the fading light as they launched arrows, spears, and spells at the undead dragon.


The Dracolich, however, was a step ahead. Its glowing eyes narrowed, and with a deafening screech, it unleashed a torrent of shadowy fire from its gaping maw.


The blast exploded across the deck, black flames licking at the wooden planks and sending several Amberskins flying backward. Some tried to roll and extinguish the necrotic blaze, but the fire clung to them, draining their strength.


"Fall back!" Horizon yelled, shielding a nearby warrior from a wave of dark energy. He raised his shield just in time to block a crushing strike from the Dracolich's tail. The force sent him skidding across the deck, but he dug his heels in and rose again.


Von took a deep breath and steadied his aim. He loaded his special ammunition — explosive rounds designed to pierce even the toughest of hides — and fired.


The bullets hit their mark, detonating with a series of sharp explosions that rattled the Dracolich's frame. Bone fragments shattered and fell away, but the beast barely flinched.


The Dracolich countered with a bone-chilling screech, sweeping its wings forward to unleash a pulse of necrotic energy. The blast sent shockwaves through the ship, throwing some of the crew off their feet.


Von barely managed to hold onto the railing as the Warsled pitched violently from the force. He spat out blood but grinned through the pain, reloading his guns for another volley.


Meanwhile, Horizon and Atyan coordinated a desperate counterattack. Atyan's battle-axe gleamed in the dying light as she swung at the Dracolich's hind legs, hacking at the bones with every ounce of strength she could muster.


Nukkos joined in, his spear driving into the creature's side, but the undead dragon merely hissed and lashed out with its wings, knocking them both aside like ragdolls.


With the Dracolich now fully focused on destroying the ship and its crew, Horizon saw an opening. He sprinted across the deck, dodging swipes from the Dracolich's claws and tail, until he reached one of the ship's ballistae.


He jumped into position, his hands moving quickly to aim the massive weapon at the Dracolich's exposed skull.


Von, noticing his plan, covered him with rapid gunfire, keeping the beast distracted long enough for Horizon to fire.


The ballista bolt flew straight and true, embedding itself into the Dracolich's skull with a thunderous crack. The undead monstrosity screeched in pain, thrashing wildly as it tried to dislodge the massive bolt. Black ichor poured from the wound, sizzling as it hit the deck.


But the Dracolich wasn't done yet.


With a final, vengeful roar, it gathered all its remaining strength and unleashed a devastating breath attack — this time, an inferno of necrotic fire that spread across the entire ship. The deck lit up in an eerie glow as the flames raced toward the crew.


Horizon threw up his shield, knowing it wouldn't be enough. Just as the black fire engulfed him, a surge of magic erupted from the ship's core — an ancient defense mechanism buried deep within its enchanted hull.


A golden barrier flared to life, pushing the flames back and momentarily shielding the crew from certain death. But the defense system was only a one time thing. 


The Dracolich, weakened but still enraged, hovered above the Warsled, its body riddled with cracks and damage.


Von stood alongside Horizon. They knew this was the moment to strike it down for good. With one final coordinated effort, the two launched their last attacks — Horizon's blade, and Von's explosive bullets soaring through the air.


The combined assault struck true. Horizon's sword cleaved into the Dracolich's chest, while Von's bullets detonated in a brilliant display of light and fire.


The Dracolich let out one last, deafening screech as its skeletal form shattered into a cloud of bone dust, scattering across the sky like ashes in the wind.


As the Dracolich crumbled to the ground, victory should have tasted sweet — but instead, a suffocating dread clung to the air.

Horizon could almost feel the creature's undying malice still pulsing through the battlefield. The skeletal dragon's necromantic energies poured from its shattered form, seeping into the warsled's mechanisms like venom.


Suddenly, a halo of black flame erupted around the vessel, igniting the conductive railings and coils. With a violent jolt, the ship roared to life, accelerating uncontrollably. One of the Amberskin fought for control, his hands clawing at the helm, but the ship was no longer his to command.


A shrill, blood-chilling scream tore through the air from below deck. Horizon's stomach sank. "What now?"


He barely had time to think — let alone breathe. It was his first month in this new world, yet it felt like he'd lived a lifetime of chaos. Battle after battle, disaster after disaster.

Atyan and Nukkos exchanged worried glances, tension tightening their faces. Nukkos bolted below deck, while Atyan, torn between choices, stayed to wrestle with the ship's now hopelessly corrupted controls.


Then came another scream, this one heavier, filled with raw despair that stabbed at Horizon's chest like a blade.


Horizon and Von dashed below, following Nukkos, only to be confronted by a scene from a nightmare. The sight froze them in place — dread washed over them like a wave, and for a heartbeat, Horizon wondered if they'd truly escaped the Dracolich's curse . . . or merely stepped into the next horror.