
I Love You Two

SYNOPSIS What happens when you wake up one morning and find out you're in love with your best friend?  had the feeling for a long time but didn't know what it was. Or maybe you didn't want to admit it. You can't tell her because you're scared it might ruin the friendship you have together. You're also scared of keeping it a secret because your heart aches and yearns for something to make you whole, someone to fill the void within. He'd always loved her... Since childhood. What if someone else sees the treasure in her and snatches her from him? What if he tells her how he feels and she doesn't feel the same? This is where Jason Andrew, Crystal's best friend, becomes confused! If you love someone, say it. Even if they don't reciprocate the love. You won't have to live the rest of your life regretting why you never tried..

Theodora_Igbokwe · Thanh xuân
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12 Chs

Chapter Five

Crystal found a red sleeveless dress that clung to all her curves when she wore it.

"I still got it" she giggled as she turned to look at different angles of her body through the full-length mirror in her bedroom.

Then she got the high heels she had never put on. She was going to put the damn shoes and show Jason the stuff she was made of. Even as she thought about it, a tiny smile played on her lips.


A lady walked into the Rasta-Pasta renowned restaurant immediately after the clock struck 7:30 PM sharp.

All heads turned towards the door as everyone wondered if the lady standing there was a statue, goddess, or a human being. She had the right curves in the right places. Her jet-black hair fell across her shoulders, down to her waist.

Her face wore just the barest makeup and yet she looked like an angel who had descended from the sky.

Her legs looked flawless she walked in with grace. It didn't look like she was walking, it was more like she floated across the room till she spotted an empty table at the far end of the room.

Jason sat in another corner, mouth hanging open.

"What the hell am I seeing?" He asked himself severally as he wiped his eyes repeatedly.

He didn't know the lady who walked in was Crystal. He'd have sworn. When everyone turned to stare, he'd turned as well.

He thought the girl was beautiful and he smiled and looked away... She walked with such fluidity like Crystal.


She had her back to him but he caught a whiff of her perfume as she walked past his table. He was damn right! It was Crystal!

When did she purchase a such seductive dress and why did she wear a such dress to a public place?!

He should have listened to her instead of daring her. Now, he had to pay. The game was on.

After downing his glass of water, he got up and walked to her table.

She looked up from the menu she held in her long, slim fingers and smiled at him.

Such an angelic face. Her smile melted his heart and made him turn mute that for a moment, just a few seconds, he was lost.

"Hello. Can I help you?" She asked, still smiling.

"Yes. I mean no. Uhm, hi" he smiled awkwardly and offered his hand for a handshake.

"I'm Jason. Jason Michaels"

"Oh. I'm Crystal Adams. Nice to meet you" she took his hand in a firm shake, like a real businesswoman. A no-nonsense lady.

"I love your name. I love jewels and you look like one"

"Mr. Michaels, are you a collector then?"

"No. Are you expecting someone? Can I have a seat?"

"I am expecting someone. But yes, you can have a seat" she smiled and gestured to the empty chair opposite her.

He sat. They sat for a while.

"So tell me about yourself Miss Adams" he picked up the menu and pretended to go through it. Meanwhile, his mind was trying to stay in the act, his brain was yelling for him to drop the act and scream.

"You tell me about yourself Mr. Michaels" she smiled sweetly, again.

"Please call me Jason. Everyone does"

"Jason" she repeated and ran her tongue over her lips.

Just then, the waiter came to them.

"May I take your order please?"

"Sure". Jason smiled at the waiter and turned to Crystal, "what do you care for?" He asked.

"I'll have the chicken Bryan" she replied and handed the menu back to the waiter.

"And you sir?" He asked, turning to Jason.

"I'll have what she's having. And a bottle of Martinelli please"

"What do you like about the chicken Bryan?" He asked after the waiter had left.

She laughed gaily, in a way that brought more light into her eyes.

"I don't like it. I love it! Who doesn't?! The sun-dried tomatoes, melty goat cheese, the grilled chicken—" she closed her eyes and moaned.

"Do you cook?" He asked

"No I don't" she replied, "but sometimes I dabble a little" her smile never wavered.

"I love it too. Especially the grilled chicken. We do have a lot in common, don't we miss Adams?"

"Call me Crystal please," she said, placing her hand gently on his which was on the table, and giving it a light squeeze. She had a soft palm and she felt his body vibrate under her touch. She laughed and leaped inwardly.

They had placed a bet before leaving the house. The first person to speak or act out of the character they were playing would take care of the house and all its occupants for three months, with no bargaining.

Jason was not ready to lose and neither was she. He gently pulled his hand from beneath hers and eyed her cautiously. She just smiled sweetly. Innocently.

"This is quite a place, isn't it?" He complimented.

"I love it" she replied.

"Do you come here often?" She asked

"Often? I live here"

"What do you do? Where do you work?"

Just then, the waiter arrived with their order and carefully placed it down on the table. The aroma hit her nose and her mouth began to water. She couldn't wait to dig in.

Jason played with his fork as he watched her eat. why hadn't he noticed how full her lips were? How blue her eyes were? Or how green and vicious they became when she was angry. He'd never thought about it.

Sensing that someone was staring at her so intently, she looked up and caught his eyes. They stared at each other for seconds without blinking.

"I love how deep brown your eyes are. It reminds me of honey. They look so intelligent" she broke the stare and smiled.

"Your smile lights up my world" he wanted to say but instead he said, "your smile lights up your blue eyes, your entire face"

"Thanks" she blushed and looked at her plate. She was almost done and he hadn't even touched his food.

"You're not eating Mr. Michaels"

"I can't"

"Why so? Isn't it delicious?"

"There's something more delicious in front of me" he replied. Mischief dancing in his eyes.

"And what is that? She asked curiously.

"You" he replied, then used the serviette to wipe the fork he'd been playing with. He dug into his food and emptied half its contents into her plate.

"She began to protest, just like every lady would. But deep in her eyes, he could see gratitude. She ate it all up!

By the time dinner was over, she felt too heavy to walk.

"Do you care for dessert?" The waiter was back.

"No" Crystal replied and looked pleadingly at Jason. He smiled wickedly and for a moment, she thought he was going to say yes.

"No" he replied.

"Okay. If you don't need anything else, I'll get the bill"

Jason stretched one of his long legs to reach for his wallet. The waiter was back with the bill and had placed it on the table.

"Let me have it, please. I ordered the food. It's only fair that I pay"

"Not happening" Jason replied.

"Okay. Then let's split it?"

"No. Allow me to be a gentleman, please. My momma taught me well"

Crystal saw no reason to argue so she let him have his way.

She was staring at him intently for the first time that night and he wasn't even aware. She preferred it that way. At least she'd have a little time to admire and salivate without his eyes on her like a hawk.

After paying for the dinner, he took his jacket which he'd hung on the seat, and wore it. His biceps flexed involuntarily.

He raked his hand through his hair, a gesture she was familiar with. He always did that when he was impatient or running out of control.

"Shall we?" He stretched his hand to help her out of her seat. And then they walked out of the restaurant.

The warm night air hit her face and she closed her eyes to breathe in the fresh air, with a smile.

"I'll hail a cab to take me home" she calmly took her hand from his. She was getting feelings and vibrations that couldn't be welcomed. The same feelings she had buried a year ago. She wasn't ready to deal with it again.

Yes, she'd never told anyone that she had had a crush on Jason for a very long time, even before she moved in with him and they became roomies as well as best friends.

When he began to date Ashley, although it hurt her, she had to let it go because he seemed happy.

And now she wished she hadn't. He'd gone and gotten his poor heartbroken by the crazy girl who never appreciated him.

There were times when she wished she could talk to him, just to know if he felt the same way she did.

"Where do you live? He asked, interrupting her thoughts.

"Why do you ask?"

"We could walk"

"Well... It's not so far but my shoes—"

"I could give you a ride on my back. Do you love to piggyback rides, Crystal?"

"I... I..." She was confused. Were they still acting or had he given up?

Whatever, she would never refuse a piggyback, especially on Jason's back, for anything in the world.

"Okay," she mumbled, pretending to be embarrassed and not interested.

She rolled her tight dress high above her thighs and he squatted while she hopped on his back. Her thighs were exposed to the warm air and it felt good. She felt the dress was too tight and it clung like a second skin.

Some fresh air was welcomed in certain places...