
I have the POWER to punish evil but I WANT to be evil?

The protagonist died suddenly in her past life. Entering the book she had read, she does not know what awaits her. Our character's personality is very strange. She is a crazy and cruel woman, but at the same time a tragic one. The further she goes on her adventure, the more hidden things about herself will come to light. The curse that was on her was causing her to gradually lose the ability to have feelings, and her only hope to feel them again is love. Too bad she only has one chance and fate was so bad for her... So her love story became more of a tragedy where her unstable mind was trying to stay whole... Too bad these happened too suddenly .... Just when she was ready to destroy the planet and all the people on it, a certain someone saves them by turning everything upside down for her. Now there is a long fight for the two of them, but strangely the girl's body suddenly gave way. When she opens her eyes again she is in another girl. It's just that not only the body has changed, but also the soul... Now she has put together all the missing pieces of the puzzle of her past lives and a shocking truth has come out that is not only shaking her but the whole world... Now the real story will begin... The author here: the first volume is more like ...hmm... chapter zero? Introduction ? The beginning? The real story will actually begin with the next volume. The first flight is called the 'Origins Scenario' and has a much deeper meaning. It will probably have more than 100 chapters so there is still a long way to go before we can talk about the next volume... I hope you like my book :)

Iasomie · Kỳ huyễn
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78 Chs

The mysterious situation underground

- Now enough about the god of Life. Your teammates are most likely dead or in the custody of the gods, so it's not worth thinking about them.

The 'teacher' stopped and looked at them.

- Where is the girl who had powers of death?

The group then realized that Anka was no longer with them.

Issa - When did she leave? Why didn't anyone notice?

Bico - I don't know, but hasn't she been acting weird since we went underground?

Cual - Now that you bring it up ... she seemed quieter and , I hardly have any impression of her the whole way ...

Pavel - That is no longer important now. She is crazy, who knows what she will do!

The different people who were there were silent for a moment.

Alessio - Professor, why are you suddenly so open and sociable?

The 'teacher' suddenly froze in place. 

The group was confused for a moment but they got it right after.

'The fact that he explained the situation to us in such detail is really abnormal...'

' When he had shown up before he seemed quite bored and contemptuous...'

'There remains the problem with the ropes in the soul, which are the reason why we came here to investigate...'

'He didn't mention them at all...'

'We must not let our guard down...'

The 'teacher' then recovered, scratching the back of his head as if to express his embarrassment...

- I haven't had company down here for a long time, plus I have to investigate the temple situation and you're the only ones who have come to the asat planet for the last 3 years, so...

Matella- ... is the perpetrator among us?

- Yes . It is my duty to take care of the temple so I must do my best...

' That was a lame excuse.'

'He's definitely hiding something...'

Even though the group now had their guard up for this person, there was nothing they could do but listen to him for now.

~On Anka's side.~

She was drawn by the black smoke through the wall.

The first thing she saw when opened her eyes was a huge hall. It had a big white throne right at the end and had a beautiful red crown on her.

The room was very high and ended with a glass dome.

The poles were made of some shiny black metal. The walls seemed to be made of hewn stones, built one on top of the other. The floor was made of some kind of light wood. The light source was the candles that floated like soap bubbles around the room. They emitted a golden light, very clean.

One of the walls had an open archway that led to what looked like a lake. The walls of this room were covered with various branches growing out of the water. Above the lake, golden threads passed. These were tied at one end to a branch and there were a lot of them.

The ceiling above the lake was covered with strange designs. As for the lake, it was very clear. Pearls of different colors and sizes could be seen on his bottom.

Returning to the throne room, Anka randomly walks around the place. She passed her hand over the wall, and the cold sensation seemed familiar. Then her gaze was drawn to the throne. She approached to that hesitantly.

Intuition tells her that if she sits on it, everything will most likely be clear. However, she did not know what to do.

Somehow the scene seemed quite familiar. She had the feeling that she had dreamed of that trone not long ago. But looking at the floating candles, she frowned. They weren't supposed to be here.

She turned her gaze again to the throne and the crown on it , which were only a meter away.

What she didn't know was that her eyes were starting to glow red and her hair was gradually turning white.

She hesitantly extended her hand towards the crown. She felt more and more attracted, and this feeling was very annoying.

But when she was about to touch that crown, a hand came from behind her and grabbed her wrist. Another hand held her waist and prevented her from moving.

Anka was surprised.

She turned her head and her red eyes were reflected in a pair of gorgeous golden eyes.

The girl stared blankly at the person behind her...


The one who had stopped her hand and held it in place was none other than the dragon Fahim.

He looked down at her with a calm look.

- It's not a good time (----).

- What did you say ?

Anka had not fully heard what the man said. 

Now she realized that her body was deteriorating very quickly since she entered here. Pulling her gaze away from the unexpected person, she saw creepy black cracks on the hand reaching for the crown.

She closed her eyes and calmed down.

She felt her heart beating very fast, her back was wet with sweat, her legs were very weak. 

If Fahim hadn't grabbed her by the waist, she probably would have collapsed.

Speaking of this man, the place where they came into contact had a warm current going into her.

'I assume he's using the healing spell?'

Her mind was trying to calm down so she didn't have time to delve into things like:

'What is he doing here?' or 'What did he just say?'.

While the girl calmed down, the man's eyes never left. He was looking at her intently, as if he was looking for something.

After a while, Anka's hair turned black again, and so did her eyes. The visible cracks that had spread on the hands, neck and legs have healed.

When she opened her eyes she was calm again.

Fahim withdrew his hand holding her wrist, but the one on her waist remained there.

Anka didn't seem to mind that.

She looked curiously at Fahim.

- What are you doing here ?

The man pulled her closer and snapped his fingers with his free hand.

'A teleportation spell?'

The room instantly changes to what looked like some kind of office. This was probably still underground because it had the same style as the earlier hall.

However, what was different was a strange couch that didn't match the ambiance of the living room.

This seemed to be a very elegant and comfortable one, and the man pulled it straight towards her.

Anka followed him cooperatively.

'I don't understand why I don't have any sense of alertness when I'm with him...'

'I feel so relaxed...'

'Did I really fall in love...?'

She looked at the man who still had a mask, but there was a hole for his eyes, and their golden color was very beautiful.

The two sat down on the couch. Fahim still had a hand on her waist, while Anka looked curiously across the desk.

This room looked pretty tidy. It had a wall full of drawers.

This was the one the door was on. How can I say? It was practically an entire room made up of them. The door had a short wooden corridor to the office entrance.

On another wall were all kinds of precious stones embedded in the bricks. On the wall behind the desk a thin layer of ice was placed uniformly giving a glassy appearance. The last wall had several shelves with all kinds of strange or ordinary objects. It seemed like a collection somewhat...

The office table was made of solid wood. It had a semi-oval shape and was clean. On it was a tea set and various writing instruments: from quills, to very advanced pens, rune pencils and magical stamps...

The chair behind the desk seemed to be made of some kind of fine leather. It had a beautiful cream color.

Now in front of this desk was a white rug that matched the floor quite well, and next to it was this misplaced couch.

Anka felt that the owner of this office probably did not choose this sofa for her, but it was not very important now.

Her eyes turned back to Fahim.

The man began to speak seeing this.

- A strange door with patterns appeared in front of me and bound me with black mist. When I opened my eyes again I was in one of the corridors of this place so I wandered around blindly for a bit ,then I saw you in that throne room only you looked like a daze state and black smoke was around you . I thought if you got your hands on that crown it probably wouldn't be good.

Although the girl tried to pay more attention to what the man was saying, his voice was too charming and she was a bit distracted.

She understood a lot but she really didn't seem to care. She had only asked out of curiosity and to start a conversation, not that she really cared.

After he had finished speaking, Fahim was still looking at her. It didn't seem to bother him that Anka was distracted, absolutely out of place.

Then she had noticed that the man was no longer talking and quickly spoke with embarrassment a little.

- So you're lost?

- You can say that.

- We can look for the exit together.

- Hmm.

Anka had a strange feeling about winning a fight. She felt so proud and happy that he had almost forgotten everything.

Fahim looks around symbolically.

- But how did you get here? Oh, and where is this here?