
I have the POWER to punish evil but I WANT to be evil?

The protagonist died suddenly in her past life. Entering the book she had read, she does not know what awaits her. Our character's personality is very strange. She is a crazy and cruel woman, but at the same time a tragic one. The further she goes on her adventure, the more hidden things about herself will come to light. The curse that was on her was causing her to gradually lose the ability to have feelings, and her only hope to feel them again is love. Too bad she only has one chance and fate was so bad for her... So her love story became more of a tragedy where her unstable mind was trying to stay whole... Too bad these happened too suddenly .... Just when she was ready to destroy the planet and all the people on it, a certain someone saves them by turning everything upside down for her. Now there is a long fight for the two of them, but strangely the girl's body suddenly gave way. When she opens her eyes again she is in another girl. It's just that not only the body has changed, but also the soul... Now she has put together all the missing pieces of the puzzle of her past lives and a shocking truth has come out that is not only shaking her but the whole world... Now the real story will begin... The author here: the first volume is more like ...hmm... chapter zero? Introduction ? The beginning? The real story will actually begin with the next volume. The first flight is called the 'Origins Scenario' and has a much deeper meaning. It will probably have more than 100 chapters so there is still a long way to go before we can talk about the next volume... I hope you like my book :)

Iasomie · Fantasy
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78 Chs


Anka realized that Fahim probably got here by mistake, so he didn't know where he was. the fact that he met her here was pure coincidence...

This thought annoys her for no reason...

The girl, however, does not show her true emotions on her face.

- Now we should be inside the temple of the Dead Goddess. The system brought me here on a mission.

Anka briefly explained the situation.

Fahim seemed to be listening carefully.

After casually discussing what they should do, they came to the conclusion that they should follow that group of teammates. So they both stood up, and Fahim took his hand back from the girl's waist.

Anka looked lost for a moment then hid it well. 

The two went through different rooms, but did not find the other teammates.

Anka frowned. She had a feeling that they was spinning in a circle.

She went to a wall on impulse and put her hand on it. Then she was instantly absorbed into a wall again. Only this time she ended up in that entrance hall again.

After a few seconds of digesting the situation, she quickly looked back. Fahim was thrown off the wall like her.

The girl breathed a sigh of relief, then pointed to a door at the end of the hall.

- That's where they entered.

Then the two continued their journey. They saw that long hall with paintings, and the difference was that at each one they stopped to admire it.

Fahim even said some information about them, like:

' It was made at that time ...' or ' commemorates that ...' or ' This moment led to ...'

It was like a history book was next to her, but in a good way.

Her mine even organized several strange images that were in the form of memories, and apparently related to some of these moments...

They spent quite a bit of time like this...

But when they got to the last painting, both were silent. Fahim was staring intently at the painting, but because he had a mask you couldn't guess what he was feeling, while Anka was staring blankly.

'If my suspicion is real, doesn't that mean I'm in this painting?'

'I also saw my eyes turning red...'

'Everything the system said about the abnormality of my soul fits...'

'Am I really a Goddess?'

Her eyes lost focus again due to the mix of emotions. Fahim seemed to notice this, so he decisively pulled her from the table.

- It is not good to sit in deep thoughts in a dangerous place.

Anka nodded.

Her condition became very volatile again.

They then entered the library.

Here were the rest of the team sitting in a circle around the 'teacher'. He was telling them how he was found by the god of history and became his disciple. It's just a pity that it was only with the title, and she hadn't learned anything from him.

-... since then I have read a lot of books from this library. But the more you read, the less you seem to know...

Then the 'teacher' stopped because he saw Anka and Fahim not far away.

- Look, your colleague is back. 

The group that was initially only paying attention to this teacher in order not to fall into a trap turned their heads restlessly to look at Anka.

Well, their reactions were quite varied. Some looked relieved, others frowned, but they didn't visibly show anything.

Then the situation in the library became extremely strange ...

No one spoke, no one moved...

Anka was very angry now. She looked at this group of rude people who were staring at her and Fahim like they were zoo specimens.

- Why are you looking at us like that?

Alesio - Anka who is this?

Alesio pointed at Fahim with his finger, which made Anka frown even harder.

But before she could say anything, the teacher suddenly appeared in front of her and a strange feeling came over her.

Her gaze lowered and black chains came out of the floor and tied her to her waist, hands, shoulders and feet.

The girl raised her eyebrows at this.

Then with a sudden idea she turned to see Fahim being tied up as well.

Anka was now very mentally unstable. From the unbelievable information, to the noises heard, to the scenes seen...everything annoyed her to the max, and now this action...

She was ready to 'explode'...

- This man does not emanate the energy of death, so you must be the one who released the souls from the depths.

The teacher addressed Anka who was keeping her head down now.

The group behind hadn't reacted yet but they were on guard. They had no idea what to do.

 To support the teacher or Anka...

A difficult choice so they decided to wait and see.

- Say, was it you?

The teacher looked angry and insisted on getting an answer from the girl.

Anka tried to control herself, but it was very difficult, especially since he was too close and her powers activated again without her permission. Now she saw the person's emotions. She saw the person's soul and a new thing, she also saw the person's desires...

One was already enough to make her sick, but now they were all together...

Alesio decided to intervene and save Anka for various reasons.

- It's probably a mistake. She was with us almost all the time, she didn't have time to ... release souls ...

With him, Madeva's and Bico's team were saying the same thing.

Then Matella also spoke:

- Teacher, maybe Anka can help you catch the real perpetrator, but release her first.

What they said didn't really make sense, but it wasn't important. They just wanted to present their attitude to the teacher. They weren't going to let a teammate suffer.

Too bad the teacher no longer has eyes on them. He looked at Anka and Fahim. The girl had her head down and it was not known what she was doing, while the man did not seem affected by the place. Fahim just looks at Anka.

The teacher made a few signs and the appearance of the library changed to a strange prison. 

It had all kinds of tools and shelves, but most appealing were walls that appeared to contain veins of ore.

These were red and gave off an ominous air.

The group realized that the situation was very bad.

They wanted to attack but they couldn't move.

It seems that they were also fixed with chains.

Alesio - What are you going to do?

The teacher seemed very pleased.

- Obviously, close you here.

He had a strange smile on face.

Matthew - Why?

- Why ? 

The man seemed to be in a good mood now...

- Because I need research materials, of course!

Now was there a scene where the villain was probably telling his evil plan?

It seems so ...

- You have no idea how happy I was when among you there was someone who could draw the energy of the dead.

Now he really laughed heartily and looked at Anka who was tied to a wall with many chains.

- You have no idea how hard it is to exist as a living being with this energy inside. I almost thought I was dreaming the other day.

He went to a tool cabinet and picked out several strange objects.

Matella - What do you want to do with her?

- What to do ? Obviously I will use it.

Now they look at the group of people as if they were kindergarten children who don't even know that the sky is blue.

- A body that can withstand the energy of death is extremely rare, so it must be used wisely. I want to study it and be able to find out how to bear this energy…

His eyes had a crazy glint again.

- You see, the ring received from that cowardly god contains a very small piece of the Goddess's soul. I can do so much with it, but I am limited by two things. First of all because of the little energy my body can handle, that's why I have to solve it...

Madeva - Are you sure it can be done manually like this? I think you probably took the wrong way ...

An object passed right by her ear and stuck in the wall.

Not far away the teacher looked at her with a serious look.

- Shut up and listen.

Then the group stopped speaking.

- Where I was left...yes...a body that can resist dead energy is very rare...I didn't know how to plan at first, for her to fall into my hands, and then the situation with the souls in the underground kept me busy and I didn't have time for you. Who would have thought that you would go down there alone.

He took a notebook and placed it on a table near Anka.

- When you appeared in the hall I was so happy that I could even dance, but then this girl disappeared when I turned my back.

Now he looks at the girl with hatred. He took an object that appeared to be some kind of stick with pinched bumps and hit her hard on the stomach.

Anka didn't make a sound.

- As I thought, their resistance to pain is very high.

Then take a nail and hammer. The nail was very long and rather thin. 

He grabbed her arm and with a blow of the hammer the nail was inserted all the way to the other side.

The blood was flowing slowly, but the girl still didn't make a sound, in fact she didn't even flinch, it seemed as if she didn't feel anything.

- Fascinating ... fascinating ...

The teacher was busy writing things down in a notebook now…

The group could no longer look and someone opened their mouth to ask:

- If you could have brought us here from the beginning why did you fuss with the perpetrator behind the underground soul incident?

The professor seemed to be touched in a sore spot now.

- This is the other obstacle of this ring.

He snorts mockingly and continues:

- Even if the energy of death is the most feared and powerful, it is a shame that it is so annoying. It has restrictions everywhere. You can't do this... you can't do that... blah blah blah.. all because of that OCD goddess!

Then vulgar words to the dead goddess were constantly uttered ...

- What's the use of being the strongest being when you make such rules yourself? Isn't that idiocy? 

Alesio - So you couldn't bring us here without a good reason?

- Exactly... isn't it something more annoying? To have absolute power in this area but only with conditions... is ridiculous!

Then he hammered three more nails into the girl's shoulder, thigh and palm as if to take revenge.

But again it does not react. The man had selected other tools from the table and was ready to use them, but people from behind became noisy again.

Bico - What does the rope that Anka saw being placed in our souls mean?

The silence fell strangely again. Except it wasn't completely quiet. You could hear the drops of blood falling on the stone floor constantly.

The teacher looked at Anka then turned back to the group. 

- Those who have that rope you speak of will be taken by the stone of the temple and used as energy to maintain the gates to the Afterlife.

His face had a satisfied smile.

Then he turned to Anka again.

With a new tool he took the bones out of several fingers literally.

These phalanges were of a glossy black color.

- So the energy of death influences the bones to turn black?

He made a quick note, then looked with satisfaction at the pool of blood beneath Anka. 

- What are your powers?

He asked the question and was ready to write. It seems that he cannot imagine at all the scene in which Anka would not have answered him. 

However, he was disappointed. The girl didn't answer him, she didn't even raise her head.

The teacher rubbed the ring on his finger a little and asked the question again but still no answer.

Then, seeing that he received no answer, he reached out to pull her hair to lift her head.

Too bad this action was the most uninspired of his entire life...

What he saw was a pair of blood red eyes that terrified him.