

Adrian finds himself unexpectedly catapulted into the world of "One Piece," waking up on Dawn Island with no memory of how he got there. Believing it to be a prank, he soon discovers the reality is far more complex. As he encounters figures like Makino, Dadan, and the formidable Garp, he realizes he's not just in any world, but inside his favorite anime. Under Garp's mentorship, Adrian navigates the dangerous seas as a Marine, equipped with a mysterious power called the Shadow Monarch System that allows him to summon and command shadows of the deceased. As he subtly influences events and raises powerful allies from the shadows, Adrian must balance his knowledge of the series' future with the unpredictable twists his presence introduces. Caught between the worlds of Marines and pirates, and wielding powers that could alter the course of the story, Adrian must decide where his loyalties lie and how to use his unique abilities without disrupting the foundational elements of the world he loves. ------ 3 chapters every week. Disclaimer: I do not own any of the One Piece characters, only the one's that I have made up or the main character. I apologize if the it doesn't match the One Piece lore as it was based on my knowledge.

Drewy2cold · Tranh châm biếm
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17 Chs

The Straw Hats

As Adrian continued to shadow the Straw Hats, he caught snippets of their conversation, his ears perking up whenever Nami's name was mentioned. Luffy's loud and straightforward declaration echoed clearly, "We're going to get Nami back! She's our navigator!"

Zoro, ever the stoic warrior, added firmly, "Let's make sure we do this right. Nami's counting on us."

Sanji, looking equally determined, chimed in with his usual flair, "For Nami-san, I'd take on all the fish-men in the sea!"

Usopp, somewhat less confidently but with genuine spirit, piped up, "Yeah, and I'll... support from the back! Strategically!"

Adrian chuckled quietly to himself, admiring their camaraderie and dedication. He followed them to Cocoyasi Village, where Nami's sister lived. While the Straw Hats gathered inside the house to talk, Adrian used this time to explore the surrounding area.

Nearby, he stumbled upon a site that sent a shiver down his spine—a mass grave of fallen fighters, victims of Arlong's tyranny. It was a grim sight, but for Adrian, it presented a unique opportunity. Remembering his new found shadow monarch system, He decided to test its capabilities on these fallen souls.

Adrian whispered quietly, "System, what are the success rates here?"

[Scanning... Success rate for most entities: 90%. One entity detected with a success rate of 40%.]

Curious about the outlier with the low success rate, Adrian queried, "Why is the success rate so low for that one? How can I increase it?"

[The entity with a 40% success rate possesses a strong will and a complex soul structure. Increasing success rate requires the sacrifice of other shadows. Sacrificing five standard shadows increases success rate by 10%. Sacrificing stronger shadows increases it by 20%.]

Adrian weighed his options. The Trump Pirates, aside from Bear King, hadn't shown exceptional strength that would be irreplaceable. He decided it was worth the risk.

"Alright," Adrian resolved, "I'll sacrifice the other Trump Pirates. Let's raise that success rate."

[Sacrificing selected shadows... Success rate for targeted entity now 70%.]

Feeling a mixture of anticipation and unease, Adrian commanded, "Proceed with the resurrection. Let's see who this strong-willed soul is."

[Resurrection process initiated... Success! Entity has been revived as a shadow.]

Before him, the spectral form of the entity began to materialize, its presence strong and imposing even in its shadow form. Adrian watched in fascination as the figure solidified, a ghostly echo of its former self, now bound to his will.

Adrian felt the weight of his actions, knowing he had just gambled a significant part of his acquired power on this one entity. He hoped that this shadow would prove to be a valuable ally in the unpredictable days to come.

As he tucked away his newfound shadow into the system, he heard the Straw Hats wrapping up their meeting inside. They emerged with renewed determination, ready to confront Arlong.

Adrian stood quietly, observing the spectral form of his new shadow commander, the system buzzed with information.

[Entity identified. Name not found in historical records of this timeline. Please designate a name for your new commander.]

Adrian peered closely at the figure before him. The shadow wielded a sword with an aura of quiet strength, not unlike the swordsmen he had read about in tales and seen in battles. "You're not from the original story," Adrian murmured to himself, a mix of intrigue and caution threading through his voice. "Who are you?"

[Awaiting designation.]

Thinking carefully, Adrian decided on a name that seemed fitting for a swordsman with such an imposing presence. "I'll call you 'Blade Specter.' It seems right for someone of your stature."

[Blade Specter designation confirmed.]

As Adrian pondered the mysterious origins of Blade Specter, a sudden flash—a memory, not his own—flickered through his mind. It was a scene of a battle, intense and fierce, with Blade Specter at the center, fighting with a style both graceful and lethal.

"What was that? How can I see his memories?" Adrian asked, startled by the vividness of the vision.

[The shadow retains fragments of its past experiences. Accessing these memories is possible through deeper synchronization with the shadow. Would you like to initiate this process?]

"Yes, let's do that. Maybe understanding his past will help me understand how to use his abilities better," Adrian decided, hoping to glean insights into the tactical use of Blade Specter's skills.

[Initiating memory synchronization.]

The world around Adrian blurred momentarily, and he found himself viewing another memory. This time, he saw Blade Specter dueling with another swordsman on the deck of a ship, his movements swift and his strikes precise. The battle was fierce, and despite the spectral nature of the memory, Adrian could feel the intensity and the stakes of the fight.

As the memory faded, Adrian was left with a sense of awe. "He was incredible. To fight with such skill... it's no wonder he left such a strong residual will."

[Blade Specter possesses the original abilities from his lifetime, including any combat techniques and swordsmanship skills. If he was a Devil Fruit user, those abilities would also be retained.]

Adrian absorbed this information, his mind racing with the possibilities. "Did he use a Devil Fruit?" he inquired, curious about the extent of Blade Specter's powers.

[No Devil Fruit abilities detected. Blade Specter was a pure swordsman.]

"Pure skill, then. That's impressive in its own right," Adrian commented, feeling a growing respect for the shadow he had resurrected. He watched Blade Specter, the ghostly swordsman standing silently by, a formidable ally bound to his command.

As Adrian continued to observe Blade Specter, he knew that understanding this shadow's past and abilities would be crucial. He also realized that with great power came great responsibility, especially in a world as tumultuous and unpredictable as this one.

Turning his attention back to the situation at hand, Adrian decided to keep following the Straw Hats discreetly. He needed to stay focused on the unfolding events of Arlong Park, ensuring that his actions remained unnoticed, all while considering how best to utilize Blade Specter in future conflicts.