
I Hate You, Mr. Regan

Aletha is suddenly betrothed to Regan, the CEO of Sky Group where she works by her mother in the middle of her engagement plan with Dion, the man who has been her lover for 5 years. No matter how hard Aletha and Dion try to stay together, Sarah still makes the marriage because only Regan can save her husband from the case that entangles her. In addition, Regan is also demanded by his parents to get married and have children, which is impossible for him to do with his actress girlfriend, Sheren Jasmine.

RitaHawa · Thành thị
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151 Chs


Aletha ran out of the cafe Marina and then stood at the main door breathless. Instantly her tears fell. Regan caught up with him and forced Aletha back into his car.


Dion witnessed all of this and his heart ached even more.


"Fine if that's what you want, as long as you're happy." Dion thought.


Sitting in the taxi, Adele and Sandra were heartbroken after hearing Grayson's story.


"Del, is Mr. Regan an reincarnation of the devil? I don't think he even has a conscience."


Adele shrugged her shoulders and shook her head helplessly.


"Let's just go home."


Sandra nodded in agreement and led Adele back into the taxi.


While in Regan's car, Aletha covered her face and sobbed. Regan looked at Aletha with a little pity, but Regan wouldn't be his name if he didn't annoy his interlocutor.


"Drive the car, Gray. Let's take her home first, hurry! Before my luxury car sinks in her tears."


Grayson quickly nodded, while Aletha looked at Regan angrily.


"Is Mr. Regan happy?"


Regan just raised his eyebrows and didn't care about Aletha's anger. His pair of obsidian eyes just stared straight at him with an icy cold expression.


Aletha was so annoyed that she screamed, "Put me down right now!"


"Just ignore it Gray!" Regan interrupted quickly.


"Then I'll open this car and get off myself." Threatening Aletha frustrated.


It confused Grayson.


"Just do it if you dare!" Regan said earnestly.


Grayson was getting scared and wanted to prevent it, but Regan's horrible look in the rearview mirror made Grayson suddenly change his mind, he chose to be temporarily blind and deaf no matter what happened in this car.


While Aletha was fighting back, she who was so messed up today didn't think of anything but to get rid of Regan.


Desperately, Aletha opened the car door, but the car door did not move even though she struggled so hard to open it.


Regan smiled evilly and he sat comfortably pretending nothing had happened.


"Mr. Regan! You did it on purpose, didn't you?" cried Aletha furiously.


She knew Regan had deliberately locked the car door beside him, so he was very relaxed now.


"Shut up! You're so noisy." Regan crossed his arms in front of his chest and closed his eyes.


Aletha was so angry that she was panting. Luckily it wasn't long before a black Rolls Royce arrived at his house.


With a grunt she opened the car door that was unlocked and immediately ran inside.


"Aletha, what happened to you honey? Your eyes are swollen and you look so pitiful." Sarah asked anxiously.


"Just ask Mommy's favorite son-in-law," Aletha replied before she ran upstairs to her room.


Sarah frowned hard and she hesitated to get out. As soon as she saw Regan's car, which was still in front of her house. Sarah's face turned happy.


She approached Regan's car and said excitedly, "Come in Regan, let's have dinner together. Uncle Yudha is also inside."


Regan smiled faintly and he nodded. He immediately came out and invited Gray to stop by Aletha's house.


Dinner turned very special with Regan's presence, Aletha's parents welcomed Regan with joy. Until they don't care if Aletha is reluctant to join tonight.


"When will your Mommy and Daddy come back to Indonesia, Regan?" Asked Yudha to start the conversation.




"Good, the sooner our two families meet the better."


Regan just nodded and the rest he focused on his dinner. After that he said goodbye.


As soon as Regan came home, Sarah remembered Aletha's condition and she brought dinner to her room.


"Aletha, Regan just got home. Why didn't you come down at all? Even Auntie already..."


"If Mommy's here just to talk about Regan, Mommy's better off now, I'm sorry Mom, but I need a break."


Sarah snorted in annoyance, but she was still reluctant to leave.


"What's wrong with you Tha? What's wrong with Regan? You seem to hate him a lot."


"His faults are so many Mom, he even forced me to break up with Dion today after a month I didn't date him. Does Mommy still think Regan is an angel now?"


Aletha said with fiery anger, but Sarah laughed it off.


"That's a natural thing, Regan will be your husband later. In fact, according to Mommy it was the right decision."


"Actually, what is Mommy's child Regan? I only love Dion and I've been dating him for five years, why...."


Aletha was unable to continue her sentence, she again sobbed.


"Why did Mommy have the heart to separate us?"


"Aletha, mommy did all this for our family. If you don't marry Regan, what will happen to Daddy and his company? You have to remember that Daddy's case is not a light one."


"It's Daddy's fault, but why do I have to be sacrificed?"


"Aletha, Mommy has already discussed it, so stop talking about it again!"


Aletha was getting more frustrated until she cried loudly. Sarah tried to calm her down but Aletha refused, so she was forced to leave her daughter's room.


That night Aletha just cried and she couldn't sleep at all, she could only sleep when it was dawn.


10 am.


There was a loud knock on the door to Aletha's room.


Aletha slowly opened her very swollen eyes and grumbled in annoyance.




She lazily walked to the door and opened it. Sandra and Adele instantly appeared before her eyes.


"Oh dear Tha, until your eyes swell." Comments Sandra who can not bear to see it.


"Come on, let's go in first!"


They nodded and Aletha locked her bedroom door again.


"Be patient, Tha!" Adele who is currently sitting beside Aletha immediately hugged her, so did Sandra.


They hugged each other and Aletha's heart turned warm.


"Thanks a lot." Aletha whispered in a muffled voice because she was hugged by her two best friends.


"But how do you know?" asked Aletha surprised.


Sandra and Adele let go of their embrace before they confessed that yesterday she followed Aletha to ask Grayson.


"Oh my, that's how scared you guys are." Aletha suddenly laughed.


"We are very worried, Tha, afraid that you will be held hostage by Mr. Regan. At first, we thought it was because of your unfinished report. But it turned out to be something else."


"Then, you want to marry Mr. Regan? Aren't you afraid? He's even cruel like a devil."


Sandra and Adele threw questions at Aletha.


"Now what do you think I should do besides accept the matchmaking? Mommy and Daddy keep pressuring me to save his business, so does Mr Regan, he doesn't want to disappoint his parents. Most importantly he certainly doesn't want to lose all his inheritance rights."