
I Hate You, Mr. Regan

Aletha is suddenly betrothed to Regan, the CEO of Sky Group where she works by her mother in the middle of her engagement plan with Dion, the man who has been her lover for 5 years. No matter how hard Aletha and Dion try to stay together, Sarah still makes the marriage because only Regan can save her husband from the case that entangles her. In addition, Regan is also demanded by his parents to get married and have children, which is impossible for him to do with his actress girlfriend, Sheren Jasmine.

RitaHawa · Urban
Not enough ratings
151 Chs


Super City Mall.

Almost all of the one month's salary in his account, she spends on all her favorite branded items. There was only a little left and that was to treat Sandra and Adele to the sixth floor restaurant later.

Aletha's bad habits reappear when she is frustrated, but it becomes a blessing for Adele and Sandra who have to live very frugally as girls who live in boarding houses.

"So happy to have a friend like you, Tha." Sandra was so happy as if she got a big fortune.

"As long as you're happy, by the way, let's eat now, I'm very hungry."

They both nodded excitedly.

Arriving on the sixth floor, Natasha told her two friends to order whatever food they wanted, and so did she. It's her way of forgetting all the sadness.

But unfortunately, as soon as they got home and got into a taxi, the radio inside the cab accidentally played the news about Dion.

'The youngest son of the Legend Musician, Albert C Jay or Albert Wijaya, Dion Wijaya who is the vocalist of the band Lucky, was in a car accident last night. His manager explained that Dion was still unconscious until now....'

Shock, Aletha even forgot how to breathe, her body trembled violently and suddenly her tears flowed freely.

Adele, who was very upset with the taxi driver, suddenly mumbled like a mad woman, "Why did you leave this radio on? My friend is crying and sad again now. Why not just listen to a song?"

the taxi driver growled inwardly and looked at Adele displeased, he had to turn off the radio and play the song 'Loving you always'.

"Oh my God, this song? Never mind, you better turn off the music now!" Adele Frustrated, the song Loving You Always is a song that Dion wrote for Aletha.

Unlike Adele, who is busy scolding the taxi driver, Sandra prefers to calm Aletha.

"Dion must have had an accident because of me. What should I do now?" Aletha kept blaming herself.

"Tha, we don't know what happened yet, who knows if it was a real accident."

Aletha shook her head helplessly and curled up in Sandra's arms.

"Sir, we will turn around to the Medika Mulia hospital." Sandra said.

"Isn't that where Dion was treated? You all must be fanatical fans."

Adele glared at the taxi driver.

Arriving at the hospital, Aletha gathered her remaining strength to run to the ICU. Sandra and Adele until lost track of her.

"What are you here for?" Miranda's anger immediately greeted Aletha's arrival.

"Auntie, how is Dion?" Aletha asked in a pitiful voice.

"Aren't you going to marry Regan? So why are you still thinking about Dion?" Marina asked back sarcastically.

Aletha was hit so hard that her body suddenly stumbled backwards from crying too much, lucky Adele who was standing behind her immediately supported her.

"Tha, we can go home now if you are not strong."

Aletha shook her head weakly, even though she did feel that way. Her head was very dizzy and her body was very weak.

"You all better go home now!" Miranda snapped.

"Especially you! Don't ever appear in front of Dion again!" Miranda pointed at Aletha's face angrily.

"Tha, come on!" Adele grabbed Aletha and didn't want Aletha to be demeaned further, so she and Sandra dragged Aletha away.

They found a taxi and took Aletha home first.

"Del, San, what if Dion dies?" asked Aletha frustrated on the way home.

Adele and Sandra looked at each other and they didn't know whether to laugh or cry. They choose silence until the taxi arrived at Aletha's house. By that time it was night.

"Where have you been? Why did you just come back?"

"Take a walk, Auntie."

Sarah frowned hard, not fully believing it, despite the evidence of so many shopping bags from the mall.

"Then why does Aletha look like she's just been crying again?"

Adele and Sandra looked at each other and didn't know what to say, Aletha forbade them to keep their mouth shut about the incident at the hospital. So they just smiled a little.

"Looks like we have to go home early."

Sarah just shook her head at the attitude of Aletha's two friends, she then went upstairs to meet her daughter.

"Tha, are you okay?" Sarah asked softly.

For some reason seeing Aletha curled up on the bed so pitifully made her heart slightly touched.

"Mommy definitely knows that Dion was in an accident. The news turned out to be viral today."

Sarah nodded confirming that news of Dion's accident almost filled every minute of gossip shows on television all day, not only that viral hashtags on twitter and also gossip accounts on Instagram were the same. all about Dion's accident.

"I'm scared Mom." Aletha said softly, at the same time her tears were flowing again.

"Why should you be afraid honey? You weren't the cause of Dion's accident."

"I caused Dion's accident."

"How is that possible? You were at home last night."

"I asked Dion to break up yesterday afternoon, while Dion had a concert at a well-known television station at night. The accident happened when Dion was going to a concert and it happened an hour after we met. What else if not for me?"

Sarah was shocked to hear that and she turned pale, Sarah couldn't deny anything.

"I was afraid that if Dion's family complained to the media and leaked everything, I would be bullied by everyone, even though I did it only for the sake of Mommy, Daddy and Regan's wishes." Aletha kept sobbing at every word.

"Honey, Mommy won't let that happen. Trust me!"

Somehow Aletha thought it was impossible, considering that her surname now didn't have much influence in this town, but if her Mommy asked Regan for help, maybe she would calm down a bit.

But once again Aletha hated Regan so much that she couldn't possibly ask for her help.

it made Aletha unable to sleep tonight, too many thoughts bothered her, as a result she went to the office with a wrinkled face.


"Oh my gosh Tha, why are you still going to the office?" Adele was the first to comment and immediately received support from Sandra.

"Today there is an important meeting related to a new project in Medan, while I am responsible for reports and others, however I have to be professional."

"But you're sick, Tha."

"I'm fine."

Aletha persisted and opened her laptop to go back to studying the report for the presentation later, but thirty minutes later, she felt very dizzy and suddenly her vision faded.


Aletha passed out in a sitting position in front of her desk. Sandra and Adele were immediately excited because they were too panicked.

"Rio, please help Aletha!" Adele shouted at the accounting Sky Group who happened to be passing by

Rio and other friends helped Aletha out of her chair and wanted to take her to the office's clinic, but suddenly a tall and slender figure came and shouted at them in a domineering voice.

"All of you move aside, let me alone!"