
I Gain Darkness in Abyss with Leveling up of Lies

I would be glad to realize more novels in the near future that would be of all categories that I would like to add my viewers, readers and supporters thoughts to it.

Laerm_Pedassa · Võ hiệp
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8 Chs

What is that noise at night?(3)

<Status >

[Name: Qran Death]

[Tittle: Son, Slayer]

[Ranking: -G rank]

[Level: 30]

[HP: 10,000/00]

[MP: 210/210]

[Soul up: Soul crown, Soul third-eyes]

[Job class: White-Reaper(Progression: 00/300)]

[Job subclass: Blacksmith(Progression: 10/300)]

[Skill: Death-attack, Smash]

[Bonus skill: True-Deceiver]

[Ability: War-Rage(Progression: 00/300)]

[Body concept: Demon(Progression: 00/500)]

STR-330(+50) VIT-330(+50)

INT-330(+50) RIT-330(+50)

AGR-330(+50) INV-330(+50)

DEF-330(+50) TNS-330(+50)

SPD-330(+50) FIT-330(+50)

POW-330(+50) GRT-330(+50)


Skill points: 100

<88% Protection: Poison, Damage, Drain, Critical, Frozen>

Qran was now satisfied with his improvement and he said "Goodnight mom and dad" as he closed his eyes.

{Thuud Thuud Thuud}

{Thuud Thuud Thuud}

{Thuud Thuud Thuud}

The noise started once again and he just ignore but this time round his soul third-eyes activated as his eyes were still closed, which he saw 'Grour' in his room and hit heart bit due to the E rank monsters in his room.

For almost an hour he was watching their activities in his room and all of a sudden the stopped and came to him as they stated to create illusion that he noticed but he ignored as all of a sudden he slept of entering back into his past again.

The next day he woke up to not find the Grour and he now knew what he was facing so he to a quick bath before opening his gallery status.

<Gallery Status>

<Monsters and Beasts info>

[Grour is a monster in a ghost form and it has a skill called sleep illusion that make them stronger over their enemy. They have a range of rank from L to C as it fully evolve to a new monster called 'Ghost-mage' and they are the true ghost that have C to A+ rank.]

"So this monsters are formidable strong if they evolve and so this ones I'm facing are the normal rank own" thought Qran as he decide to eliminate this monsters before they become dangerous.

[Grour can be killed by a dagger called 'Red-Dagger' and also other magical weapons]

Since he had got the needed information, Qran nodded his head in a greed way as he remembered that his Inventory Status had some staffs he had never touch which are materials he could use. He went out to cook and sent it to his dad, which he asked "Dad, can you tell me of how to make a red-dagger and the materials to use please?".

"Sure it is easy if you have the materials" said Birray as he mentioned the materials and Qran got an information that he had all, which he smiled as his dad asked "Do you have it son?" and he nodded with a greed eyes.

Birray laugh as he told him to stop joking and Qran said he wasn't joking. The look on the face change on Birray as he told him to bring it out but Qran place an occasion on it.

They both agreed as he brought it out shocking Birray and he immediately scan it noticing that it was high rank materials that are all legendary.

"Now can I make my red-dagger and many more of the same type?" asked Qran as his dad agreed and they got to work.

The making of the dagger didn't take long for him to finish the first one and he continued with other ones that were same but a little low than than the first one. His intension was to make the rest same but a little low than his own and it work successful.

(Thump thump thump)...

(Thump thump thump)...

The sound of hammering continued to echo and the people passing by noticed it as they spoke to each other.

(Isn't that the blacksmith and his son working so hard to make new and more weapons? Yes sure)

Qran could see from outside that people where trying to take a look at them through the window and where talking but he couldn't hear so he continued with his job.

At sun set, they closed as Qran pick his dagger and watch it with a wicked intension. "Hey son, how did you get the materials since it is very uncommon to find such ones as it is legendary" Birray asked while they were taking their meal.

The look on Qran turn red and he had no other option than to explain with lies. To his lies, he got it after his ability to possess supernatural powers came and he had been keeping it for along time.

Qran seeing that his dad still had misbelieve about it, he said "To be sincere I also don't know how I got it" and for a long quietness Birray finally agreed. 

They continued to eat and after they finished, they went to their room as Qran wish his dad goodnight before closing his door and he took his bath.

Now sitting on his bed, he drew out the dagger and check its info.

<Weapons stats>

[Red-Dagger(Craft by Qran Death)]

[Class: Legendary]

[Stats: 150%damage, 1,500-2,000attack, 90%stun, 100%illusion breaker]

{It is used in slaying Ghosts, skeletons and other monsters}

[The user earns the skill of slash(sky, upper, light, dash) and ability of illusion breaker]

Qran equip it and went straight to bed and he counted in his mind "10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1-0 and go" as the monsters appeared. He was waiting for them to come closer and after 5 minutes, they surrounded him about to cast their illusion on him and all they noticed was that it wasn't working.

The cloth of Qran flew into the air as he jump at one of the monster stabbing its head and killing it at an instance. Another was about to attack him when he dash slash it and taking this opportunity to test all his skills and ability.

One by one the Grour were killed in a horrified manner as they fade away like a quench fire and finally the noise was gone.

Notification appeared in his mind and he checked putting the dagger back.

[You have slayed twenty Grour and earn 1,900pts]

[You have gain 'slash' skills]

[You have gain 'illusion breaker' ability]

[You have level up to level 42]

[You have reach E+ rank]

Qran gave a devilish smile as he said to himself "So this is how it feels when I kill a monster or beast higher than my rank and level. Then this is just the beginning of my reaping of souls!"