
I Gain Darkness in Abyss with Leveling up of Lies

I would be glad to realize more novels in the near future that would be of all categories that I would like to add my viewers, readers and supporters thoughts to it.

Laerm_Pedassa · Võ hiệp
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8 Chs

The odd one but the best friend we love

Back to the two parent, Mary asked "Do you know that your son is strange as his powers are too powerful for his age?" and Birray said "Yeah I know but he still is a kid and has a positive mind set to become strong to protect those he love" which Chen nodded yes too. Mary who was still not happy about it asked if he knows about magic and power, which Chen replied "Yes he naturally knows a lot and no one taught him" as Kahn said "I'm sure he is a reborn of a Hero or a God or something but since he has good intension, I think he is better and dear please you are taking it too far as you might have a reason for this right?".

Chen and Birray asked "Mary, why are you so concern about our son and please if you have seen something then tell us so that we do the needed" as they watch Mary who said "I'm afraid he is having dark power and when I touched him, his power seem to be a great one of demons Lord and I'm sure he is from another world so please watch him careful. If he needs any help please bring him to me so I can teach him how to control it but now I like how you teach him so keep good care of him".

They all agreed and enjoyed their chat about other staffs and Chen told them about how she face the Dragon that was a bit difficult.

Now at the training yield, Qran was seated on the ground and watching the gem stones that he wonder. "This two really seems to be nice and I really want to use all this gem stones but they would think I hate them so lets just be kind" thought Qran and he grab one of the gem stone, which he broke absorbing the power.

[You have gain dark and space magic]

Qran stood up holding the two gem stones and walked to them, which he said "I'm not a friendly person but just take this stones one for each and break it as you will get some new powers" as he sent his eyes away from them and they picked it happily breaking it.

[Kelvin has awaken a Dragon knight powers and wind magic]

[Eriya has awaken Spirit mage powers with all the six element magic]

"Wow I have finally got my system and powers of a knight. Thank you Qran" said Kelvin as he asked "How did you get this things?" and Qran just ignored as Eriya said "I got mom's own in a rare class too and thank you Qran".

Eriya was about to hug Qran but she immediately stopped and Qran watch her with something going on his mind as he got closer to her face to face. She thought he is about to kiss her but instead he brought out the 'Hair-flower-clip' and a touch it to her hair making he confused.

Eriya asked "What is that for and why did you put it there?" and Qran replied "That is a hair-flower-clip and my mom gave it to me but I don't need it so I'm giving it to you as protection". Kelvin was shock as to him, Qran was trying to be kind to them and seeing the two he sees them as lovers.

Qran walked away to the grass part of the field and laid there watching the sky, which after a while he close his eyes falling asleep and the two also joined him as Eriya thought about how nice he is before also joining in the sleep.

Just when they were all fast asleep, Qran immediately woke up and climb the tree and slept on the big branch watching the two as he went back to nap. It was at then that he recall a memory of him with his two friends that disappeared after his high school and the promise they made to one day meet even if they don't remember each other.

"Kelvin, do you think he would one day love me like the way lovers do?" asked Eriya as she slept watching up at the napping Qran and Kelvin replied "Sure he would one day love you if his heart belong to you".

The siblings kept chatting under tone as they watch Qran admiring his overwhelm cutiness and their parents who were inside watch comprehending that the kids really form a great team together but it would be hard for Qran to move freely with them.

As the parents talked about their kids, Kahn inform them that Qran sure will one day love their only daughter and do anything in his power to protect her.

Just as Chen was about to reply, Qran fell from the tree to the ground sleeping on top of Eriya as the two parent watch in shock.