
I Evolved Into a Super Tyrannosaurus Before Future Humans Arrived

"Blake traveled across parallel worlds and arrived at the Cretaceous Period! What’s more, he became a Tyrannosaurus rex! Fortunately, he obtained the Evolution Template system! [Ding! Super Tyrannosaurus template unlocking progress: 100%] Blake transformed into a Super Tyrannosaurus! [Ding! The King of Monsters template is now unlocked!] Just when it was unlocked to 25%, humans from the future arrived at the Cretaceous Period through a wormhole! Facing the prehistoric behemoth, all researchers were shocked! “Oh! My! God! I can’t believe my eyes!” “A monster! It’s a monster! I knew it! I knew that the shows I watched when I was a kid aren’t cartoons! They are documentaries!” “How can it look so much like Godzilla? Oh my goodness! Could it really be Godzilla?!” Blake looked at the tiny researchers in front of him, then pointed his finger at his belly and giant abyssal mouth. What are you looking at? I am a little hungry!"

Lang Ya Xiao Di · Khoa huyễn
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119 Chs

Chapter 92: The Red Lotus Helix

Dịch giả: Dragon Boat Translation Biên tập viên: Dragon Boat Translation

All the dinosaurs closed their eyes at this moment.

There was a protective film in their eyes, so for as dazzling as the light beam was, it wasn't enough to be blinding.

At this moment, Blake felt an extremely hot energy, which was much more exciting than soaking in a volcano, which it considers a warm bath.

This laser beam weapon could barely be considered a hot bath.

[ Ding! Super Hot Energy detected. Beginning absorption... ]

[ Ding! Super Hot Energy detected. Beginning absorption... ]

The heat energy was continuously being absorbed by Blake.

At this moment, he also raised his head. His pair of cold eyes were staring straight at the asteroid in the sky.

"Wait until I crush you!" Blake thought to himself.

Then, he continued to absorb the heat energy!

[ Ding! Congratulations, the host's evolution level has increased by 1% ! ]

[ Ding! Monster King Template Progress 41% ! ]