
I Don’t Want to Be a General, I Choose to retire

Open the door and wake up the sleepy Tefimo Yarn lying on the balcony. “Hello, Lieutenant General Ion, what is your life pursuit?” “I haven’t been in good health since I was young, so I have always wanted to find someone who can protect my significant other. In fact, there are only ten very simple requirements. The first point…” “Ah uh haha, that… Lieutenant General Ion is really humorous, and I have another question I want to ask Lieutenant General Ion, what of the following things will make you feel happy? A: Being promoted to general…” Ion interrupted almost instinctively. “Choose B, B, B, B…

Maxis_Ark · Tranh châm biếm
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50 Chs

Swastika / Senbon Hikei

As the admiral of the navy, the Warring States period knows very well that there is only one naval ship that will appear in the Maelstrom at this point in time!

  That's the warship that Tefimo Yarn was on!

 As for the old opponent of "Golden Lion" Shiji, the Marshal of the Warring States Period is very clear about his character, moody and cruel.

After being imprisoned by the Navy for several years, he abandoned his legs as a price to escape from the Great Undersea Prison. How does Impelton's "Golden Lion" Squishy hate the Navy?

I am afraid that it is not impossible for "Golden Lion" Shiji to slaughter the navy on the entire warship under a face to face.

The Marshal of the Warring States also knew that Ion must still have some little secrets of his own, but facing the kind of almost legendary, and it was he and Lieutenant General Karp who had successfully arrested the great pirate "Golden Lion" that year. "Shi Ji.

'too early…'

 'This is too early for Ion! Damn it! ! '

  And just as the Marshal of the Warring States Period was scolding himself and "Golden Lion" Shiji with remorse, Ion looked at the gate of justice, which had been so far away from him, and murmured.

"It's almost there, it's not too early."

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

"Golden Lion" Shiji heard Yanna's tone that seemed to contain a different meaning, and couldn't help frowning and asked.

No, just forget the time and distance, it's almost enough."

Yaen took off the glasses from the bridge of his nose, hung them on his chest and fixed them, and said. "Since you are fighting the legendary big pirate, you have to be serious, otherwise, I'm afraid you will die in an instant."


"Golden Lion" Shi Ji heard the words, his expression gradually became serious, the corners of his mouth showed a cruel smile unconsciously, and said.

"Boy Yaen, thinking of you who rely on women to dominate the world, you have the courage to challenge Lao Tzu?"

"Because I am a self-aware person..."

Yaen shrugged, looked at the "Golden Lion" in front of him, Shi Ke said calmly.

"I know very well that if the strength is only yours, it will only become a defeated dog on the sea, so I need someone to protect me at all times."

Immediately, "Golden Lion" Shiji's expression fell completely cold, and said. "Ion, is it possible that you think you are weaker than Lao Tzu?"

"Before there is no actual basis, of course I will not make such irrational and uncertain judgments, but during this time I have carefully observed your injury and condition. It is not a problem to kill you with a high probability. Probability can also retreat."

After a pause, Ion looked at the "Golden Lion" Shiji who was gradually showing his fangs, and said.

But in order to avoid some unnecessary troubles and let some news go out, I will kill you as much as possible..."

In the next instant, before Ion finished speaking, "Golden Lion" Shiji waved his hand, and a terrifying golden flying slash swept towards Ion.



This time, Ion didn't dare to be careless. He didn't dance on the tip of a knife like a juggling like facing Gion, but disappeared in place in a flash.


The warship approaching Ion's side was instantly cut off by the golden flying slash, and separated the clouds behind the warship by an invisible channel along the way. 

Slowly, Ion stood flat in the sky above the warship, calmly looking down at the "Golden Lion" Shiji below, and praised.

"It's terrible, you really deserve to be a man with the name of a great swordsman at the same time, this level of flying slash will be finished once it is hit."

At this moment, "Golden Lion" Shiji, who had been somewhat underestimated for Ion, couldn't help but become solemn.

That terrible speed, and the ability to walk through the air, is no longer what an ordinary Xiaoluo lock can master.

As "Golden Lion" Shiji's flying and slashing shots, the navy staying in the interior cabin of the warship also caused a riot.

 In Ion's perception, Lieutenant Horton couldn't bear to peek out of the cabin.

"It was so hard for me to let you into the cabin, these secrets should not be seen by you, so I will give me a good night's sleep temporarily."

As Ion murmured, a terrifying pressure instantly spread from Ion, and it spread quickly in all directions.


An unparalleled sense of heaviness instantly appeared in the hearts of everyone on the warship, causing them to feel a sense of powerlessness that can be described as desperate.

 "Overlord look domineering? No, it seems a little different."

 Golden Lion" Shi Ji felt the substantive sense of oppression, and said uncertainly.

 Of course it's not overbearing? It was the spiritual pressure contained in Yon's body, which was as high as the "Nineteen Chariots" level.  Reiki pressure, this is a kind of power derived from the soul. The stronger the soul, the stronger the density, and naturally a pressure similar to gravity will be produced.

But the existence of weak soul and fragile will is like falling into the deep sea gradually in front of the powerful Rei Pressure, only to feel the eternal darkness despair, unable to fight back at all, even after the Rei Pressure reaches a certain level, it is only Approaching will instantly be destroyed by spiritual pressure to nothingness.

Of course, Ion today is far from reaching the level of spiritual pressure that is almost equivalent to a black hole, but it is completely possible to forcibly oppress the will of the navy on the warship and let them fall into a coma.

Even if it was... Former Colonel Holden of the Navy Headquarters!

   "Boom boom boom..."

The next moment, all the navies in the cabin of the warship fell to the ground one after another, and all fell into a coma.

"Golden Lion" Shi Ji asked, somewhat puzzled.

"What kind of power is this? A different domineering look? Or is it a devil fruit ability?"

"you guess?!" 

Yaen smiled, and immediately pulled out the Soul Slashing Knife from her waist and held it upside down in front of her chest, then slowly let go, letting it fall.

   "Swastika·Senbon Sakura Jingyan!"

In a short time, almost as if an endless sea of ​​cherry blossoms burst out in all directions centered on Ion. 

Looking from a distance, it seems that there is a dreamlike sea of ​​cherry blossoms above the sky.


With Ion's thoughts, the overwhelming cherry blossoms rushed towards "Golden Lion" Sky from all directions and said.

"Shi Ji, you should treat me as a cherry blossom fruit capable person, let me send you off your sailing journey with endless cherry blossoms. Your journey should be over now."


As Ion's voice fell, the overwhelming sea of ​​cherry blossoms slammed down towards "Golden Lion" Shiji.