
I Don’t Want to Be a General, I Choose to retire

Open the door and wake up the sleepy Tefimo Yarn lying on the balcony. “Hello, Lieutenant General Ion, what is your life pursuit?” “I haven’t been in good health since I was young, so I have always wanted to find someone who can protect my significant other. In fact, there are only ten very simple requirements. The first point…” “Ah uh haha, that… Lieutenant General Ion is really humorous, and I have another question I want to ask Lieutenant General Ion, what of the following things will make you feel happy? A: Being promoted to general…” Ion interrupted almost instinctively. “Choose B, B, B, B…

Maxis_Ark · Tranh châm biếm
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50 Chs

Kind uncle who sells fish

  This should be regarded as the spiritual space of Ion. The overall presentation is like an endless night sky, with a white jade avenue running through it, dividing the entire night sky into two halves.

  Now, Ion is standing on this white jade avenue.

  Looking along the left side, you can see two bright stars that represent Senbonzakura and Scourge, and many bleak asteroids that have been completely transformed into Reiatsu are floating.

On the right side of, there are two different virtual monsters wandering in the night sky.

 One of the whole looks like a huge eyeball, but a closer look reveals that the eyeball is composed of countless densely packed eyes.

On the other side of  is a monster with the image of a demon with open black wings, which seems to be showing a sense of eternal emptiness and loneliness.

  These two ends are the realization of the Void Soul Slasher.

Originally, Ion thought that as he granted Robin the power of the eyeball monster named "Curse Eye Sangha", the eyeball monster would disappear from his mental space, but he did not expect it would still stay here. .

As for another monster that resembles a demon, it is the Void Soul Slasher named "Black Wing Demon", which was newly bred after Ion absorbed two devil fruits from the Capone Mafia. Void Soul Slasher.

According to Ion's estimation, in order to breed a new virtual monster, at least four devil fruits need to be absorbed.

 After that, is eight? sixteen? Thirty-two? sixty-four?

  Yaen made a simple calculation, and instantly felt that this would be a bottomless pit.

  You need to know that the cheapest devil fruit black market price also requires 100 million baileys, and some special devil fruits are even worth billions of baileys.

 "Forget it, let the fate, I don't use the Void Soul Slasher myself. After granting this power to Robin, I can't see any changes and effects for the time being, let it go for the time being."

  Yaen simply converted, and completely gave up exploring the limit of the Void Soul Slasher.

 Now, it seems that the Death Soul Slashing Knife is like an annual welfare event, with a free lottery, depending on whether you can get a powerful Soul Slashing Knife for your luck.

The Void Soul Slashing Knife is obviously like a Krypton Gold system. As long as Ion has enough money and enough devil fruits, he can instantly obtain a large amount of Void Soul Slashing Knife, which can be used to grant his subordinates to strengthen their abilities. of.

It's just that the demand for this kind of devil fruit that is constantly increasing in multiples is afraid that even the Tianlong people who are constantly plundering the wealth of the entire sea will have to shake their heads. 

Yaen, the second generation of the army with two-sleeved breeze, naturally it is impossible to dig out such a huge amount of wealth or devil fruit.

  And just when Ion simply confirmed that there was no major problem in his spiritual space, and was about to start today's practice with Senbonzakura.

  Suddenly, Ion's movements froze, his gaze slowly turned and fell on the eyeball monster of the "curse-eyed Sangha".

   Not right!

  In the past, "Curse Eye Sangha" was more unconsciously wandering back and forth, but this time Ion found that "Curse Eye Sangha" seemed to be looking at him all the time.

In a short time, Ion seemed calm on the surface, but in fact he started thinking quickly, guessing about the possibilities.

   Finally, Ion spoke calmly.

Little Robin, since he's here, why don't he speak?"

  Suddenly, Ion found that the eyeball monster of the "curse-eyed Sangha" had a noticeable pause from the corner of his eye.

   You guessed it!

   "This little girl..."

 Yaen was surprised at the appearance of Little Robin, and grabbed his palm towards the "cursed eye sangha". In an instant, the "cursed eye sangha" seemed to be completely controlled, and quickly approached Yaen.

And little Robin, who had just sensed the attraction that exists in the darkness, followed that kind of intimacy and unexpectedly came to this bizarre spiritual space, and was carefully looking at everything weird around him, and suddenly had a feeling. A feeling of being unable to resist.

  As the two sides approached, Little Robin also saw clearly and confirmed that Ion in front of him was the good man who had rescued himself from the boundless fire of O'Hara not long ago.

  At this moment, little Robin, wandering alone and lonely above the sea, and constantly evading from the pursuit of the world government and navy, is as if he saw his relatives again, and shouted excitedly.

   "Okay...good brother..."


   Another good person card!

  This time, I was still given a good person card by a big eyeball.

  However, Ion recalled it carefully, and it seemed that he had never told Little Robin his name. "Ion, Tefimo Ion, this is my name."

   "Brother Ion?!"

  Little Robin's voice came from the eyeball monster of "Cursed Eye Sangha", and the eyeball monster of "Cursed Eye Sangha" also showed a joyful emotion.

 A sense of weirdness spontaneously emerged in Ion's heart!

  Especially Ion was unable to connect the image of Little Robin's beautiful royal sister from the future with the big eyeball in front of him.

 Immediately, Ion noticed Senbonzakura who appeared as a purple armored samurai beside him, and tentatively spoke. "Little Robin, try to see if you can show your own image."

  Immediately after the "curse eye sangha" eye monster was silent for a moment, the weird appearance began to squirm and shrink quickly.

  Soon, a little Robin who almost remembered Ion appeared in front of him.

  'It's so pleasing to the eye! '

 At this moment, Ion had to confirm that he was actually a Yangou, and his actions towards the little Robin were no longer as rough as they were just now, but carefully placed the little Robin in the appearance of the six-year-old **** the Baiyu Avenue.

"Little Robin, how did you get here?" Ion asked.

"I am not very clear about this. It is after Ion brother gave that special power, I can feel a kind of familiar and familiar breath, but I am afraid that it is a trap. I dare not relax my mind..."

   After a pause, Little Robin continued.

  "Until I just met a kind-hearted uncle who sells fish to take me in, and help me arrange board and lodging, then I came here when I fell asleep completely."

  Yaen suddenly interrupted. "and many more."

   "Huh? Brother Ion." Little Robin asked.

  "You just said that a kind-hearted uncle took you in?" Ion asked.

  "Yes, Sauro is right. The sea is really gentle." Little Robin, who was only six years old, said happily.

   "Run away, little Robin," Ion said.

   "Huh?" Little Robin said puzzledly.

  Yaen sighed and said.

Little Robin, the dangerous undercurrent hidden under this calm and gentle sea is far more terrifying than you think, so leave that house quickly."