
I Don’t Want to Be a General, I Choose to retire

Open the door and wake up the sleepy Tefimo Yarn lying on the balcony. “Hello, Lieutenant General Ion, what is your life pursuit?” “I haven’t been in good health since I was young, so I have always wanted to find someone who can protect my significant other. In fact, there are only ten very simple requirements. The first point…” “Ah uh haha, that… Lieutenant General Ion is really humorous, and I have another question I want to ask Lieutenant General Ion, what of the following things will make you feel happy? A: Being promoted to general…” Ion interrupted almost instinctively. “Choose B, B, B, B…

Maxis_Ark · Tranh châm biếm
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50 Chs

Bombarded refuge ship

"It's...what a terrible weird power!"

Yaen's mouth twitched slightly, watching the shocking scene in front of him, and subconsciously holding his breath.

   You must know that a naval warship called a "steel behemoth" has a full 1,000 men in its standard configuration.

   As for the specific number of tons of the naval battleship itself, Ion is not clear, but if calculated purely by volume, a naval battleship can be several times larger than Sauro.

   Sauro, who is a giant himself, lifted up a steel creation that was several times larger than himself. This kind of body structure instantly reminded Ion of a kind of creature-"ant".

   I can only say, is it really a giant race?

   This kind of innate physical advantage really makes the weak Ion envy.

And the next moment, in the shocking gaze of Ion, Saulo held up the entire naval battleship, and suddenly threw it towards another naval battleship that kept firing at him.

   Once these two warships hit, it will inevitably lead to the death of a large number of navy soldiers.

  Subconsciously, Ion wanted to stop the collision between the two warships, but stopped the action forcibly at a critical juncture.

   Once the credit for saving the lives of more than two thousand soldiers and preventing the collision of two naval warships has been established, would it be worth it?

   Almost no need to wait for the next day, cp9 may put its own information on the table of world government officials, and the old man in the Warring States period is afraid to make me a general officer.

  As his thoughts turned sharply, Ion reached out and hurriedly pulled Kuzan on the side, and shouted.

   "Lieutenant General Kuzan, what are you doing in a daze, don't you still take action?"

   Kuzan, who was stunned by Sauro's appearance, reacted instantly, and appeared in front of the warship that fell like a meteor in a flash.

   "Freezing time!"

   Unimaginable cold air spread from Kuzan's outstretched hands, almost immediately wrapped in most of the general's hull.

   Under the hull, the sea was rapidly frozen, and several icicles appeared out of thin air to carry the huge warship in the air.

   The soldiers who had been terrified at first looked at the warship that was set in the air, and soon noticed Kuzan, half of his body turned into ice, and couldn't help cheering.

   "Lieutenant General Kuzan!"

   While on the shore of O'Hara, Sauro looked at the familiar figure and the icy surface, his expression was extremely solemn, and he murmured.

   "Kuzan, are you here too?"

   Immediately, Sauro, who had reacted, turned around and took Robin with him almost without hesitation, trying to escape!

  As a friend of Kuzan, Sauluo knew how terrifying Kuzan's strength was. Pure brute force had no meaning in front of that man.

   However, in the next moment, Sauro paused in his footsteps and stared at the figure that suddenly appeared in front of him.

   is relatively full of enthusiasm than in the past, and now Kuzan's expression seems to be a piece of ice that will last forever, and he is still holding a strange handsome young man in his hand.


  Sauro saw this and couldn't help but stepped back slowly.

   "Sauro, as a member of the original navy, if you destroy the Demon Slaying Order, it would be too shameful, just grab it with your hands." Kuzan said coldly, as if the two sides had nothing to do with each other.

   This couldn't help making Ion glance at Kuzan, his mouth twitched, and secretly said.

  'Kuzan, this guy, he was still depressed just now about his friend Sauro's defect, is he cold outside and hot inside? '

   However, at this moment, Sauluo could not help but get excited when seeing his former friends goodbye and shouted.

"Kuzan, are you proud of the attack on the Demon Killing Order? Reverse it, you should understand that it is the world government that is killing a hundred people, and at the expense of erasing the entire O'Hara, it will also be borrowed. This achieves the goal."

   Facing Sauro's question, Kuzan said without a change in his expression.

   "For the development of the world and the stability of the sea, there is no alternative, and scholars have indeed violated the ban of the world government, have they not?"

   After a pause, Kuzan looked at Sauluo's expression without a trace of regret and said.

   "Actually, I also understand that justice will change its form according to the position, so I am not going to accuse you of justice, but if you hinder the justice of the Navy, I can only treat you..."

   At this moment, Ion, who had developed his domineering experience in advance, suddenly sensed the trajectory of a cannonball, which was completely different from other cannonballs, and the target was heading for the refuge ship full of civilians on the O'Hara island.

  Once bombed by this naval battleship, the refuge ship will instantly turn into a firework on the sea, and the civilians of O'Hara will be buried in the sea forever.

   Save people!

   Yaen made a decision almost instantly.

   "Spread it, Senbonzakura!"

   Between the electric light and flint, the Soul Slasher that Ion pulled out with his backhand instantly scattered into pink cherry blossoms, and swept towards the refuge ship on the sea not far away.

  'No, the distance is a bit far, out of reach! '

  Yaen gritted his teeth, but did not care about hiding, decided to expose one of his important cards, and actively manipulated the handle of the soul-slashing knife in his hand to speed up the movement of Sakura.

  In a short time, with the stroke of the hilt in Yaen's hand, the speed of the cherry blossoms more than doubled.

   For a moment, a pink stream of light appeared above the sea, and a large number of cherry blossoms flew by like a dream and blocked the front of the refuge ship.


   In the next instant, the cannonball hit the cherry blossoms, causing a big explosion in an instant, causing ripples on the sea.

   The appearance of this shell also completely stunned Kuzan, the civilians on the refuge ship, and the soldiers on the other naval battleships.

   Accompanied by the horrified cry of a large number of civilians on the refuge ship after the disaster, the naval soldiers on the nearby naval battleship were talking about it. Kuzan's expression looked particularly ugly, and his eyes were totally unbelievable.

   Obviously, Kuzan is a navy that never thought of justice, and would actually fire at a civilian refuge ship full of civilians that had been screened by the CP9 organization.

   Sauro, who has compassion for the weak, was obviously extremely excited, and questioned Kuzan.

   "Kuzan, is this what you mean by justice? Are these civilians guilty? You want to kill innocent civilians."

   Kuzan retorted subconsciously. "No, I didn't think to do it to this level, it was the **** Sakaski's doing it."

On a naval battleship in the distance, Sakarski's expression full of resolute iron and blood did not change at all, his eyes turned from the large cherry blossoms blooming in front of the refuge ship and landed on the shore. He praised Ion next to him, and said.

   "Where did the kid come from, dare to stop the navy's shelling..."

   And the adjutant standing beside Sarkarski couldn't help but ask in a low voice. "Lieutenant General Sakaski, do you want to continue bombarding the refuge ship?"

Hello guys, tell me what you think of this novel in the comments and how much you like it so I can continue it

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