
I Can Only Wield Light Magic

They thought he was cannon fodder, but he was actually a monster. A huge silver gate that could reach the clouds suddenly appeared in the world. People were randomly disappearing and summoned by the gate for a trial. When they returned, some of them got treasures that gave them the ability to fly and wield magic. They were called Exonns. All of them could wield light magic, but it was a lot weaker compared to other elements. Rhys Creed was a man who made a living as a delivery truck driver. He was summoned and got the ability that only wield light magic. They thought he had a common treasure, but it was actually an extraordinary treasure. --- A demon laughed when he saw the white armor on Rhys. "My minions, go and teach this cannon fodder a lesson." LIGHT OF JUDGMENT BOOM! The demons were annihilated. --- Exonns sneered. "How could a cannon fodder dare to fight a demon's army alone?! Does he think he is a hero?!" The demon's army was annihilated. The exonns turned silent. He was not a cannon fodder. He was a monster. --- The book is a WSA entry. It means a lot if you can support the book with your vote.

imWold · Kỳ huyễn
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67 Chs

Black Thrones

Rhys raised his watch, but a frown appeared on his face. He thought,"If they have an insider, then they could be alerted. I will report it to the association once I know the secret location."

He stared at Enberg for a moment, then he flew over the city.

The truck reached the boundary of the city. The road ahead had a barricade. A tier 2 exonn named Emet looked at the truck.

A smile appeared on Emet's face when he saw who was on the truck."Oh! It's Felix. Mayor Siegbert appreciates what you are doing, so he asked us to give you a special treatment. Keep up the good work. You are a role model."

Felix laughed. "I'm just doing what needs to be done."

Emet chuckled, then he signaled the soldiers to move. The soldiers wearing gray armor and energy guns removed the barricade.

"Thanks," said Felix, then the truck kept moving away.

The concrete road leads to camps in lower tier hunting zones. There was no road toward high tier zones. For non-exonn, planes were needed to move in and out of those camps. Materials and supplies were also carried through planes powered by energy.

Inside the truck, Felix was chuckling. "Those exonns are thankful to us, but they don't know that we are using them so we could get out of the city and do our deed."

Henry laughed. "I'd like to see their faces when they find out about us."

Felix smiled. "You don't want to do that with the same face. They will definitely tear you into pieces."

Meanwhile, within a camp near a high tier hunting zone, there was a wooden bar named Bob's Tavern.

The tavern had an ancient style. The tables and chairs were made up of wood. A catgirl was serving food and drinks.

"Hahahaha! With this tavern, I feel like I am in the world of Elron! That old man Bob really did it!" Said a muscular and tall man named Argam. He had tan skin and was wearing a vest.

A sentient magic beast named Harty chuckled. He looked like a white penguin who was only one foot tall. His hand took a wooden cup and drank a beer. "That old man Bob has a good insight like me."

"Sly bastard!" Shouted Argam.

Harty sneered. "If not for me, you will not know your way around Elron. You will need me more when you go to Tier four world. Besides, we had many adventures together. You can't abandon your friends."

The others laughed at them as they continued bickering.

"When are we going back to Elron?" Asked Harty.

"My old man asked me to look after my little brother. We'll go back after the assessment. Hahahaha! The black thrones are getting more active here. The old man is worried that something might happen to him."

"If the black thrones are getting more active, don't you need a longer stay here?"

Argham had a helpless smile. "The black thrones are composed of Tier 3 demons on earth. Tier 4 cannot enter here because earth is tier 3, but if they break through to the next stage first, then our world will be in deep sh*t. So, I have to go to Tier 4 world because it is easier to advance there, then go back on Earth and break through to tier 4. That is the only way that Heaven's Gate will not reject a higher tier."

The other exonn in their table named Oliver had a deep sigh. "All tier 3 in our world is probably planning like that. The demons are aware of it. You must deeply hide it if you are on the verge of a breakthrough. If Ms. Valeria was able to make a breakthrough to Tier 4 on Earth, then the black thrones would have been eradicated."

Argam had an angry look on his face. "Damn demons! They made an elaborate scheme to force her to break through in the Tier 4 world. Now, she can't even go back to Elron. She is trapped in the world of Wodlland."

"That is why you need me. With that musclehead of yours, you will probably walk into a demon's trap while laughing," said Harty while nonchalantly drinking beer.

"What did you say?!"


After driving for a few hours, Henry turned the truck to a corner. There were weeds on the broken road, but it was a lot smaller compared to the weeds outside the concrete.

"Thanks to him, the weeds are regularly cut, or else it will look suspicious if vehicles are using this road," said Felix.

"If they could make vehicles fly over buildings, it would be a lot easier for us to move."

"That won't be easy. The special minerals they found in other worlds could only make the vehicles float above the ground for a few feet."

The truck reached the periphery of the ruined city, Rusvel. Henry stopped the truck and looked outside.

Two men came out from a shadow.

Felix and Henry came out from the truck with a smile on their faces. "Sir, we finished the task."

Frank and Gregor chuckled.

"Good job. I know that doing it at an earlier time has a risk, but we need the right number for the extract. You will be one of us soon," said Frank as he patted the shoulder of Felix with a smile. He thought,"He really is capable and might quickly rise in ranks, so he has to die. He will be our strong competition. Should I leak his information to the association? No, the system that we set up might get affected if he speaks. How should I let him die without breaking my oath?"

Sankraz floated down from a building. "Go and take it. We'll start the extract."

Felix opened the container, then he pointed to a particular box.

"How much longer can you stay in the apartment?" Asked Sankraz.

There was a helpless look on Felix. "There was a little problem, but don't worry sir, we can move away and change our identity before the authorities are notified."

An imperceptible smile appeared on Frank, then his face suddenly turned angry. "What?! There is a problem?! What if they trace it here?! You can move away in other cities, but how about us who are assigned here?! What if the arrangements here are destroyed by you?!"

A frown appeared on Sankraz's face causing a sweat to appear on Henry and Felix, then he chuckled. "It's fine. You two did your job well. It will not be a problem. When you two become suspects, someone will send tips and evidence that you were secretly going to another place, not here, before going to the camp."

"Thank you!! Sir Sankraz!" said Felix and Henry.

"Too bad. Sankraz did not kill them with his own hands," thought Frank.

Sankraz smiled and thought,"Ludolf is dead. I should ask if Lord Tenel can give Felix a demon core. Henry will be a reserve. If the Lord approves my plan, I will send one of my men to exonns' hands to mislead them."

Frank and Gregor lifted the boxes with dark energy. The other boxes were put back. Only one remained on the ground.

"Sir, we are going to go to the camp now to avoid giving suspicion," said Felix.

Sankraz nodded his head. "When are you going to leave Mugwer city?"

Felix smiled. "We are not going back sir. Tonight, we will have a new identity."

Sankraz chuckled.

The truck moved away, then Frank opened the box. There was an unconscious young man.

The fingers of Frank turned into roots. He tied and lifted the body of the young man.

Rhys was hiding in one of the buildings. His eyes turned sharper as he stared at the demons.