
I Can Gain Power From the Novel's I've Read

Reo Carter, a book-loving teenager and typical NEET, wakes up in a mysterious world filled with magic and mystic powers. Despite everyone else being able to use magic, Reo discovers he's the only human unable to do so. Feeling depressed, he finds himself in a dire situation suddenly becoming a damsel in distress. Due to an incident with a demon he discovered that he has the power to jump into the world of novel's he read before and use the power he gain from the novel. Join Reo as he wrecked havoc upon the world.

MercuryDrone · Kỳ huyễn
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31 Chs

Day of the Interview Part 2

Chapter 30: Day of the Interview Part 2

As I was about to take back what I said, a knock was heard from the door.

"You may enter," Dr. Sophia said.

The door creaked open, and Sarah entered the room. She then turned to look back at the door as if waiting for someone.

A girl hesitantly poked her head into the room. Her eyes darted around, taking in the unfamiliar faces that turned to look at her. She clutched her notebook tightly to her chest as if it were a shield. Taking a deep breath, she stepped inside, her shoulders slightly hunched. She kept her gaze lowered, focusing on the floor tiles as she made her way to Sarah's side.

The newcomer's body language spoke volumes - her hunched shoulders, downcast eyes, and the way she held her notebook like a lifeline. As an introvert myself, seeing an alpha introvert in person and in a room like this, I gave my utmost salute to her.

Sarah spoke, "Professor Hartley, this is Emma Kürz. Professor Anderson asked me to bring her to you. It seems that her talent is in Quantum Computing, and she has developed an algorithm that could potentially revolutionize the field. Professor Anderson said for you to look at it."

Except for Sarah, who had already heard of it, and Emma, everybody in the room's jaws dropped.

Am I hearing things right? This girl, who's the same age as I am, has already made something that could revolutionize one of the most complex fields?

What have I been doing with my life?!

"Is this true?" Professor Hartley asked, to which Sarah nodded.

"Ms. Kürz, please take a seat. We'll look into it after the interview," Dr. Elara gestured for Emma to sit. She then looked at me and said, "Mr. Rio, was it? Let's proceed with the interview."

As Emma sat down, she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, stealing quick glances at the others before returning her attention to the safety of her notebook.

I noticed there was a slight shift in tone when Dr. Elara spoke to me. This must mean that she might want to end this interview as soon as possible, completely forgetting about the coffee from earlier. The looks of the two professors seemed to say the same.

Are you kidding me?!

Shit, shit, shit.

I have to do something to turn this around, or I might not get accepted, and all that work would be for nothing.

"Oh, yes, of course, I-" I began, but was interrupted.

"Excuse me, I brought a cup of coffee," a voice called out.

As the door swung open once more, a rich, inviting aroma wafted into the room. The unmistakable scent of freshly brewed coffee filled the air, instantly capturing everyone's attention.

The fragrance was deep and complex - a harmonious blend of roasted beans with subtle notes of chocolate and nuts. It was the kind of smell that seemed to awaken the senses, promising warmth and comfort in every sip.

The aroma grew stronger as someone stepped inside, carefully balancing a steaming mug. Tendrils of vapor rose from the dark liquid, carrying with them that enticing coffee scent. It spread through the room quickly, seeming to soften the atmosphere and lift spirits.

Emma perked up noticeably, her eyes following the path of the coffee cup with unconcealed interest.

"Please place it in front of this young man here," Dr. Chen said.

"Here ya go, kiddo. Well then, I'll be off now. Don't hesitate to let us know if you anything of us."

"Thank you," I said, dumbfounded as I blankly accepted the coffee.

I gave a look at Dr. Elara, wanting to know how she had done that. She didn't even need to call or get someone to bring the coffee; she just asked me if I wanted one, and it arrived.

Dr. Elara caught Rio's bewildered look and smiled slightly, her eyes twinkling with a hint of amusement. She leaned forward, resting her elbows on the desk.

"I see you're wondering about the coffee, Mr. Rio," she said, her voice calm and measured. "Allow me to explain. It's part of an experimental system we're testing here at the university."

Rio's eyebrows raised in curiosity as Dr. Elara continued.

"We've integrated a sophisticated AI-driven network throughout the campus, connected to various IoT devices. When I asked if you wanted coffee, the system recognized my voice and the context of the conversation. It then relayed the request to the nearest available staff member or automated coffee station."

She gestured towards a small, almost unnoticeable device on her desk. "This is one of the network's nodes. It's equipped with advanced natural language processing capabilities and can understand context and intent. The system is designed to anticipate needs and improve efficiency across the campus."

Professor Hartley chimed in, "It's quite remarkable. The AI can prioritize requests based on urgency, location, and available resources. In this case, it determined that bringing coffee wouldn't significantly disrupt any ongoing tasks and would contribute positively to the interview environment."

Dr. Elara nodded, "Exactly. It's not just about convenience, Mr. Rio. We're exploring how ambient intelligence can enhance productivity and well-being in academic settings. Your coffee arrival was a small demonstration of its capabilities."

Rio's eyes widened as he processed this information. He glanced at the coffee in his hands, then back at Dr. Elara, a new appreciation dawning on his face.

"That's... incredible," he managed to say, genuinely impressed.

Emma, who was listening to Elara and the professors' explanation, didn't realize her mouth was slightly open. I think the reason they told me about it must be because Emma is here; otherwise, they wouldn't bother to explain it to me, someone who may not be able to enter the school.

Dr. Elara's expression softened slightly. "Indeed it is. Now, shall we proceed with the interview? I believe you were about to tell us something before the coffee arrived."

"I actually don't need the coffee. Ms. Emma, would you like to have this instead?" I offered.

Emma startled as her name was suddenly called. "A-are you sure?"

"Yes, I rarely drink coffee, and I might not be able to finish it, so it'll be better if you drink it instead of me."

With this offer, I'm letting them know that even if that was a test, I only accepted it out of kindness. Plus, it won't be bad to leave a good impression on a future genius.

I glanced in the professors' direction and saw Dr. Patel give a slight nod.

"Okay, if you insist," Emma took the coffee, beaming with practically stars coming out of her eyes.

I guess she must like coffee that much, even forgetting her embarrassment.

"Dr. Elara, please start the interview. I'm ready," I said, taking the initiative, not wanting to waste their time.