
I Can Create Monsters And Customize Them

You can read my new book "Lord of the Time: I Can Reincarnate Infinitely." Creating and customizing your own monsters? √ Transmigrating into an exhilarating world of danger and opportunity, where survival depends on cards! Wake up with our protagonist, who finds himself in a mysterious world far advanced from Earth. This realm is teeming with monstrous beasts and supernatural creatures. In this cutthroat world, power comes in the form of cards. Humans can awaken it on their own or use monster materials to craft cards and embed these cards into their consciousness, transforming into powerful 'Card Masters'. Card Master are ranked from Tier 9 Extraordinary, Tier 8 Superhuman, Tier 7 Flying: Tier 6 Epic, Tier 5 Legend, Tier 4 Mythic and so on! Each card endows its bearer with extraordinary abilities, turning them from mere mortals into beings of immense power. The rarity of these cards? Iron, Bronze, Gold, Diamond, Platinum, Radiant and Divine! Of course, monsters have also their own rarity. Namely... Common, Rare, Unique, Epic, Legendary, Mythical, and Divine. But among the countless Card Masters, our protagonist is a standout. Unbeknownst to him, he possesses a Divine Quality Card. This isn't just any card - it's a unique system that allows him to create and customize his own monsters. From summoning an Extraordinary Tier 9 Common Ghoul to extracting their skills to creating his own type of monster!, he holds the key to his own survival in this chaotic world. One day, he might become a man that possesses thousands of monsters skills! The protagonist is thrown into a world teetering on the brink of destruction, besieged by terrifying monsters from dungeons and other unimaginable threats. Amid the danger, a glimmer of hope emerges - a Card Master assessment, the gateway to officially joining the ranks of Card Masters. Will he have what it takes to pass the test, and can he protect those dear to him in the process? Join our protagonist on his journey as he navigates through poverty, heartaches, battles, and deadly politics of a world that's leagues away from the mundane reality of Earth. He will struggle, he will fight, and he will rise. Amid the thrilling combats and nail-biting suspense, watch him craft his destiny one card at a time. Disclaimer: The cover is not mine. The art is rightfully owned by ArtStation. However, if the artist wants to communicate to take it down, please DM me on my Discord--- UnluckyGuy#3859

MadScythe · Kỳ huyễn
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243 Chs

Slowly Fitting In

The next morning came too soon. Still struggling with the confusion, he was handed a small, sleek device by his supposed younger brother, Miles. It took a moment for him to understand the glowing digits on the screen, their meaning sinking in like a stone in a pond. The numbers were pitifully small. Their savings, their lifeline in this advanced world, were running dry.

A quick glance at their breakfast - mere pieces of bread, dry and tasteless - confirmed the harsh reality. No fancy spreads, no fruits. Even their clothes were nothing more than functional - decent, clean but basic, nothing to wear for occasions or celebrations. They were barely scraping by.

"We've got one month," Miles said, a note of anxiety creeping into his voice. "One month to pay the rent or... or we're on the streets." He wouldn't meet his gaze, his eyes staring at the floor, a crease of worry marring his forehead.

His words echoed in the quiet room. On the streets? Him, in an alien city named Jurica, broke and clueless? The thought sent a shiver down his spine.

'It's like a sick joke,' he thought, the pit in his stomach growing. He was far from home, lost in an alien world, and now, on the brink of destitution. It was overwhelming, the hard truth hitting him with a force that stole his breath away.

The stress was mounting, the pulsing behind his eyes turning into a full-blown headache. And then, in a rush, like water breaking through a dam, memories flooded in. His name, his father's face, the woman his father chose over his mother... it was too much, too fast. He clutched his head, gritting his teeth against the onslaught of half-remembered images and emotions.

He wanted to scream, to cry out, but he kept his silence, staring at the dwindling numbers on the device. His past, his present, the uncertainty of his future... it was a whirlwind of emotions that left him reeling. But he couldn't afford to be lost, not when he had Miles relying on him, not when survival was at stake.

Yes, he didn't why, but he weirdly care about the young man in front of him... 'Is it because of the lingering emotions left by my predecessor? And my name is Johan?'

'Hold on,' he told himself, taking a deep breath. 'You can do this. For Miles. For yourself.'


Walking through the bustling streets of Jurica City was like stepping into a sci-fi novel. Everywhere he looked, his eyes met a sight so unusual, so fascinating, it left him in awe. The towering skyscrapers stretched towards the sky, their glassy exteriors reflecting the city's bustling life. An unending swarm of drones zipped overhead, their buzzing sound almost musical against the city's constant hum.

He tried to act normal, blend in, but everything was so alien, so different from anything he'd ever known. He glanced at Miles now and then, trying to gauge his reactions, trying to mimic his nonchalant ease.

Yet, despite the city's strangeness, there was an undeniable allure. The pulse of the city was a living, breathing entity, vibrant and full of life. It was impossible not to be swept away, not to be fascinated by it all.

But he dared not show his true feelings, his curiosity. He had to play the part of a native, act as if this were all mundane, routine. He couldn't risk revealing his true identity, not when the stakes were so high.

'I can do this,' he thought, his gaze darting around, taking in the city's life. 'Just blend in, act natural.'

He asked Miles questions under the guise of idle curiosity, careful not to raise suspicion. He observed, he listened, he adapted. Each day was a learning experience, every moment a step towards understanding this new world.

Navigating through the city, amidst the towering buildings and the swarm of drones, he felt a strange sense of belonging. It was as if he was meant to be here, despite the initial shock and confusion. Yes, he was a stranger in a strange land, but perhaps, just perhaps, he could make this place his own.

'I miss Earth...' Christopher... No, Johan. Let out a heavy sigh out of instinct.

The city buzzed with life and energy. It was all around him, this hum of activity. From the crowded marketplaces full of colorful stalls and loud vendors to the sleek, efficient public transportation humming along the magnetic tracks, it was like nothing he'd ever experienced.

"Try this," Miles handed him a skewer from a food stall, a warm smile playing on his lips. The aroma was strange yet enticing, a mix of spices he couldn't name. He took a hesitant bite, his eyes widening at the explosion of flavors. Not bad, not bad at all.

He found himself nodding at the vendor, a woman with laugh lines around her eyes and a hearty laugh. She ruffled his hair, a motherly gesture that warmed him more than the food did. Small connections, tiny bonds, they all started here.

They moved along, a wave in the ocean of people. They rode the public transportation, the smooth ride a stark contrast to the bustling streets outside. He watched as people got on and off, each carrying a different story, a different life.

He listened to the chatter, the snippets of conversation that buzzed around him. Talk about work, about family, about the latest holovision series. They were simple conversations, but each one was a piece of the puzzle, a fragment of the culture and life of Jurica City.

"Two tickets, please," he found himself saying to the holographic conductor on the city transit. It felt strange, the words tumbling out of his mouth with a familiarity that wasn't his own. Yet, they fit, blended into the hum of voices around him.

From marketplaces to eateries, from bus stops to parks, every corner of the city was a new lesson, a new discovery. He watched, he learned, he adapted. It was a strange dance, one he was gradually getting the hang of.

And amidst all the interactions, amidst the learning and observing, he found himself drawn into the city's rhythm. He was a stranger, yet he was starting to feel less so. The city was embracing him, welcoming him, and he was responding in kind. Slowly, subtly, he was becoming a part of Jurica City, one interaction at a time.

Moving through the city was like flipping through the pages of a book, each chapter revealing a new aspect of its social structure. He saw the dazzling drones zip through the air, delivering luxury goods to the opulent skyscrapers. The sight was a stark contrast to the street-level inhabitants, their lives a flurry of constant hustle, their every action a struggle for daily survival.

"Seems like a world within a world, doesn't it?" Miles commented, his gaze following the trail of a sleek, gold-trimmed drone. His words rang true. This city, Jurica, was not a single entity but a multitude of layers, each distinct, each with its own rhythm and life.

Their next encounter with the city's social hierarchy was less subtle. It was a brush with the authorities, a moment that sent a shiver down his spine. A group of enforcers, their uniforms a stark, intimidating black, patrolled the streets. The locals moved aside, their faces showing a mix of respect and fear.

He tried to blend in, to mimic the subtle bow of the head the locals offered to the enforcers. It was strange, this complex dance of power and submission. It was a clear picture of the social structure - those in power and those who followed, the rich and the poor, the rulers and the ruled.

Navigating through the complexities of Jurica City was like walking a tightrope, the balance between survival and understanding teetering precariously. His eyes often fell upon the flashing ads for various job opportunities on the local electronic billboards. Each ad a new window into the city's pulsating economy.

"Look at that, Johan," Miles pointed out to a particular ad, his finger tracing the glowing letters. It was a posting for a drone technician, a demand for skilled hands in the heart of the city's buzzing drone industry. The tech industry seemed to be the lifeblood of the city's economy, it pulsed in every corner of Jurica.

From the myriad food stalls they passed by, each fighting to sell their exotic delicacies, to the sleek mag-lev vehicles zipping through the traffic lanes, he noticed the city's commerce in full swing. He felt a surge of respect for the street vendors, their resilience a testament to the city's unforgiving economic machine. Their hard work, he realized, was as vital to Jurica's economy as the towering corporate skyscrapers.

"I think we should start small, Miles," Johan said, eyes narrowing at the sight of a 'Help Wanted' sign in a small repair shop. The idea of dipping his toes into the local job market was as daunting as it was exciting. But, it was a start, a first step into the labyrinth of the city's economic structure.

As days turned into weeks, Johan found himself slowly blending into Jurica's economical dance. It was a demanding rhythm, but one he was gradually tuning to. A job here, a task there, each a new lesson, a new insight into the city's thriving economy.


The hustle of job hunting ebbed as Johan and Miles found themselves standing before a towering structure. The library. It wasn't the hushed sanctuary of books they were accustomed to, but a vast, technological information hub that hummed with the pulse of Jurica City.

"Ready for a deep dive?" Miles quipped, a playful smirk lighting up his face. Johan could only respond with a nod, his eyes captivated by the rows of sleek, digital screens and AI assistants milling around.

The brothers immersed themselves in the sea of knowledge, their fingers dancing on interactive screens, pouring over the city's rich history, its vibrant culture, and its governing bodies. Each screen was a window into the past, the events that shaped the city, the triumphs and tribulations that defined its character.

"Johan, look at this!" Miles called out, his finger tapping on a screen showcasing the city's significant events. The information was a revelation, each event a piece of the jigsaw puzzle that was Jurica City.

Amidst the chronicles of history and culture, Johan found himself gravitating towards the cryptic symbols that had intrigued him since his awakening. He scoured through digital tomes and interactive scrolls, his mind a whirlpool of theories and speculations. Could these symbols link to his mysterious card? To the altar that marked his arrival in this city?

Hours slipped into days, the brothers lost in the sea of knowledge. The library wasn't merely a building of facts and data; it was a portal to understanding the essence of Jurica City.


Stepping into the heart of Jurica City was once an overwhelming journey of uncertainty, each day a challenging dance with the unknown. But with time, the city's pulse started syncing with Johan's heartbeat, the once alien world slowly becoming a familiar home.

"Hey, could you hand me that wrench?" Johan asked the fellow worker at the repair shop one day. A moment of silence followed, then a smile from the worker, passing the requested tool. Johan couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. His first successful conversation with a local, simple yet momentous.

"Johan, don't misplace the wrench again." His fellow worker, a man whose entire body covered with thick hoodie.

Even the city's advanced tech, once a puzzle of flashing lights and strange symbols, began to make sense. He found himself maneuvering a holo-interface without Miles' guidance, his fingers tapping away with confidence.

As the chapter of initial settlement drew to a close, Johan found himself standing atop a tall building, the city sprawled beneath him, twinkling with life. The city's rhythm had slowly seeped into his being, its vibrancy becoming his daily melody. From the towering skyscrapers to the bustling streets, every bit was a proof to his, his adaptability!

Looking out at the city lights, Johan reflected on his experiences in the past week- the trials, the learning, the tiny victories. He had come a long way from being traveler lost in a strange world to active participants in the city's rhythm. 'This world might not be that bad?'