
I Can Copy And Evolve Talents

Here's the link to the discord server: https://discord.com/invite/XVNaUKEPmb The convolution of worlds are govern by a set of gods, each god is given a world to rule and there can be skirmishes between them – as a result of one between Nexus, the god of trickery and a senile old hag Elliot reincarnated into Ul’Tra-el by mistake. Ul’Tra-el is a world that grew a voice, because of this voice, it began to take a different path from other worlds -- it was filled with a core anomaly – rifts. Dimensions began to leak into each other, vomiting outrageous monsters. In response or as an auto-correction to such anomaly, talents were awakened in the inhabitants of Ul’Tra-el and they gained tremendous power, for every rift they close down, they were rewarded massively by the voice of the world called Ul. In a hardcore world like this one, our MC (Northern) reincarnated as a talentless individual but in the face of a death and a head splitting revelation... ...when all hopes seemed lost. {System Notice} Your Soul cannot take a form Searching for Unique pattern ability for your soul searching... search found. Unique System ability has been found... Unique System Ability [CopyCat] has been gained. Awakening Unique ability... Northern gained a talent copying system! ... Follow Northern through his journey as he becomes the pinnacle of this world. This a story about a white-haired boy’s rise from rubbles!!

RighteousFilth · Kỳ huyễn
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345 Chs

Brave Hearts And Valiant Souls

It was not hard for the students to blend in, most especially when it was known that some people had been here before them.

With the help of Gilbert, Annette and the twin, the drifters were provided with basic knowledge about survival in a desolate land like this.

The best were picked and a city claimed by monsters was taken back.

It now served as their refugee center, shielding them from the stronger monsters that couldn't be dealt with immediately.

The next thing Gilbert sort to do afterwards was gather information about what happened.

Not much was known by other continents. It was just a sudden they, monsters started reaching the borders.

The first incidence claimed lives of hundreds, this warranted the academy to dispatch its strongest drifters—protectors.

Protectors were sent to the border to protect monsters from crossing over to the Central Plains.