
I Became A Member Of The Undead

When Kayden, a self-proclaimed workaholic, is suddenly isekai'd to another world, he's not quite sure what to make of it. But things get even weirder when he finds himself in the company of a... rock. Kayden and his new mineral friend set off on an adventure stumbling upon an eccentric cast of characters who will join his ragtag team.

BNL73 · Kỳ huyễn
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17 Chs

Magic City of Irella

A Guild staff member came over the desk where Vicemaster Hale and Kayden were stood. He had a panicked expression on his face.

"I have news for you." The man said. "Someone seems to have opened the box that was excavated from an old dungeon we found somewhere in the east."

"Ah? and what then? something happened to the box?" Hale asked.

"The box is empty," The other guild member replied nervously.

Kayden tried to maintain his facial expression.

"Well then what happened to the contents?" Hale asked.

"It's gone! It looks like someone has stolen them all!" The man answered.

"How many people knew about this box?" Hale asked.

"Only me and the guild master are aware of its existence. You can rest assured whoever it is will be punished severely!" The man said.

"So someone stole the boxes contents... and no one else knows anything about it?" Hale asked.

"No, but I am sure someone must know or at least suspect something is wrong here." The man replied.

Hale sighed. "Now we have to find out who did this."

Hale turned to Kayden and wished him farewell. Kayden was relieved that he wasnt taken in for questioning.

"Thank you Hale," Kayden told Hale.

"Be careful out there and remember to keep your nose clean," Hale told him.

"What do you mean by that?" Kayden asked Hale.

"You dont want to be caught up in any trouble." Hale replied.

"Alright. Well I hope to see you again soon." Hale said.

Kayden thanked Hale again before leaving the guild.


The sun had long since set by now. The night was dark and silent, no people were on the streets. The few lights that glowed in the distance shown their faint orange glow. Even the moon was hidden behind a thick layer of clouds. Kayden was walking through the city of Irella, his hands tucked deep inside his pockets while he walked slowly.

After being welcomed to the guild by Hale, Kayden had received a little information, and a guild card. Hale had told him that he would start off at F rank, which meant he could not take higher level quests then that.

Kayden was slightly worried about his ability to survive without any skills. He had no idea how long he would have to wait until he could move on to higher ranks. After all, he had only been born recently.... barely a day ago to be specific.

He had been given a small amount of money from Hale as a welcome gift from the guild so he could buy some supplies.

This place was still new to him and there were several annoying uncertainties. For starters, he was still unsure exactly of what sort of creature he was if it didnt follow what he knew about vampires before in the myths and legends. Secondly, His strength was low at the moment, as far as he knew. Thirdly, he had no skill set. Finally, he was unsure of how he would cope with living in this world. Money didnt grow on trees.

As he walked down the street, Kayden paused to look around. There were very few people walking around, most likely because it was late at night. He hoped that he would find something to eat soon, his stomach had been rumbling for quite a while now, making him feel uncomfortable.

''Gemini I need food stat.'' Kayden told her.

''What is stat food?'' Gemini asked.

Kayden forgot for a second, considering he and everyone around him was speaking what he thought was English, he assumed they would have the same slang words.

''... I mean I need food as soon as possible.''

''If you dont want to have human blood then we will have to find an animal.'' Gemini suggested.

Kayden gave a sigh. ''Fine. Tell me how to get out of the city, Id be best finding some wild animal in the grasslands somewhere.''

Gemini explained. 'Look for the tower monument and then head north-west of of there.'

'How the hell am I supposed to find a tower in the pitch black?' Kayden Thought

''I cant even see in front of me clearly let alone a building that could be far away.''

''Oops I forgot you are weak.'' Gemini said.

''...Can normal people have nightvision?'' Kayden wondered.

''No but as you are a Vampire you will be able to see in the dark, guess it will be awhile...'' Gemini replied.

Kayden looked up at the sky and noticed the dark cloud covering the moon. This was definitely a problem.

''Well, I will give you clear instructions dont worry!.'' Gemini said happily.

Kayden nodded.

''Go forward 25 metres and turn left at the next alleyway. Once there turn right onto Westraven road and keep straight....'' Gemini continued giving instructions.

Kayden tried to ignore the fact that Gemini sounded exactly like a satnav and continued forward.
