
I Became a Leader of a New Nation while in Exile

It was supposed to be a new, quiet, and simple life for 15-year-old noble boy Nate Wole, who was kicked out and exiled by his family for being too weak in favor of his older brother, Hertzel, a selfish warrior who cares only about himself and his skills in magic. Desperate, he traveled to the lowlands of Wooda, where while camping, he had an unlucky encounter with one of the collection of tribes of the Undead Animals, a bunch of hostile undead animals who can wield weapons and shapeshift into humans and were despised and hunted by humans. After getting killed by one of them under an Undead lion named Sati, Nate was saved by them after they regretted their decision to kill him, and Sati eventually gave his position as tribal leader to him. Nate was shocked to here that, but he has no choice but to accept it. And now, he is a leader of Sati’s lion tribe. Soon, he united the other Undead tribes under the new country name, Wooda, while studying to be a good leader, and changed his identity to Lloyd Lewole, completely vanishing his old identity in order to forget his past. But, will he handle such a great responsibility?

Roxas0702 · Kỳ huyễn
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68 Chs

Chapter 44 – Westlan Braze

Westlan's POV

 It's been a month since I resigned being an adventurers' guild worker in Langton because of the complex and top-to-down hierarchy and corruption among the nobles. I had been searching far and wide somewhere to start a new adventurers' guild of my own, with my own rules and system unlike the majority of adventurers' guilds. But so far, none of the nations wanted another guild so I was desperate to find a new place to call home.

 My name is Westlan Braze. I am from Ole City in Langton. I'm just an average commoner, but my parents are merchants and are often away from home, so I was pretty lonely as a child and lived often with relatives whenever they are not around. They were nice to me, but I don't want to be a burden to them. So, I started working. I previously worked as a worker for Langton's main adventurer' guild for 5 years now, starting from the age of 12. But, I saw its corruption, unnecessary hierarchy of adventurers, and bribery committed by nobles. Recently, I witnessed a bribery involving the kingdom's greatest commander. According to what I have heard, that commander did so he would put his eldest son, Hertzel, on the top of the pyramid of hierarchy as an SSS-ranked hero, without any real effort to reach that rank. Because of that and other things I had witnessed, just a month ago, I decided to hand over my letter of resignation and left the kingdom for good.

 Now here am I, traveling with some merchants from different nations in search of a new life somewhere. One day, while we were traveling west from Langton on horse wagon, one of the merchants told me about a new country in the Wooda lowlands. I was shocked to hear that because I never knew any country in that dangerous region.

But, the merchant continued on, "It is said that country was a union of different Undead animal tribes under the leadership of a human, who was their village chieftain."

 "What? A human?" I responded back. "How's that possible?"

The same merchant then shrugged. "I don't know, but I do know their human village chieftain was an exiled noble from Langton, or so what I had heard from other people from Kalelis."

 "Woah, an exiled noble?"

 "He was exiled and banished for having no magic," another merchant responded.

I was super pissed off by that. "That's unforgivable and ridiculous!"

 "Yes, but that person is now better off being in that lowlands," the first merchant replied back.

To that I calmed down. "Okay, good for that guy."

After that, the second merchant asked me why I was traveling with them.

 "To search for a better life somewhere," I answered back, "and to establish my adventurers' guild."

 "Wow, so ambitious, kid," the third merchant responded.

 "Yes, and so I would enforce my own rules in it."

 "Because of your previous guild's corruption?" the first merchant asked.

I then nodded to say yes.

 "I see. Well, you're lucky because we will go to Wooda."

I was surprised to hear that. "What? Really?"

 "Yes, so we could conduct trade and business with them," the second merchant replied back.

 "I heard they don't have an adventurers' guild yet, so you might ask their human leader for permission as well," the third merchant added.

 "And, it might be your new home if you see it for yourself, too," the first merchant added as well.

Because of that, I began to think and consider doing that. 

Eventually, I decided to give it a try.

Now, as I sat on the floor of the wagon, I looked at the ceiling and thought to myself, "I hoped my request will be accepted by that person."