
Chapter 8: Foundation-Building Secrets

Entering the preaching hall, everyone sat attentively, not daring to utter a word.

The Patriarch swept his eyes over the crowd and began expounding the Great Way. With every word, flowers fell from the sky, and golden lotuses sprang from the ground. It was a marvelous presentation of the teachings of the Three Vehicles, encompassing the subtleties of myriad methods. Slowly waving his feathered fan, he exhaled pearls and jades, echoing through the heavens like thunder.

As he spoke, the Patriarch's discourse shifted seamlessly between Buddhist and Daoist insights. Sun Wukong, listening intently, felt as if his entire being was being elevated, experiencing a profound clarity and comfort.

After a while, the Patriarch suddenly asked, "Wukong, do you comprehend the Great Way I have been expounding?"

Sun Wukong replied respectfully, "Disciple earnestly listened and has understood some profound aspects of the teachings."

The Patriarch continued, "Since you have understood some profound aspects, let me ask you: How long have you been at my Slanting Moon Three Stars Cave?"

Sun Wukong bowed and replied, "Master, disciple has been here for seven years."

The Patriarch nodded and inquired, "Having been here for seven years, what do you wish to learn from me?"

Sun Wukong, overjoyed and sensing the prospect of finally receiving teachings, hastily said, "Master, I humbly seek your guidance. If I can attain the power to traverse the Three Realms and achieve immortality, that would be sufficient for disciple to learn."

Upon hearing this, the Patriarch slammed his hand on the ground, jumped down from the platform, and, holding a disciplinary ruler, pointed at Sun Wukong, saying, "You, simian creature! Seeking to traverse the Three Realms and achieve immortality. There is no such method in the world!"

With that, he struck Sun Wukong on the head three times, turned away, and left the hall with his hands behind his back, leaving the disciples behind.

As he departed, the fellow disciples immediately complained and scolded Sun Wukong, saying, "You audacious monkey! How shameless to seek a method that neither of us was taught. You even angered our Master during his rare lecture. Now he's gone, all thanks to you!"

Sun Wukong, facing the complaints, remained untroubled, and even wore a cheerful smile on his face. The disciples, seeing this, thought he was being foolish, and they left grumbling.

Observing their departing figures, Sun Wukong thought to himself: These people, without even names in the original text, and with no chance of appearing in the future, are unable to perceive the mystery of Patriarch's teaching.

On that day, in the anxious anticipation of Sun Wukong, the sky gradually darkened. Around midnight, Sun Wukong quietly got up, dressed, and left the room stealthily, afraid of waking his fellow disciples.

At this time, the crescent moon hung high above the cassia branches, with the sound of flowing water echoing in the ears.

After arriving at the back door of Patriarch's room, Sun Wukong noticed that the door was slightly ajar, filling his heart with joy.

Ever since his reincarnation as Sun Wukong, he had yearned day and night for the power to traverse the Three Realms without being bound by others, unlike the original Sun Wukong. The only person in the world who could teach him true abilities was Patriarch!

Gently pushing open the door and quietly entering, he walked to the Patriarch's bedside. The Patriarch was curled up, seemingly sleeping.

Sun Wukong knew that he wasn't actually asleep, but he didn't expose it. He knelt in front of the bed, silently waiting.

Before long, the Patriarch turned and sat up, chanting to himself:

"Difficult! Difficult! Difficult! The Dao is most profound, do not treat the Golden Elixir lightly. Without meeting an accomplished teacher to impart the marvelous technique, empty words leave the mouth dry and the tongue parched!"

This indicated the difficulty of cultivation and emphasized the need for guidance from a high-level practitioner. Sun Wukong promptly responded, "Master, disciple has been kneeling here for a long time."

Seemingly realizing Sun Wukong's presence at his bedside, the Patriarch put on his clothes, sat up straight, and scolded, "You simian creature, why aren't you sleeping in the front? What brings you to my rear?"

Sun Wukong knew that the Patriarch was pretending to be angry, but he wasn't afraid. He replied, "Master hinted yesterday at the third watch to enter through the back door and receive teachings on the Dao. Hence, I boldly came to Master's bedside."

Upon hearing this, the Patriarch was very pleased, secretly thinking, "This monkey is indeed intelligent. He saw through the mystery of my plate immediately."

Sun Wukong continued, "I implore Master to teach me profound methods so that I can roam the Three Realms freely without being restrained by others."

The Patriarch said, "Since you have the affinity for the Dao, I won't hold back. Now that you've seen through the mystery, I will impart to you a marvelous technique. Come closer and listen carefully."

Sun Wukong, overjoyed, approached to listen attentively. The Patriarch began chanting:

"Revealing the secret technique of manifesting the Dao, cherish your life and don't speak lightly of it. Cultivate the essence, energy, and spirit, guard them securely, and avoid leaks. Avoid leaks, hold them within, and you shall prosper under my guidance. This mnemonic will be greatly beneficial; eliminate impure desires for clarity. The moon conceals the jade rabbit, the sun hides the crow; they intertwine like turtles and snakes, forming the Golden Lotus within the fire. Use the inverted arrangement of the five elements, and when the work is complete, become a Buddha or Immortal."

Sun Wukong felt blessed and memorized the mnemonic after a single recitation. The Patriarch, seeing this, said, "This is the secret technique for cultivating the foundation. When you succeed, I will then teach you the method to reach the heavens."

Sun Wukong, expressing gratitude, asked, "Master, on the path of cultivation, are there divisions of strength?"

The Patriarch replied, "Heaven, Earth, Deities, Humans, and Ghosts - these five beings represent the divisions of strength in the Three Realms."

Sun Wukong inquired, "What do Heaven, Earth, Deities, Humans, and Ghosts represent?"

The Patriarch patiently explained, "Common ghosts and spirits with some strength, like the underworld's Ox-Head and Horse-Face, are Ghost Immortals. Humans who have achieved some cultivation in the mortal realm are Human Immortals. Human Immortals, when cultivating to the extreme, ascend in broad daylight; these are Deity Immortals, like the Arhats in Buddhism. Bodhisattvas in Buddhism are Earth Immortals, and Buddhas are Heaven Immortals."

Sun Wukong further questioned, "Is there a higher realm beyond Heaven Immortals?"

The Patriarch answered, "Above Heaven Immortals are Grand Heavenly Venerables and Sages."

Sun Wukong asked, "May I inquire, who in the Three Realms is the Grand Heavenly Venerable, and who is the Sage?"

The Patriarch said, "As for who is the Grand Heavenly Venerable and who is the Sage, I won't say. You will know in the future."

With that, the Patriarch closed his eyes and began meditating. Sun Wukong didn't dare to ask further, quietly leaving through the back door. As he stepped out, he saw that dawn was breaking. Instead of returning to his sleeping quarters, he found a quiet place with no one around to study the secret method of cultivating the foundation.