
Chapter 9: The Seventy-Two Transformations

So, Sun Wukong received the secret method of cultivating the true self from Patriarch Bodhi and diligently practiced it every day. From morning till night, his routine consisted of eating, sleeping, and engaging in meditation and cultivation.

This monotonous meditation and cultivation went on for three years until one day when Patriarch Bodhi ascended the platform once again to deliver his teachings. During the discourse, celestial phenomena manifested again, and Sun Wukong, now more enlightened and with accumulated experiences, found himself deeply immersed in every sublime note of the Patriarch's teachings. He would nod, sway, and dance with joy, occasionally displaying eccentric behaviors or bursting into laughter.

Suddenly, a mysterious aura flashed across him, a divine light shone from his forehead, and his gaze became sharp and spirited. In that brief moment, he seemed to undergo a transformation, radiating a completely different aura.

His fellow disciples, filled with amazement, astonishment, and envy, realized that Sun Wukong had made a breakthrough in his cultivation. Seeing this, Patriarch Bodhi paused his discourse and addressed Sun Wukong, "Wukong, you have already laid the foundation, entered the path of cultivation, and established a connection with the source. Your divine nature is awakened. I shall now impart to you the profound method."

Sun Wukong, overjoyed, immediately knelt down and expressed his gratitude, "Thank you, Master, for your mercy. Bestow upon me the supernatural techniques."

Patriarch Bodhi explained, "My supernatural techniques are divided into two categories: the celestial patterns, consisting of thirty-six transformations, and the terrestrial patterns, consisting of seventy-two transformations. Which one do you wish to learn?"

Sun Wukong pondered for a while. In the original story, Sun Wukong learned the seventy-two transformations, while Zhu Bajie learned the thirty-six transformations. However, he was unsure of the difference between the two. Thus, he asked, "May I inquire, Master, what is the difference between celestial and terrestrial transformations?"

Patriarch Bodhi was momentarily surprised by this unexpected question. He explained, "In the path of alchemy, there are two categories: the 'without doing' and the 'with doing.' The celestial patterns belong to the 'without doing' category, while the terrestrial patterns belong to the 'with doing' category."

Considering his own disposition, Sun Wukong thought that learning the 'with doing' path would be more reasonable. With respect, he replied, "Disciple wishes to learn the seventy-two terrestrial transformations."

Patriarch Bodhi nodded and said, "Very well, come forward, and I will impart the incantations to you."

Under the envious gazes of his fellow disciples, Sun Wukong approached Patriarch Bodhi. The Patriarch whispered the profound methods of terrestrial transformations to Sun Wukong. Luckily, Sun Wukong had an exceptional memory and memorized the incantations on the spot.

After imparting the techniques, Patriarch Bodhi added a warning, "My techniques can evade the 'three calamities and dangers.' You, Monkey, must never impart them to others without my permission. Otherwise, I will know, and I will nullify your abilities, casting you into the deep abyss."

Sun Wukong trembled at the warning and hastily assured, "Without Master's permission, disciple will never dare to teach these techniques to others."

Patriarch Bodhi continued, "That is well."

Sun Wukong then asked, "May I inquire about the 'three calamities and dangers'?"

Patriarch Bodhi explained, "The path of cultivation is an extraordinary one. It involves seizing the creations of heaven and earth and intruding upon the profound mysteries of the sun and moon. After achieving the elixir, ghosts and gods find it hard to tolerate. Although you may defy the natural order and alter your fate, after five hundred years, calamities will descend upon you. When lightning strikes from the heavens, you must rely on your inherent nature and clear mind to evade it. If you can escape, you preserve your life; if not, it becomes your demise.

Another five hundred years later, a fire calamity will burn you. This fire is not ordinary, nor is it celestial fire; it is called 'Yin Fire.' It ignites from your own life essence, burning through your vital organs and reducing your limbs to ashes.

Yet another five hundred years, a wind calamity will blow upon you. This wind is not the ordinary winds from the four directions, nor is it the winds of refining gold and cultivating immortality. It is known as the 'Bi Wind.' Blowing through the door, it enters your internal organs, passes through the elixir field, penetrates the nine orifices, disperses your bones and flesh, and disintegrates your body."

Hearing this, the disciples turned pale with fear, and Sun Wukong and his fellow disciples knelt in panic, sincerely pleading, "Master, please show mercy and teach us how to evade the three calamities. We will never forget your kindness."

Patriarch Bodhi responded, "This cannot be done. You are all ordinary people, unlike Wukong. Therefore, I cannot impart these techniques to you."

The disciples exclaimed, "We also have rounded heads, square feet, nine orifices, four limbs, five organs, and six intestines. How are we any different from Sun Wukong?"

Patriarch Bodhi remained silent, paying no attention to the disciples, and walked straight out of the main hall towards the rear hall.

As the Patriarch left, the disciples erupted into commotion. Though they dared not disrespect their master, they vented their anger towards Sun Wukong.

"I want to see what extraordinary qualities you, this monkey, possess. How dare our master claim that we are inferior to you!" A senior disciple named Zhi Tong glared at Sun Wukong, jealousy evident, and was on the verge of attacking him.

"Zhi Tong, this is the Hall of Discourse. You cannot be unruly here," a senior disciple from the Da generation intervened, shouting loudly.

In Patriarch Bodhi's sect, there were three generations of disciples: Guang, Da, and Zhi.

Zhi Tong had momentarily lost his senses due to jealousy. Upon hearing the rebuke from the senior disciple, he realized where he was and turned pale with fear. He said, "Thank you, Senior Da Jue, for the reminder. I almost committed a grave mistake."

"No need to be polite, Junior Brother. If there is nothing else, let us leave. Causing trouble here might displease our master," Da Jue said, leading the way out of the hall.

Although the other disciples were discontent with Sun Wukong and harbored jealousy towards the favoritism shown by Patriarch Bodhi, they dared not cause trouble and reluctantly left.

However, as Zhi Tong walked out of the hall, he suddenly turned around, glaring fiercely at Sun Wukong. His eyes seemed to convey a message: Just wait and see!

Sun Wukong was unfazed and immediately shot back a fierce glare. Zhi Tong was only a third-generation disciple, yet to achieve the status of an immortal. With the seventy-two transformations incantation firmly in his mind, Sun Wukong knew he could easily defeat someone like Zhi Tong after some practice.