
I am Sam witwicky(SI)

a guy named alex who loved transformers is reincarnated as sam witwicky in the transformers bayverse universe with a few wishes , find out how he tackles challenges in this universe all rights and characters are owned and produced by a media franchise, American toy company Hasbro and Japanese toy company Takara Tomy. except my oc characters

Theshadowveil7 · Phim ảnh
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15 Chs

chapter 5 : The plot begins

Sam stepped out of his dad's car onto the cracked asphalt of Bobby Bolivia's car dealership. Stretching, Sam looked around the lot, really just rows and rows of dusty used cars. The owner himself, Bobby Bolivia, strode towards him with a huge grin on his face, his hands clapping together like this had been the best thing he'd been waiting for all day.

"Well, well, well! Welcome to Bobby Bolivia's dealership!, I'm Bobby " Bobby said, proffering his hand out toward Sam's father, Ron. "What can I do for ya today? Lookin' to drive away with somethin' special?"

Ron shook Bobby's hand with a friendly chuckle. "We're here to get my son his first car. Something reliable, not too fancy. You know how it goes-something he can learn to work on."

Sam nodded, faking the same casual interest his dad had affected. In truth, he already knew what he wanted. He could feel something, or rather, someone, was watching him. Months of careful preparation for this moment, ever since he felt he was being monitored by both Barricade and Bumblebee. But he had played his part well, pretending to be none the wiser.

The moment Bobby started leading them inside the lot, showing off various cars that he had in stock, Sam's eyes began scanning the lot for just one car. As Bobby led them inside the dealership lot, Sam was alert but cool, pretending to show interest in some of the cars they were passing. Bobby was babbling on about price tags and engines and "what a steal" he had in the back, but it wasn't until from the corner of his eye he saw the yellow Camaro roll onto the dealerships that Sam's attention was caught. Quietly, even silently, it nestled itself amongst the display cars, almost as though it was part of the landscape. It was old but had an undeniable charm to it, with black racing stripes running along the body, giving it a feel of quiet power. Sam's heartbeat quickened because he knew exactly what this meant.

"That's the one," Sam said, gesturing toward the Camaro as he cut off whatever sales pitch Bobby was trying to make.

His dad looked at him, confused. "What? You want that one? It's. a little beat-up, don't you think?"

Bobby, who had been in the middle of demonstrating an old Toyota, stopped and turned to face the Camaro as well. A flicker of confusion crossed his face. He hadn't brought this car in. As a matter of fact, he didn't even know it was part of his inventory. But ever the salesman, he quickly hid his surprise and slapped his grin back on.

"Oh! This one? Ha! Uh. right! This here's a real. classic. Came in just today," Bobby lied, not knowing the origins of the car but hoping to roll with it. "Tell you what, I'll give you a great deal on it."

"How much?" Ron asked, crossing his arms to show he was ready to haggle.

Bobby scratched his head and looked between Ron and the Camaro, as though he was pulling a figure from thin air. "Five thousand dollars, but for you folks, I'll give a discount. Call it. four thousand, cash."

Ron frowned, knowing immediately that any discount Bobby would offer was inflated in the first place. "How about three thousand?

Already halfway to the Camaro, Sam turned back, listening to his dad and Bobby haggle over the price. He smiled to himself; he knew his dad had this part covered. Approaching the Camaro, the door was still unlocked so Sam could resist sliding into the driver seat of the Camaro. The leather was worn but comfortable, and as his hands wrapped around the steering wheel, he smiled; as his hands wrapped around the wheel, a surge of electricity traced through him, like some unseen bond forming between him and the car.

back to the mean still haggling Bobby winced at the counter-offer, rubbing his chin as though it hurt him to do so. "Aww, c'mon now! You're killin' me here! This car's worth more than I'm asking, but. fine. You seem like good folks. Let's say three thousand five hundred, and it's yours."

Sam's dad looked at him, raising an eyebrow. "What do you think, Sam?"

"I want this one," Sam replied, never faltering his voice as he sat in the Camaro.

Ron sighed but smiled, knowing his son was resolute. "Alright. Three thousand five hundred it is."

As the two men closed the deal, Sam still in the car says in a soft whisper, "We're going to be great friends, buddy," with a tingling hum of energy in the air.

In a flash, the radio crackled to life, rapidly changing stations before settling on one. A voice echoed, "Yes, indeed."

Sam chuckled. Bumblebee was already trying to communicate, even in this minuscule way, but he kept his cool on the surface. He knew exactly with whom he was dealing: Bumblebee, the Autobot scout. But for now, he'd keep up his act of the clueless teenager.

When the papers were signed and the deal sealed, Sam followed his dad home with the Camaro behind his father's car. The engine hummed softly as they reached home. He carefully parked Bumblebee in the garage, stepped out, and long looked at the car. His dad smiled at him, proud of his son for a practical choice he had made.

"Well, kiddo, I'm proud of you. You didn't go for anything flashy, just something you can work on yourself."

Sam nodded, smiling at his dad. "Yeah, thanks, Dad. I think this car and I will get along just fine, and I think I'm gonna start working on it right away."

"Alright, leave you to it," Ron said, ruffling Sam's hair before turning back for the house. "Just don't stay out here all night. Dinner's in an hour."

As the garage door slid shut, Sam returned to Bumblebee and felt his excitement surge anew. "Alright, Alfred, you there?"

 Alfred was on immediately. "Always, sir. Shall I run a scan on the vehicle?"

He leaned back against his workbench and watched as a holographic screen projected in front of him, showing the scanned data of Bumblebee's vehicle form. Advanced programming within Alfred allowed him to analyze every little detail from armor plating to the weapons systems that could be concealed within the frame.

"Interesting," Alfred said, "this vehicle is far more advanced than its appearance would suggest."

"Yeah, no kidding," Sam said, eyes scanning the schematic. "We need to think of some upgrades, though. I've been thinking about a few modifications to improve its functionality. We'll need to keep it subtle, though. Can't go around drawing too much attention."

Alfred's voice was as calm and professional as ever. "I must say, sir, this technology is highly advanced."

Sam chuckled. "Yeah,but that makes things more fun."

earlier at the dealership.....

Bumblebee's (POV)

I parked at the dealership, keeping my movements subtle, watching as the young sparkling Sam and his father walked around the lot . I had to blend in, remain unnoticed. The other Autobots were still waiting in space and would arrive to earth soon, and I had my orders to protect the young sparkling Sam Witwicky.

Well, as I rolled into the dealership and parked next to a few other vehicles, it seemed the young sparkling noticed me, since he pointed at me then approached me.

As Sam sat down on my seats, I felt this weird connection when he laid his hands on my steering wheel. I don't know; he was like he knew me, knew who I am. And when he spoke to me, it was real talk: "We're going to be best friends, buddy."

I couldn't help but answer him back through the radio-a method of speaking for me. "Yes, indeed."

I had thought that was going to be my lot of interaction with him for the day, but as we drove back home and into his garage parking, I simply felt my mouth drop open in amazement: Sam had an artificial intelligence, a highly advanced one, scanning me. I could see the data flashing across the holographic screen they were using, the way Sam and the AI-ALFRED-were discussing possible improvements to my vehicle mode; well beyond what humans should be capable of.

As they were bouncing ideas off each other, I was calm and listened in silent shock since I hadn't expected the young sparkling to start working on my vehicle form; this was more than I had ever expected.

The AI, like Alfred, Sam had called it, was unlike anything I'd seen or heard. This holographic screen, the way Sam so casually referred to advanced technological concepts, almost felt like Sam was already so far beyond the normal humans I'd been observing these past years.

Who is this young sparkling ? he asked himself. He was chosen to protect Sam because of the information that connects Sam to the All Spark, in regards to the location of all spark, but now after this conversation Bumblebee realized there was much more about this boy than meets the eye. His technology was so much advanced compared to anything Bumblebee had encountered here on Earth.

Still, I couldn't shake the weird feeling that somehow, Sam and I were connected. Not only did his touch to my steering wheel earlier flicker with connection, but also something almost familiar; it felt like I had always been the young sparkling's protector, and in that moment, I was meant to be more than someone who could watch over him.

As Sam was continuing to speak to Alfred about upgrades, I crackled t my radio to life once more, briefly catching a station with the song words "I got your back."

Sam smiled knowingly, but he didn't acknowledge the message aloud. Instead, he leaned over the my hood, tapping it lightly.

"Don't you worry, buddy. We'll get you in tip-top shape and you'll look good as new."

I listened closely, my thoughts racing. There was no longer any question; this young sparkling was something special.

But what Bumblebee did not realize was that Sam already expected what was to come. And Bumblebee was going to have to find a way to keep up with the phenomenal young human.

The more Sam and Alfred planned, the more quietly impressed - and concerned - Bumblebee became. He had found his human, but it would appear his human was so much more than any ordinary teenager.

As the night wore on, and the light in the garage began to dim, he made a silent vow to himself: Whatever was coming, however dangerous, he would protect this young sparkling with everything he possessed.

After all, he was his protector.