
I am Sam witwicky(SI)

a guy named alex who loved transformers is reincarnated as sam witwicky in the transformers bayverse universe with a few wishes , find out how he tackles challenges in this universe all rights and characters are owned and produced by a media franchise, American toy company Hasbro and Japanese toy company Takara Tomy. except my oc characters

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15 Chs

chapter 10: Upgrades

Sam Witwicky's eyelids fluttered open as the soft, familiar voice of Alfred, his AI companion, gently stirred him from his sleep.

"Good morning, Master Sam," Alfred's voice chimed through the room's speaker system. The artificial intelligence's British accent was crisp but soothing, as always. "It's time to rise and shine. You've got a rather busy day ahead of you."

Sam stretched, blinking at the sunlight that peeked through the blinds. He sat up in bed, yawning. "Morning, Alfred. What time is it?" he asked groggily, running a hand through his messy hair.

"It's precisely 7:30 AM. You have a scheduled breakfast, followed by an exciting day working on Bumblebee and finishing up the Iron Man suit," Alfred reminded him, the sound of a whirring fan accompanying the AI's speech as the room's cooling system kicked in.

Sam's eyes lit up at the mention of today's tasks. "Right, right. Bumblebee's upgrades," he mumbled, still waking up. He paused for a moment, reflecting on his introduction to Bumblebee the night before. It had been one of the wildest nights of formally meeting bumble bee , a living alien machine. But now, it was time for the fun part. The upgrades.

"Alfred, we've got a big day ahead of us," Sam said with a grin, hopping out of bed and stretching his arms. "Today, we're gonna work on Bumblebee, give him some well-deserved upgrades, and finish the Iron Man suit. You ready?"

"Always ready, Master Sam," Alfred replied with an upbeat tone. "I've been working on the design improvements you requested, as well as finalizing the new chip for Bumblebee. Shall I go over the specs again?"

Sam waved it off, already pulling on a clean T-shirt and jeans. "Nah, no need. We'll figure it out as we go. Just make sure all the tools are ready."

"Naturally. I've prepared everything in the garage."

"And also sir, I have an update regarding Captain Lennox and his team," Alfred announced.

"Go on, Alfred." said Sam calmly 

"After surviving the initial SOCCENT attack, Lennox and his men encountered another Decepticon threat. They were ambushed by a burrowing Decepticon capable of tracking and striking with high precision," Alfred reported, his tone low. "The ambush was highly aggressive, but Captain Lennox and his team managed to hold off the decepticon long enough for an air rescue. They are currently safe, and medical attention is being provided."

Sam absorbed the information with a nod, feeling a mixture of relief. "Good to hear they made it through."

"Yes, sir," Alfred replied. "It was a close encounter. However, the military was able to kill the decepticon before he could inflict severe casualties."

Sam sighed. "Thanks for the update, Alfred. Anything left behind of the decepticon"

"There was residual Decepticon debris left in the area, yes," Alfred confirmed. "Would you like me to initiate a clean-up?"

Sam nodded. "Send a couple of drones to sweep the area. Collect whatever pieces are left. Don't want any of that tech falling into the wrong hands—or worse, being tracked back here."

"Understood, sir. Dispatching drones now," Alfred replied.

Sam gave a thumbs-up to the ceiling as though Alfred could see him. "You're the best, Alfred." He paused, rubbing his hands together. "All right, time for breakfast."

As Sam grabbed a bowl of cereal from the kitchen, his mind raced with excitement about the day ahead. The thought of upgrading Bumblebee with new tech, plus finally completing the Iron Man suit that had taken months of development, sent an adrenaline surge through his veins. It was like living out his childhood dreams.

After scarfing down his breakfast, Sam hurried to the garage, where Bumblebee sat in his 1977 Camaro form, looking every bit the dusty classic. He placed a hand on the hood, giving the Autobot a friendly pat.

"Morning, Bee," Sam greeted, grinning.

Bumblebee responded by flicking through various radio stations until he settled on a cheery, static-filled voice saying, "Good morning!"

Sam chuckled at the response. "You and your radio voices, man," he said, shaking his head. "You know, we've got some big plans for you today. Alfred and I will be adding a few upgrades. Should be pretty cool."

Bumblebee's radio skipped a beat, flipping between channels before landing on one that played a shocked-sounding voice, "Upgrades?"

"Yeah, upgrades." Sam grinned wider. "I figured you could use a bit of a refresh. Plus, with all the action you're going to be seeing, I thought some new tech might help."

There was a brief pause, and then Bumblebee's radio switched to an enthusiastic voice saying, "I'm in!"

"Good. I knew you'd be up for it." Sam stepped back and stretched his arms. "Alfred, can you scan Bumblebee's systems again before we start? Just to make sure everything's still in good shape."

"Certainly, Master Sam," Alfred responded promptly.

A light hum filled the garage as a holographic display flickered to life over Bumblebee's chassis. The scan began, with Alfred projecting a detailed breakdown of Bumblebee's internal systems in glowing blue light. Every component was laid out in front of Sam's eyes, from the Autobot's alloy plating to the intricate systems controlling his transformation.

"Everything looks stable," Alfred commented, his voice calm. "Shall we proceed with the upgrades?"

Sam rubbed his hands together excitedly. "Yep, let's get started."

"All right, Bee. Here's what we're thinking," Sam said, stepping closer to the holographic display. "First off, we're going to apply a special anti-rust spray that not only protects you from rust but also increases your metal alloy's durability."

Alfred added, "This spray has been engineered to create a protective layer that will prevent oxidation and enhance the structural integrity of your frame. This will make your outer armor more resistant to physical damage and prevent rusting."

 Alfred and Sam had been developing this special alloy spray over the past few months. It was designed to prevent rust and dramatically increase the durability of Sams iron man suit at well as his other tech before he could figure out nano tech. Sam knows that durability meant survival and he had seen what rust could do to a cybertronian, so Sam wanted to make sure Bumblebee was as tough as they come.

Bumblebee's radio switched to a static-filled "Whooaaa!" that faded into a more relaxed tone, like he was impressed.Sam lifted the canister, pointing it at Bumblebee's frame.

As Sam sprayed the solution over Bumblebee's surface, the metal gleamed slightly, taking on a new sheen. It was almost as though Bumblebee's body was absorbing the spray, reinforcing his structure. The spray was designed to bond with the metal on a molecular level, making it stronger without adding any weight.

"Alfred, how's the application looking?" Sam asked as he moved around Bumblebee, coating every part of the Autobot's form.

"Flawless so far," Alfred replied. "The spray is bonding to his alloy as expected. Bumblebee's overall defense has increased by 35%. I project a significant improvement in his durability during combat scenarios."

"Nice," Sam said, smiling to himself. "That should keep you going for a while, Bee."

Bumblebee responded with a station playing a triumphant-sounding tune. "Thanks, Sam!"

"Don't thank me yet. We're just getting started."

The next upgrade was one Sam had been particularly excited about—plasma weapons. Working with Alfred, Sam had developed a set of plasma-based cannons that could shoot out energy beams without overheating. The best part? They barely used any energy, making them perfect for extended battles.

Sam pulled out the sleek, newly crafted cannons and showed them to Bumblebee. "Check these out, Bee. Plasma cannons. They're lightweight, powerful, and they don't overheat. You'll be able to shoot multiple energy beams without even breaking a sweat."

Bumblebee switched to a radio voice that echoed surprise. "Whoa. Plasma?"

"Yeah, I know. Pretty cool, right?" Sam grinned. "With these, you'll be able to take on just about anything anyone throws at you."

"These plasma weapons will significantly increase your offensive capabilities," Alfred explained. "The energy beams are versatile and cost-efficient in terms of power consumption, allowing you to fire at a higher rate without the need for cooldown periods."

Sam and Alfred worked together, attaching the plasma cannons to Bumblebee's arms. They integrated seamlessly into his structure, folding away when not in use but ready to deploy in an instant. The weapons hummed softly as Sam calibrated them, making sure they were synced with Bumblebee's internal systems.

" So How's that feel, Bee?" Sam asked as he stepped back to admire their work."

Bumblebee flicked through a few stations, settling on one that sounded impressed. "Feels great!"

Sam chuckled. "Glad to hear it. But we're not done yet."

The final upgrade was one of the most important—a chip that Alfred had designed to enhance Bumblebee's processing power. This would increase his reaction speed and allow him to transform faster, which could be the difference between life and death in a fight.

"Alfred, you ready to install the chip?" Sam asked, holding up the small, sleek device.

"Ready when you are, Master Sam," Alfred replied.

Sam carefully opened a panel on Bumblebee's chassis, revealing his inner circuitry. With Alfred's guidance, Sam inserted the chip into Bumblebee's processor, the device clicking into place. A soft glow emanated from Bumblebee as the chip powered up, syncing with his systems.

"All set," Sam said, closing the panel.

Bumblebee's radio flicked on again, this time with an upbeat voice. "That feels… faster."

"That's the idea," Sam said, standing back and crossing his arms. "Now you can process information quicker, react faster, and transform in the blink of an eye."

Bumblebee was silent for a moment, and then his radio crackled to life again, this time with a stunned voice. Bumblebee had spoken in his own voice—a voice he hadn't used since Megatron had destroyed his vocal processor. The soft, slightly raspy tone of Bumblebee's true voice filled the garage."Sam… I didn't have to use the radio."

Sam raised an eyebrow, a grin spreading across his face. "Yeah, I figured you'd notice that. Alfred and I also took the liberty of fixing your voice box."

Bumblebee's optics brightened in surprise. "My voice… I haven't heard it in years."

Sam shrugged, still smiling. "We saw it was damaged and figured we'd fix it for you. No big deal."

Bumblebee's voice, now unfiltered by radio stations, was filled with emotion as he spoke. "Thank you, Sam and Alfred… this means a lot."

Sam waved a hand dismissively. "Hey, don't worry about it. It's what friends do. Besides, we added a few more surprises. Why don't you scan yourself and see what else we did?"

Bumblebee's optics flickered as he scanned his new upgrades. After a moment, he let out a soft exclamation. "New weapons… enhanced processing power… you really outdid yourselves."

Sam and Alfred both chuckled. "Well, we figured if you're going to be my protector and fight alongside us, you might as well be the best-equipped cybertonian on the planet."

Bumblebee transformed into his car form, the sound of his shifting gears smooth and precise. He gleamed in the garage light, now looking like a brand-new 1977 Camaro. Sam couldn't help but admire the result of their work—Bumblebee still had his old-school charm, but now he was faster, stronger, and more durable than ever.

"So, what do you think?" Sam asked, patting Bumblebee's roof.

Bumblebee revved his engine, his voice coming through the speakers now, rich and full. "I think… I'm ready for anything."

Sam grinned. "Glad to hear it." He looked over at Alfred's holographic form, which hovered nearby. "Nice work, Alfred."

"Thank you, Master Sam. It was a team effort," Alfred replied modestly.

Sam turned back to Bumblebee, his excitement still bubbling over. "So, Bee, what do you say? Want to go for a ride?"

Bumblebee's doors swung open invitingly, and his voice echoed through the garage. "Let's ride."

Sam laughed, jumping into the driver's seat. "You read my mind."

As the engine roared to life and Bumblebee sped out of the garage, Sam couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. They had just made Bumblebee stronger, faster, and smarter, and this was just beginning of this real adventure he Sam was about to embark on.

With a powerful ally at his side and Alfred in his ear, Sam was ready for whatever the universe would throw at them next.

hope you guys enjoy the chapter !!!! give me those power stones 

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