

"Sandra Wu San?" someone called out and the mentioned person rose from the seat. She was an Asian woman, 1.87m tall, sharp features and even sharper eyes. She was wearing a white t-shirt and black shorts with SHIELD logo on them. "You are up for weapons testing. Go to the designated spot and start." Sandra nodded before walking into the warehouse. At the door, she was given the chance to pick a weapon to use. She looked at the assault rifles, hand guns, sub machines and cold weapons before chosing.

"That's quite an unorthodox choice," the proctor said as he looked at the two batons, a taser and dagger she had decided to do the test with.

"They will be the best way to show you people my worth," she said. The proctor just shrugged, closed the weapons cases then walked into his observation booth.

"Weapons examination will start in ten seconds. Everyone involved get ready," the proctor's voice was heard through speakers all over the warehouse. A countdown clock appeared behind her starting from ten seconds. Once it got to zero, all the lights in the warehouse dimmed. It was time for her to start her test.

The test was quite simple, all she had to do was take down all the targets inside the warehouse. The only issue was that the warehouse was a maze and that the targets had hostages. If she was spotted, the hostages would be 'killed'. If she took too long, the hostages would be 'killed'. If she ran in with no plan, the hostages would be 'killed'. With the lights dimmed to a level normal human eyes would find it hard to see, this was quite impossible without the level of training needed.

"This would have taken a long time if I did not have observation haki," she laughed. She activated the haki and immediately, the entire warehouse inner structure was all in her mind. She could see where each and every person was and the smirk on her face became even more pronounced.

Armed with her taser, she took off, quiet as a breeze. Her focus on the targets, pursuing them like a predator, even the proctor who was watching her using thermal image had chills just watching her stalk. The way she moved was too frightening and at the same time too awesome if the one watching was not the one been stalked. He saw her reach the first two targets, patrols. They had night vision goggles on so they were quite cocky about finding her. But they never even saw her figure as she appeared between them.

Sandra chopped the first right on his throat, making his gasp and lose his breath and voice. At the same time, the taser in her other hand brought his friend unconscious with an unintelligent grunts of pain. The first target received a kick onto his left temple that brought him to Dreamland and just like a ghost, she was gone before he even hit the floor.

'That was excellent,' the proctor thought as he wrote on his notepad.

Sandra went on dropping the sentries like flies to an extent it was quite unbelievable. Armed with only a taser, they were unconscious without even knowing how. Her legs, hands and even head were used as weapons yet the only outcome was unconsciousness. In one minute, all the sentries were down, bringing an all new record to SHIELD and now she was headed to where the hostages were been kept.

'What will you do now?' the proctor asked himself as he watched her approach the room. It only had one entrance and exit, with no windows, the air vents were too small for her to crawl in and most of the guns were trained onto the only door.

Sandra could see them all and just shook her head playfully. She then went back and looted all the unconscious targets, took their grenades, put them all together in a wall before pulling the pin on one of them. Quickly, she ran back to the entrance and when she arrived, the grenades exploded, breaking the wall with the excessive shockwave and debris throwing everyone in the room to the ground, disorienting them all.

Sandra took this chance, kicked down the door, batons in hand. She regulated her overwhelming strength as she charged at the recovering targets and started a one sided beat down. With each swing of her batons, there was an unconscious person left behind. None of them could react to her speed, even if they were not recovering from the grenades exploding in close proximity. Soon, all of them were down and she was helping the hostages to their feet, releasing them from their binds.

"Scenario's over!" the proctor's voice was heard once again before the lights were brightened once again. Immediately, Sandra was taken aback when she found out that two of the hostages were actually Nick Fury and Clint Barton. She quickly got into attention as required.

"That was an amazing display," Nick said as he slow clapped. "What is your name, cadet?"

"Sandra Wu San, sir," she answered with no hesitation.

"Clint, how well can you describe her?" Nick asked the best marksman in the agency.

"Fast, silent, deadly and definitely lethal," Clint said while eyeing her. He didn't know why but this young lady gave her the hives. His entire being told him she was incredibly dangerous and that he stood no chance. In fact, she was the reason he brought Nick Fury here, so that the man can judge her as well.

"Tell me, Cadet Sandra Wu San, how would you like a direct ticket into the agency?" Nick asked with a smile. Sandra knew this was a test but she did not have anything to lose if she lost.

"I'ld like it very much," she said without saying too much. Nick nodded before turning to Clint. By this time, they were the only three inside the room which made Sandra realize that Nick might have planned this already.

"Alright then. This is Agent Clint Barton, the best marksman in the agency and also a decent fighter. If you can defeat him in a one on one, you will be accepted inside," Nick said, giving Barton a hefty pat on the back. Barton sighed heavily, the feeling of being doomed looming inside his head. Somehow, he knew fighting her would not be a good idea.

"I'll be in your care," Sandra said politely, giving Barton a polite bow before she got in a karate stance.