
I am Karna (fanfic)

Fanfic about Karna. Not from anime, but from Mahābhārat. I may take some creative liberties. Even those who knows nothing about Mahābhārat can read it. I'll try to make sure to the best of my capabilities. For Sanskrut words, I've used IAST alphabets system.

JoJo_Soni · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
16 Chs

Chapter 3 - Proposal

The Kingdom of Gāndhār nestled in the northwest of Bhārat, its image as an impenetrable fortress bolstered by the surrounding mountainous terrain. 

Yet, such rugged beauty came with its own trials; life here was harsh, and resources limited. 

But the legacy crafted by the Kings of Gāndhār endured the tests of nature and time. Consider the resilience of the warriors dwelling in this treacherous expanse. 

Though their numbers were few, anyone would think twice before challenging the Gāndhār Naresh and his army.

Within the palace hall, that Gāndhār Naresh, flanked by ministers and sons, awaited an esteemed guest. As they anticipated the visitor, the weight of yesterday's discourse in the royal court lingered in the king's thoughts.


"What could be his intent? Is he preparing for battle?"

"He brings an army, so it seems he's here to fight!"

"Remember, he's a force alone. The army might merely accompany him."

"Why not strike first? We're not cowards! Surprise could grant us victory."

An elder minister intervened sharply, "Hush! The youth forgets his triumphs. They made the same error in Kāshi. Look where it led them."

Another added, "Indeed. He even vanquished his Teacher. Need I say more about his prowess?"

Silence settled in the hall until the Gāndhār Naresh's eldest son Śakuni sought permission to speak.

"If I may have the permission, can I give my opinion, father?" He asked politely.

King just nodded without uttering a word.

"It is said that one moment of patience may ward off great disaster. One moment of impatience may ruin a whole life. Attacking when the other party hasn't shown any clear intention of war would be a foolish act.

"He is a righteous man who follows the dharma. He isn't the kind of man to start a war on a whim.

"Also, neither is our kingdom close enough to his to have war with nor do we have any kind of animosity.

"So I suggest let's just welcome him and see what is his intention for this visit." 

After saying so, Śakuni bowed to the king once again and sat down on his chair.

"Well said," King gave a satisfactory smile and said, "Prime minister, make preparations to welcome our guest and show him our great hospitality."


The ministers were murmuring to each other with gentle tension, curiosity, and anticipation. 

Suddenly, the air grew tense as the guard's announcement pierced the room,


All present straightened, the atmosphere shifting as Bhishma strode in with dominant steps. Towering, his demeanor exuded strength matching the responsibility of a vast kingdom. His long white beard belied his robust physique, and only his age betrayed bygone years.

His strides resonated with dominance as Bhishma entered. Towering above, his presence commanded the space, embodying the responsibility of a vast kingdom. A white beard adorned his robust physique, a stark contrast to his ageless vigor.

The Gāndhār Naresh hastened toward him, extending a gracious greeting, "Namaste, Lord Bhishma. Welcome to this humble palace of mine. What a blessing to have you as my guest. Please, come. Have a seat."

Bhishma reciprocated with a nod of respect, "Namaste, Gāndhār Naresh. It is my honor to come here to this great land and visit you. I hope my sudden visit was no problem."

A hearty laugh erupted from the Gāndhār Naresh, "Hahaha! Would one complain if Brahmā were to bestow a boon out of nowhere? Your visit is a great blessing to my small kingdom. Why would that be a problem?"

Bhishma responded with a knowing smile.

"Please, have a seat, Lord Bhishma," the Gāndhār Naresh said, gesturing to the main 'chair.' A momentary astonishment flickered across the king's face before diplomacy prevailed, mirrored by the other ministers.

A maid approached with a vessel of water and flower petals, placing it at Bhishma's feet. Other maids brought fruits and water, yet Bhishma only sipped water, untouched by the fruits. Meanwhile, his discerning gaze observed the king and his ministers.

Amidst this, Bhishma raised his foot, signaling the maid to remove his footwear—Pādukā. His feet submerged in the flower-scented water, tenderly washed and dried with a soft cloth.

Whispering instructions to the maid, Bhishma dismissed her. The remaining maids stood poised against the wall, awaiting further directives.

Gāndhār Naresh, under the gaze of Bhishma's striking yet silent eyes, felt compelled to initiate conversation, "I hope you had a smooth journey to my kingdom."

Bhishma replied with a stoic smile, "Yes, there was no problem."

A minister seized the opportunity to extol Bhishma, "Is there anything in this world that can trouble Lord Bhishma? Even Himālayās will step aside and grant him passage."

"Actually, there is a matter troubling me at present," Bhishma admitted. "I hope Gāndhār Naresh can aid in resolving this issue."

"Trouble you?" Gāndhār Naresh inquired, concern etched on his face, "Is Mother Satyavati's health well? Please, tell me how I can assist. The Gāndhār kingdom won't let you leave disappointed."

"Mother's health is good," Bhishma paused, "but her concern for her grandson troubles her. A mother's worry for her son's future is doubled for her grandsons. I hope you can alleviate this worry."

The Gāndhār Naresh understood where the conversation was heading and began pondering the situation.

"My nephew has completed his studies and will soon become the King of Hastināpur. We wish for the lotus of Gāndhār to be his life partner." Bhishma's request hung in the air.

The room buzzed with anticipation as Gāndhār Naresh mulled over Bhishma's proposal, seeking a way to forge a powerful alliance.

"As I said, I won't let you depart disheartened," a wide smile graced Gāndhār Naresh's face. "It would be an honor for my daughter to wed into such an esteemed house."

The joyous energy in the room surged as Bhishma and Gāndhār Naresh stood, exchanging a tight hug, celebrating the union of two families.

"In that honor," Bhishma announced, clapping his hands twice.

The door swung open, revealing Bhishma's attendants carrying plates laden with gems, gold coins, clothes, and treasures.

"A small gift from my mother to the future queen of Hastināpur," Bhishma offered with a genial smile.

Gāndhār Naresh nodded, directing the servants, "Take this great news and the gifts to Princess Gāndhāri."

"My son, Śakuni," Gāndhār Naresh introduced to Bhishma, "Gāndhāri is his dearest sister."

Śakuni stepped forward, acknowledging Bhishma and his father before expressing, "I would like to deliver this news to my sister firsthand if you would allow."

"You may go," Gāndhār Naresh consented, watching Śakuni leave. However, a whispered exchange between father and son lingered, catching Bhishma's attention.

With a gaze fixed on Bhishma, Gāndhār Naresh refocused on the conversation. He knew he had to prolong Bhishma's stay and fortify ties between their kingdoms.


This chapter is still incomplete so i'll try to post other half of the chapter soon.

This was supposed to be 1500 words long half chapter, but after editing it has gotten too short. But can't write much at this moment. I may merge them later on if it feels too short.

DON'T EXPECT OTHER CHAPTERS. WHO KNOWS WHEN I MAY WRITE THEM. I'll tell you more about this in next chapter's notes