
I Am Invincible

Travel to the fairy tail world and get the sign-in system. Dragon Slayer Magic, Protoss Magic, Super Magic, and all other types of magic have all been learned. Since then, Dino has become the strongest in the Fairy Tail world. Makarov: “Ah! I’m really old, and it’s time to hand over the guild to Dino. He is much stronger than me.” Jeff: “It turns out that in addition to my brother Natsu, Dino is strong enough to kill me!” Akunorokia: “Too strong, how could Dino be countless times stronger than me!” Miraj: “Alara, Dino is indeed my man, and he is indeed the most powerful.” I only deal with translation, the book is not mine

Amanda_Botelho_Fre · Tranh châm biếm
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182 Chs

Chapter 85: Stupid Gajeel Kiss.

"Dino, am I made by you?"

When going to look for others, An An sat in her arms and asked.

"No, the specific explanation is not clear, but I can be sure that you did not come from Edolas, and the time is not correct." Dino said.

An An nodded her head and thought it made sense.


The two of them went to a new place.

At this moment, Lucy is also rescued by her Celestial Spirit.

"How is it possible, the entire city and guild are absorbed in, is this true?" Lucy asked.

Mystogan walked slowly: "Yes, another parallel world, the Anima developed by Edolas, turned the entire city and guild into magic crystals for absorption."

At this time.

"Sexy Lucy Yo~Mystogan Kiss~Are you talking about this Gold Edolas, or this Silver Edolas, or this Edolas with no magic in it?"

Dino's voice sounded again.

The blanket floated from a distance, and Dino had an apparition in front of him.

There are three phantoms that point to another world.

"Dino, you didn't even get absorbed."

Mystogan was shocked.

He knew about the same people in the entire guild, but he couldn't see anything about Dino.

At this moment, he was able to stay the same as Lucy, which shows that he is also quite mysterious.

In addition, "Jellal kiss of a world ~ I am also a Dragon Slayer, of course I can't be absorbed in, can't you see such a cute An An?" Dino said.

Mystogan's pupils tightened, and he didn't expect Dino to point out his identity.

And Lucy was still a little confused.

Can't figure out what's going on here!

"Open your mouth!"

Dino whispered, and a weird little pill in his hand jumped into Lucy's mouth.

"Hmm, what did you feed me, Brother Dino!" Lucy asked.

It feels a little sweet.

Other than that, not much has changed.

"A pill that allows you to use magic in the world of Edolas, where your mission is to rescue our companions! Right, Mystogan?" Dino answered.

Mystogan nodded seriously.

His eyes kept on Dino, to be honest, he now felt that Dino was even more mysterious!

"Let's go!"

Dino immediately waved his hands together at Lucy.

Her whole body flew out and rushed into the passage that had not disappeared!

"Who the hell are you! How could there be such a thing.

Mystogan was curious.

The pills that know who they are, who they are, and who know the things of another world.

No matter how you look at it, you can't be an ordinary person.

"It's not important, it's not bad for you anyway, I'll go find Gajeel next, and I'll go in after I send him in, don't delay, see you Edolas!"

Dino waved and rushed in the direction of Gajeel.

And Mystogan didn't ask any further questions, and walked towards other places, intending to finally confirm that no one was there before going in.

far away.

In a clearing, Gajeel scratched his head and looked around in a daze.

"What exactly is going on!

Gajeel couldn't understand, a special power had appeared before, and when he woke up, the whole city disappeared.

No buildings, no humans, everything is dead silent.

"Stupid Gajeel Kiss~ Are you looking for this golden cat, or this silver cat, or this little black cat?"

At this time.

Dino's figure also appeared, holding three cat pendants of different colors in his hands.

"Are you interesting?"

Gajeel's entire face darkened, looking at the three hangers in Dino's hands and getting angry.

Murder and kill!

I do this on purpose knowing I don't have a kitten.

"So interesting!"

Dino grinned, reached out and threw a small bottle directly at him.

"The passage in the sky is the passage to the parallel world Edolas, and everyone in the entire city is drawn into it and condensed into a magic crystal state.

The dragon slayer magic can restore the people in the magic crystal, and the contents in the small bottle can be used by people in the other world.

Now you, the Dragon Slayer, have a heavy responsibility to rescue them with the hope of the guild!"

Dino waved his hand like a master.

Gajeel's eyebrows.

Look at the small bottle in his hand, and then look at the passage in the air.

Or choose to believe.

"But...how do I get in?" Gajeel asked.

Dino suddenly revealed an expression of sudden realization: "Forget you don't have a cat, you can't fly up!"

Gajeel has a black face!

... ask for flowers 00

Do it on purpose!

You absolutely did it on purpose!

If I can't beat you, I will beat you!

"Okay, I'll take you there!

Dino smacking his lips.

Swipe right hand pointing into the air.

Then point to Gajeel for an upward pick action to put Gajeel in!


Perfectly bagged!

"Dino Park!" yawned a little sleepily.

Seeing the passage that was about to disappear, he jumped up and jumped into another world.

"Looks like Dino is in too!"

Mystogan muttered to himself as he watched Dino fly in.

Sweep the city that has disappeared and no longer look for it, time is waiting for no one.

If he delayed any longer, he wouldn't be able to get in.

It also flew up and flew towards another world.



A world that has no magic power and can only fight with items containing magic power.

There are the same people in this world.

Personality is the exact opposite.

The sky is very clear.

Islands of different sizes are suspended in mid-air.

Several strangely shaped birds spread their wings and fly in the sky.

The river swam upstream as if losing its gravity, and from time to time a fish or two jumped out of it.

"This is Edolas?"

An An looked at the new sky in Dino's arms.

His eyes were full of longing.

"The magic power in this world is really rare. Fortunately, my magic power is strong enough, otherwise, I will be exhausted after a little fight."

Dino murmured.

I also wondered if there was another self in this world.

where do you live?

Belong to a powerful enemy or a weak inhabitant!

Or also in the Fairy Tail guild?

However, what makes Dino the most happy is that he can give it a shot in this world.

"Dino, where are we going now?"

An An Nuo Nuo asked on the blanket.

Blankets are magic tools.

With the help of Dino's magic power, it naturally won't fall off.

"Go to the Fairy Tail guild in this world!"

Dino made his decision without thinking.

He also needs to go to the guild to brush a presence.

By the way, wait until Erza the Goblin Hunter shows up and fight her. zero,