
I Am Invincible

Travel to the fairy tail world and get the sign-in system. Dragon Slayer Magic, Protoss Magic, Super Magic, and all other types of magic have all been learned. Since then, Dino has become the strongest in the Fairy Tail world. Makarov: “Ah! I’m really old, and it’s time to hand over the guild to Dino. He is much stronger than me.” Jeff: “It turns out that in addition to my brother Natsu, Dino is strong enough to kill me!” Akunorokia: “Too strong, how could Dino be countless times stronger than me!” Miraj: “Alara, Dino is indeed my man, and he is indeed the most powerful.” I only deal with translation, the book is not mine

Amanda_Botelho_Fre · Anime & Comics
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182 Chs

Chapter 84: Cute little Wendy kisses you for this golden guild

this day.

The rain murmured, and the torrent-like rain fell from the sky.

Wet the streets.

It landed on the houses, and from a distance it seemed that the houses were wearing a layer of raincoats.

The weather was muggy.

Everyone in the guild was in a deep sleep and couldn't get up.

"It's raining really hard."

Such "heavy rain also feels very boring and panic, and I can't get my spirits up to work.

Levy and Lucy sat and danced boredly together.

Juvia sat beside Dino and looked at him sideways, chin resting.

Wendy and Carla and Ann and "Happy", went out and didn't know what to do.

Cana was still dizzy from drinking the wine.

"Speaking of which, Dino, why didn't you sleep today, do you think it's depressing to sleep in this weather?" Lucy asked.

Dino, however, shook his head with a smile on his face.

He reached out and took out a pair of cards from his body and said leisurely: "As soon as I divination, something very interesting will happen, and if I go to sleep, maybe I will miss it or maybe I will miss it.

"Really? I don't know what it is." Lucy was curious.

"Brother Dino~ I heard that you have a lot of Celestial Spirit keys in your hand?"

Suddenly thinking of something, 700 Qing also patted her face.

Dino raised an eyebrow and nodded.

"The man of the Oracion Seis codenamed Angel has three Zodiac signs in his hand, and a Virgo Celestial Spirit."

It's a bit of a shame to think about the Celestial Spirit Magic Dino too.

He owns the zodiac sign Celestial Spirit, but he can't use the zodiac sign.

It's obviously Celestial Spirit Magic, but it just feels ridiculous.

All the Celestial Spirit keys in his hand so far have been hidden away.

"Brother Dino, you are so strong and you don't need to use such a weak Celestial Spirit, why don't you leave it to me? You can say a few small conditions!" Lucy winked.

Dino's big white teeth leaked out with a smile on his face.

"The Celestial Spirit key can still be used by you, but let's talk about it, it's just for you, and you have to give it to me if I want it in the future, you know?" Dino responded.

In fact, the Celestial Spirit key is also good for Lucy.

The main thing is that he often goes to Lucy's house to rest these days.

It's really not good for Bai Zeng to be so shameless all the time.

In addition, the strength of the twelve constellations is too weak, and there is no improvement in his strength at all.

"Ah? Really? I knew you were the best, brother landlord!

Lucy was overjoyed (bgaa).

She didn't expect it to be so smooth, and for a while she felt that it would be more generous for Brother Dino to go to sleep at his own house in the future.

"Yeah! This landlord brother! It works well, I like it very much!"

Dino happily stretched out his hand and threw it to him.

Then count the time.

Lucy's contract started immediately after he got the Celestial Spirit key.

Dino watched silently.

Especially Lucy's little face is really handsome.


heavily clouded.

The air was sultry and hot, which made many people quite bored.

In the sky.

The dark clouds struck, forming a swirling eye of the typhoon suspended above the guild.

The whole sky is darkened!

The wind howled.

The blackness of the sky was swept away by the eye of the typhoon, and a huge change appeared in the entire sky.

The rain continued to fall.

With a whistling like wind, a black hole appeared in the middle of the eye of the typhoon.

at this time.

The entire guild building was absorbed by the twisted suction!

Disappear before your eyes when you want.

The entire Magnolia Town turned into nothingness!

Unknown bubbles floated up one by one, and the endless plain was devoid of any human breath.

Buildings, humans, stone bricks, everything is reduced to nothingness.

Wendy couldn't let go of the city that disappeared!

"How could the whole city disappear!

Wendy's eyes were full of despair, with a strong look of shock.

"Is anyone here?"

"In the end what happened?"

"Someone... Huh? Why am I the only one here?"

Wendy slumped to the ground.

Eyes filled with mist, murmurs and loneliness abounded.

"The city and the guild have disappeared. Why is it only me!!"


Wendy's eyes were shrouded in shadows.

Sitting cross-legged on a blanket Dino floats slowly.

"Cute little Wendy meow~ Are you looking for this gold guild, this silver guild, or this Fairy Tail guild?"

Dino asked three different colored guild sharpeners floating in front of him.

"Brother Dino, woohoo~ the guild and the city have disappeared, I thought I thought I would never see you again!"

Wendy was crying.

Dino grinned and got off the blanket, touching Wendy's little head and grinning.

"Relax, everyone didn't disappear, just went to a mysterious place!" Dino said.

At this time.

A large bag bulged in the ground beside him.

Wendy took Dino's hand and looked over there a little scared.


Natsu emerged from the ground and looked around in confusion.

"What's going on here!?"

Wendy immediately shouted, "Natsu, you were also left behind!"

Natsu stood up and scratched his head, feeling very strange: "What was left, where is this place? Why did it change when I slept, how about everyone?"

Dino immediately introduced the two of them.

We "were where the guild resided, and it was just absorbed into another world by a super-warp magic called "Anima"," Dino said.

"What? Another world? Dino, are you sleepy?" Natsu was shocked.

Immediately stepped forward and touched Dino's head to help take the temperature!

However, Dino rolled his eyes: "Go, go, let Carla tell you specifically that only Dragon Slayer is left, and the next task for you two is to let "Happy" and Carla fly you up, and then you can go to another world to rescue Edolas ·Partners!"


At this time Carla and Ann and "Happy" also flew from a distance.

"I'm from the Edolas parallel world, so should Ann and "Happy"!" Carla said.

Then Dino just shook his head.

"You're wrong about this, although An An and you are of the same race, they didn't come from another world.

Carla raised her pretty eyebrows.

She wanted to refute, but she also knew that 80% of Dino wouldn't believe it.

However, Dino explained directly: "An'an was made by me, and it is completely different from you. For example, she can use dressing magic, transformation magic, wing magic and other types of magic. Your Edolas kittens will not do this. kind of magic.

Carla was silent.

If you think about it, it is true, although An An is very cute.

But also super strong.

"Okay, no more nonsense, you go over there, I'm going to find other people, especially Gajeel, he doesn't have a cat." Dino didn't explain anymore.

He waved his hand, sat on the blanket, held An An and left, drifting towards other places.

Here Carla and "Happy" briefly explain to Natsu and Wendy.

He also took two people and flew towards the passage that had not completely disappeared in the air.