
This Guy

Damien kept one smirking as he could feel the constant glances of Robin The poole surrounding him were talking about how this mysterious restaurant came to existence and their weird invites.

Of course none of them knew it was he that own it. Sime of them were trying to seek his favor but he just ignored them and kept that eye in Robin.

"mm" he excused himself from the crowd and went to a dark corner, he noticed a waiter called Robin to the man with the biggest female scandals.

Robin went to the man table and they started talking but he could feel they weren't talking about the restaurant or the ambience. That old fool tried to touch Robin's thighs but she quickly ducked and a look of anger seethed in her eyes.

His lips curved up as he watched their little exchange, he couldn't hear a bit but was satisfied with their expression.

He watched the lady beside the man stood up and took Robin unaware landing two successful slap on her cheek turning it to bright red.

"tch" he clocked his tongue a little disappointed at Robin" I can believe this enemy of mine got slapped unaware.. is it only me she hate?" His expression darken at that thought but he quickly shook it off when he saw Robin hold the woman hand mid air.

Robin said something and dropped the lady's hand but yet again another set of slaps landed on her cheek, same cheek, this time Robin spat blood out.

Damien took out his phone and called Aaron.

"hello sir?" Aaron answered.

"I want you to strengthen Thomas Barns the one with scandals, I want you to give him more power" Damien hung up immediately, at least that way he can torment Robin more.

Robin bowed and left she came back with two security guards.

"clear them they are causing a ruckus" Robin pointed at the two guests.

He could hear their voices now as the music stopped playing and they weren't talking in hushed tone.

" yes ma'am" The security pointed towards the door for the Mr Thomas and the lady.

" This is incredulous..how can this lower class do this?.. I will make sure to report to your boss" Mr Thomas yelled his eyes coming to settle at Damien bit the latter just fired him a nasty look his eyes telling him not to dare reveal his identity as the boss.

Damien eyes moved to the front door and he zeroed in on the guest that just entered.

Dressed in white tuxedo and with the gold wristwatch dangling in his hand, his leather shoe clinking on the floor elegantly and a gentle aura cloaking there was this aura cloaking him which Damien can't quite understand.

" arghh!" Damien gritted his teeth,it was that guy from the garage calling Robin that night" who is he?...and what is he doing here?"

He walked over to where Robin stood and no one still noticed his presence.

"Then I will give this restaurant a bad review" Mr Thomas.

m.. m.. Mr Benjamin" Mr Thomas stuttered his legs shaking at the sight of the guy.

" Mr Thomas it has been just two weeks when the company quieted down a molesting case for you and you want another... from rape to physical abuse to stealing money.. mmm.. you need to visit my office tomorrow and let's talk about your termination of contract" The guy gave the man a cool smile but everyone slightly shudders at it.

Damien wondered who was he that he got this respect and fear.

Mr Thomas left and the lady was thrown out after many protest and apologies, the manager gave a quick glance at him and he nodded.

The people were a little afraid of the guy and didn't bother to come close to him.

" are you okay Robin?" the guy gently touched her shoulder his former ceo aura hidden and gentleness replaced it while he checked around the girl's body for any mark he haven't checked her face yet.

Robin smiled gently and Damien checked again.

'is that girl smiling?'he raised an eyebrow.

Zach glanced at everyone in the room and it fell on Damien a little longer before helping Robin to her desk.

"was that suppose to be threatening?" Damien scoffed at how 'the guy' had a face like telling them not one scandal on the tabloids.

Picking up his phone again, Damien called Aaron.

" I need you to check all the invitation list a give me the names of those I haven't invited" Damien ordered and hung up.

He shifted his gaze back to Robin and the guy and he could have sworn he saw Robin. giving out her real smile although small.

"are they a couple?" Damien raised an eyebrow at this question. He was sure throughout all the time he and Robin became enemies not one single smile has adorned her face but here she is giving out smiles to a stranger.

It's not like he is better than him anyway, from his aura too although it's strong but Damien's one is on another level.

His eyes travelled back to Robin and the guy and he saw that 'the guy' had left leaving Robin all alone.

Damien strode over to her side when he was sure that nobody would look there.

" hope miss Red is alright? I saw she got slapped four times without been able to do anything, it must have hurt really much cause you look like a rotten eggplant" Damien pointed to her lips smirking.

"oh..sir worries about this rotten eggplant too much..my boyfriend tool care of me perfectly that I don't need worries from a stranger" Robin gave a sweet smile but her eyes was cold and blazing hatred" besides I should worry about you more sir" Robin pointed to the crook of his neck.

Damien glanced down at it and gritted his teeth at the glaring hickey there, Vanessa had given him that this afternoon but he didn't know it was showing that much.

"I am so sorry I forgot to tell you earlier when I saw it...I had expected someone to because I am sure everyone saw it" Robin smirked.

" ah yes my darling angel the only one in my heart, she..." Damien couldn't finish as Robin interrupted him.

" my shift is up sir..good night sir and have a lot of fun.. my boyfriend is waiting for me" Robin left smirking while Debbie replaced her.

Damien's finger twitched and he caught his lower lip between his teeth.

'this girl!'