
Got Slapped Twice

Robin glance at the dining room for the umpteenth time, every one was socializing and eating away in merriment.

Damien was surrounded by people that are trying to bootlick him maybe just maybe they can get his favor but the guy just kept on smiling like what they were saying doesn't concern him.

Robin couldn't hear what they were saying at that distance so she gave up and relax instead monitoring the time so she can get off work and prepare dinner for Zach and visit her old apartment to get her remaining stuff.

A waiter walked up to her" Miss Red mr Thomas is calling for you" he delivered his message.

"and why will that old geezer call me?" Robin wrinkled her face in anger.

The waiter shrugged his shoulders and leave.

Robin got up from her desk to heed the really really annoying call.

"hello Mr Thomas I hope you are enjoying your stay here?" she gave him a small smile.

" it all depends on you dear" Mr Thomas extended his hand to touch her legs but she shifted slightly away from his dirty reach.

" come on I thought you want led me to enjoy my stay just a little touch that's all?" Mr Thomas flashed a dirty smile at Robin a lady young enough to be his last grandchild.

" sir please refrain from doing this it's against the rules" Robin's smiled got wider and she clenched her teeth inside.

" then after work I can have you all to myself" he proclaimed.

Robin eyes grew slightly wide as he said those words like she belonged to him" sir in work and after work your filthy hands can't touch me" she said it quietly so no one could hear but the man and the lady still hugging him.

"what?" Mr Thomas frowned his face in anger

"oh sorry... I forgot you need your hearing aid should I say it a bit louder?" Robin's smile turn to a smirk.

"are you talking to me the one and only Thomas Barns" He puffed up his chest proudly.

" I could have just sworn I mistook you for the real one and only Thomas Barns" Robin smiled again because she could feel some eyes on them.

" you brat!.. don't you know who is the number one" The lady clinging to him finally talked her high pitched voice really hurt Robin's eardrums.

" oh... you mean he is urine but I don't need to urinate right now" Robin shook her head" if he is urine then you must be the..."

Pak! A tight slap landed in Robin's face before she could complete her sentence.

Robin didn't have the time to process it as the lady administered another slap on the same cheek.

' woah, I can even taste the blood' Robin rubbed her cheek.

Everyone was now looking at them, their hot receptionist just got slapped twice they couldn't help but pity her but without knowing what she did to deserve the slap they wouldn't interfere.

The lady raised up her land to give another slap but Robin held it mid air digging her nails into it in which people can't see it.

"am sorry but it's against the rules to do so and I will politely ask you to leave and your guest" Robin smiled as she enjoyed the lady squirming in her grip.

" ahh!... let go you b*tch" She tried to pry Robin's grip on her hand.

" oh... such words are not allowed too at least to the employees" Robin dropped the lady hand as she made sure she didn't give her a mark.

As soon as she let go she received another set of two slaps.

Robin placed her thumb on her lips wiping the blood away, staring at the blood she clenched her teeth angrily.

Robin bowed slightly and went to get some security officers "clear them they are causing a ruckus" she ordered pointing at the Mr Thomas and the lady.

" yes ma'am" The security pointed towards the door for the Mr Thomas and the lady.

" This is incredulous..how can this lower class do this?.. I will make sure to report to your boss" Mr Thomas yelled.

Damien glared at him from the corner he stood at his expression telling him' don't you dare try to come to me'

Mr Thomas fisted his hand as he can't complain to Damien " then I will give this restaurant a bad review"

" A bad review on what?.. trying to molest a lady and psychical abuse from your guest" Zach cool voice echoed behind Robin and she relaxed.

Dressed in a white tuxedo and green inner shirt matching his emerald eyes, adjusting his gold wristwatch and that neatly combed hair ruffled to the side, his face alone gathered attention to him talked of that ceo aura he was emitting.

"m.. m.. Mr Benjamin" Mr Thomas stuttered his legs shaking at the sight of his boss.

" Mr Thomas it has been just two weeks when the company quieted down a molesting case for you and you want another... from rape to physical abuse to stealing money.. mmm.. you need to visit my office tomorrow and let's talk about your termination of contract" Zach gave the man a cool smile but everyone slightly shudders at it

Mr Thomas left and the lady was thrown out after many protest and apologies.

The people steered clear from him and a little wonder why he fired Mr Thomas. There had been plenty lawsuits against the man but the company just backed him up and didn't say anything even though he was slowly ruining their reputation but what made the director of Benjamin corp that pissed off that he will fire him.

The director rarely showed his face in public and when he did it was always to help someone but not fire someone.

" Are you okay Robin?" Zach asked touching her shoulder gently his green circles checking all over her body for even a single scratch.

"am fine just a minor bruise" Robin shook her head.

"where?" Zach finally looked up and he saw her lower lips at the left cheek side turning blue" come let's go treat it"

"yes.. their eyes are drilling holes at my back" Robin gave a quick glance around sending a small smile to everyone but with her eyes telling them not one scandal must surface about she and Zach.

Zach too gave a look around and nodded, he knew nobody would dare create a scandal about he openly caring for Robin an ordinary receptionist at a restaurant. None of it would hurt him but all will hold Robin for it.

Quickly walking back to her desk,Robin smiled at Zach.

"thanks but I still have half an hour more of work so I will tend to it later" Robin smiled" I didn't know those people respect you that much"

" those people are just trying to curry favor from me" Zach waved them away" are you sure you don't want to get off work now.. I can have it arranged"

"I am super duper sure Zach.. don't worry you will personally tend to it" Robin tried to give a bigger smile but winced in pain.

"hmm" Zach signed in defeat " okay, I will wait for you in the car" he turned to leave.

" Zach" Robin called him back" nice outfit"

"thanks" Zach smiled and leave.